

*** Volume 1 finished, each chapter is around 3000 words with some of them reaching 6000, so don't be deterred by the low chapter count. *** In the span of a single day a young child named Ren loses everything... only to find he never had anything in the first place. At his lowest, he meets a wandering mage by the name of Roxy, who gives him more than he could ever ask for... a shot at revenge. Tag along as they explore the vast world they live in, toppling a kingdom or two in the process. (Who am i kidding, it's gonna be way more than two.) *** Are you bored of reading boring web novels with predictable storylines and zero character development... well let me tell you a little secret, this may be the book for you. Tired of one-track protagonists, who constantly offend one young master after another, then meet Ren, he's seven years old and even he knows that doing such a thing is fucking stupid. Tired of supporting character that are forgettable by both you and the author, then meet Roxy, if you forget about her then let's just say that i wouldn't want to be you. Tired of (i think you know where i'm going with this) stupid power ups that only take place for plot convenience. Then meet the author, who actually has some common sense.

FunWithUrMum · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Music to my ears.

The Rickshaw stopped in front of a rundown inn with a huge and poorly maintained wooden sign that read "THE ORCHID GARDEN."

Roxy was the first to get out and handed the driver a few coins.

"Wait Ren."

Olivia yelled at Ren who was already getting out of the Rickshaw but her warning came a tad too late, Ren had already started looking around and was greeted by… well, a lot of exposed skin.

Instantly Ren's vision darkened as Olivia leapt out and covered his eyes with her hands.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing."

Ren struggled against Olivia's hold but she refused to budge.

"Ren, keep your mouth shut."

Olivia spoke with an icy voice that made Ren's spine stiffen, he immediately stopped struggling and became docile, even he could tell that Olivia was pissed… dangerously so. Olivia then turned to the main culprit and gave her a faint smile.

"Roxy, you and me are going to have a nice long chat about this later."

Her voice sounded sweet but it was loaded with venom. Roxy whistled and averted her gaze, she could already feel her ears stinging.

The group entered the inn and Olivia finally gave Ren his sight back, free from her clutches, Ren quickly jumped away from her and the looming threat he felt began to recede.

The interior of the inn was a rundown tavern with a few customers scatter around, although they were few in number, the inn was filled with deafening laughter and drunken conversation.

Roxy and Olivia's good looks earned them a few stares and whistles but between Roxy's domineering aura and Olivia's icy smile, no one dared to approach them.

"Welcome to the Orchid garden, how may I help ya."

A beautiful receptionist called out to them from behind the counter, she was scantily clothed in a bright red dress that hugged her figure and left the majority of her bountiful chest exposed.

"Two rooms"

Roxy said while walking towards the counter dragging Li Hongji along with her, since he was familiar with the currency, she had put him in charge of the funds for now so they wouldn't be ripped off.

"Uhm… I should probably tell ya that this place aint kid friendly."

The receptionist said while glancing down at Ren who wasn't even tall enough to see over the counter.

"You think I don't know that, just tell us how much."

Roxy growled, she was in a foul mood and just wanted the day to be over. Li Hongji, who was trying his best to avert his gaze from the Receptionist's exposed chest, confirmed the booking and she handed them two keys engraved with the numbers ten and eleven.

"Just up the stairs and to you right, we serve breakfast in the mornings"

The receptionist said, opening a small gate in the counter and gesturing to a small entrance behind the bar.

"You can share a room with the brat"

Roxy said while handing Li Hongji one of the key's once the where outside the room, Ren looked displeased.

"I want my own room."

He said, Ren had his own room from the time he was born and valued his personal space highly, Roxy looked like he was going to say something but Olivia beat her two it.

"I don't think so, Li Hongji don't let him leave your sight for a second… or I'll kill you"

Olivia said while smiling at their tour guide, who vigorously nodded his head. Ren still looked displeased.

"But I-"

"Ren… shut your mouth."

Olivia said sweetly, making Ren shiver and shut his mouth, not the least bit happy with the way things had turned out. Roxy chuckled and opened the room numbered eleven.

"Why are you chuckling, don't think that I've forgotten that this is your fault."

Olivia said, wiping the smirk of Roxy's face.


The room was quite small, the two beds were the only pieces of furniture yet took up most of the space. There was a single window and the room was barely lit by a small lantern that hung from the ceiling.


