
Day Breakers

Ishmeet_Singh_6284 · Action
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3 Chs

chapter 2: who is he?

As soon as his eyeballs rolled down, he realized that in that instant, somebody had put a blade, with its tip touching Ichiki's neck. it was the same hand that was lying like dead a while ago. From the man's long hood covering his face, a glaze from his crystal yellow eye made ichiki even more terrified. Ichiki used his kendo skills he had learned by his father and his kendo teacher to fight back. He grabs the man's wrist and twists it, only to find out that within that split second, that man had already put the blade at the same point of his neck "how is he that strong?" ichiki wondered with his trembling inside voice. By the time he would do anything else, the man already putted his blade down. "what's happening?" Ichiki cried to himself, when the man started to speak. "that mark". Ichiki and that man stared at his hand. "are yo- "ichiki punched then man's jaw and sprinted all the way to his school. The school was nothing normal than the normal routine of him, but still Ichiki couldn't stop thinking about who was the man, and why was he asking about that mark? "this mark was formed when a I got my hand under that hot iron thing when I was four, how could this mean anything?" Ichiki wondered. "anyways, let's forget about that and focus on our classes" Ichiki talked to himself. As the classes ended, Ichiki was packing his bag up when he heard "hey, waasup?" as ichiki turned around, Haoto and Emiko were standing. They all used to walk home together sometimes, but Ichiki had to go practice kendo for his upcoming match, so he couldn't. "were going to the game room, right?" said Haoto. "yeah I will show you both how we push our ranks today" said Emiko. Haoto and Ichiki were close friends from the very beginning. He used to feed Ichiki when he did not had enough money. Emiko met Ichiki when they both were eight. She used to stay with Ichiki when he was alone and used they both used to play together. "I gotta prepare for my upcoming tournament" said Ichiki with a gloomy face. "alright, see ya later then" Haoto said. Both get going. On his way back, Ichiki say that same man standing right in front of him, staring him. He was about 15 feet far, when Ichiki made a sudden turn and tried to vanish, which he did. He began walking thinking how did they met again. "you all right?"- that deep voice again, but with a calmer tone this time. Ichiki stands stunned, thinking "I was over 15 feet far, not even a professional sprinter could have made it this quick, without even a single noise and a single hint. "listen, I don't tend to scare you, but you may be in danger" said that man.

Who the hell was this man actually, and how was he able to move so fast?