Ren spoke coldly, cornering Li Hongji while staring him down menacingly. Li Hongji backed up against the wall and averted his gaze, acting clueless and confused.

"Uhm, what do you mean."

Li Hongji said nervously, making Ren narrow his eyes.

"Don't play dumb, you know damn well what I mean. You three are hiding something from me… spill it."

Ren said while taking out his dagger and waving it near Li Hongji's face, causing the youths pupils to shrink.

"d-don't think y-you can s-scare me, I'm way more s-scared of lady Olivia."

Li Hongji stuttered nervously causing Ren to sigh, putting away the dagger.

"Can't argue with that."

Ren said, he didn't think anything could be scarier than today's Olivia.

A few minutes later Roxy entered their room with an ashen look on her face, she was followed in by Olivia who looked to be in a slightly better mood. Roxy glanced at Olivia, who then gestured towards Ren with a meaningful look.

"Brat, I have come to the realisation that I need to set some ground rules for you… uhm first, you should remain in sight at all times. Second, you should never talk to any guests at the inn without permission and lastly, if we tell you to close your eyes, then close them. Got it?"

Roxy said while looking back at Olivia who gave her a thumbs up. Ren was appalled by his lack of freedom, he immediately stood up.

"No way."

Ren yelled, this was the last straw. He was no slave and refused to give up his freedom… at least he did until he felt Olivia's gaze piercing into him.

"Got it?"

Olivia asked while smiling at him but it was a question that only had one non-fatal answer, Ren nodded his head and reluctantly sat back down, sending Roxy a complicated stare… one that she ignored.

"Now that's sorted, I can tell you about tomorrow. I need to look for the Harlot, so you three can explore the city, just make sure your back by curfew."

Roxy said, finally bringing an end to Olivia's reign of terror she beamed with excitement.

"Finally, it's starting to feel like a holiday."

Olivia exclaimed cheerfully, causing the others in the room to sigh in relief.


Ren woke up sore and exhausted, he had been up till late, experimenting with his new enhancement skill. Ren felt it was time well spent since he now knew the limits of what his body could handle.

From last nights session, Ren learned that his enhancement generated around fifty percent more strength, no matter how exhausted he was. If he wanted to feel no side effects, he could use it for around a minute at a time, then an hour later he could use it for another minute.

Over a minute would result in soreness, over five minutes would result in numbness, past ten minutes and that muscle would be unresponsive for the next hour or so. Ren didn't dare go any further than that, fearing that he would be put out of commission for the whole of today.

The great thing about what he had learned while he was waiting for one muscle to recover, he could enhance another but this came with its own problems, it took him quite some time to enhance, twenty seconds or so. Ren doubted that he would get the opportunity to use it in the heat of battle, it was much more useful as a one-off tactic to surprise the opponent and end the fight in one go.

Ren stretched his sore muscles and got dressed, it seemed that Li Hongji had taken Olivia's words seriously and was patiently waiting for him, even though he had already washed up a long time ago.

The two of them made their way downstairs where they caught sight of Roxy and Olivia seated at one of the tables.

Other than them the Inn was completely devoid of people, it seemed like they didn't get much business during the day.

"Morning you two, how did you sleep."

Olivia greeted them cheerfully.


Good morning lady Olivia, Goddess Roxy. I slept great."

Ren and Li Hongji answered, taking their seats at the table. Olivia noticed the dark bags under Ren's eyes and instantly activated nagging mode.

"Clearly it wasn't fine Ren, I keep telling you to take better care of yourself, you're still growing so you need your sleep."

Olivia chewed Ren's ear off while Roxy was silently reading a newspaper. Ren finally got respite from Olivia when the receptionist from last night walked over with three steaming hot bowls of food. She was dressed in the same daring dress as last night which exuded sex appeal and her hair was tied back into two cute buns on either side of her head.

"Here's ya breakfast, I'm pretty confident of my cookin' so try not to get hooked."

She said while placing down the bowls in front of them and sitting down with them like it was only natural, giving Li Hongji two big round things to look at, the troubled youth blushed crimson and tried his best to avert his gaze.

His actions didn't escape the receptionist, who leaned forward, emphasising her cleavage with a seductive smile that nearly caused him to fall out of his chair.

"I never introduced myself did I, the names Zi Xi, the owner of this fine establishment."

As it turned out the receptionist was not a receptionist but the owner. Naturally the others took this as a chance to introduce themselves.

"Olivia, it's a pleasure to meet you miss Zi Xi… but don't try anything with Ren."

"Roxy the great and powerful."

"Li H-Hongji, uhm… Madam, you're rather close."


Zi Xi raised a brow when she heard the exotic names, she had her suspicions before but now they were pretty much confirmed.

"Outsider's huh, thought so. It's me first time meetin' people that aint local."

She said somewhat excitedly. Olivia was slightly confused, from the stories she had heard she heard, she was expecting a less peaceful reaction.

"You don't care that we're outsiders?"

Olivia asked curiously, Zi Xi chuckled her chest to bounce up and down, further troubling Li Hongji, who now resorted to closing his eyes.

"Why would i? I dunno what ya heard but we're a peace-lovin' people… most the time anyway. The boy can probs explain it better tho."

Zi Xi said while flashing Li Hongji a devastating smile, prompting him to clear his throat while leaning away from her.

"As Madam Zi Xi said, the people of Tian don't really hold any hostility towards outsiders. Its more a political issue. When Tian was forced to become a vassal kingdom under the Avalon dynasty, they took our culture."

"Our spoken language was banned and we were forced to speak in Astian, the common tongue of the dynasty and other vassal kingdom's but I think what was truly unforgivable is that they changed the name of our Tian kingdom to Ventus."

"Up in the sky, we had always been pretty isolated but after being robbed of our treasured identity, we closed our borders to preserve what was left of it."

The others were interested with the explanation but Ren was more interested in the fact that despite both of them being local's, Zi Xi thought that Li Hongji would offer a better explanation.

"Still, outsiders or not, you lot definitely aint the type we get in this part a town, especially you sweetie."

Zi Xi said, shifting her gaze onto Ren. Although cold, he was still definitely the cutest child she had ever met, someone that would definitely make you look twice. His borderline flawless features gave her a few ideas to revive her dying business. Ren ignored the owners stares and continued wolfing down the meal, Zi Xi truly hadn't been lying when she said she was a good cook.

"We didn't come here for the nightlife, I'm looking for someone"

Roxy said lazily, there was no point in hiding this fact.

"In that case, I recommend ya go no deeper into the district, there sum real nasty folk lurkin' bout."

Zi Xi explained while glancing at Li Hongji, who's eyes narrowed briefly, due to the nature of the red-light district, it had become a place for criminals to hide from the eyes of the law.


After the group made some more small talk, they left the inn. The district was less "active" during the day so Ren's sight was left unhindered. A short rickshaw ride had brought them to large market that sat in the centre of Weifeng city.

Li Hongji had proven his merits as a tour guide, telling them that the popular landmarks were far more beautiful and crowded at night, while the market would be vastly more enjoyable during the day.

The marketplace was huge, hundreds of stores, stalls and restaurants stretched out as far as the eye could see. Musicians played their instruments to the crowds of people walking through the market place, adding colourful sounds to the already chaotic background noise.

"Look's interesting, I'll meet you three here at noon."

Roxy said, she still had business to take care off so she would be parting ways with them here, just before vanishing into the crowds, Roxy tossed a small cloth bag at Li Hongji, who fumbled the catch in surprise but managed to hold onto it.

"How much?"

Olivia asked eagerly, having heard the unmistakable clink of coins as Li Hongji caught the bag. He opened it and took a peek.

"Holy shit."

He exclaimed in shock, which was the best answer Olivia could have hoped for. With a huge grin on her face, she turned to face the busy market with a glint in her eyes.

"Where to first, Mr Tour-guide."


A few hours later, Olivia had been busy. With her entering every shop they passed by, the market entrance was still in sight even though it had been quite some time since she started her shopping spree.

In that time, Olivia had put together a vast collection of cosmetics, trinkets and jewellery, using half their funds without sparing a thought. She dragged a bored Ren along excitedly as Li Hongji trailed behind them, carrying every single one of her purchases without a complaint.

"Please just buy something already."

Olivia was frustrated, despite visiting dozens of stores, Ren had yet to buy something.

"I rather save the money instead of buying garbage."

Ren replied plainly, nothing the shops sold even remotely interested him. Olivia shook her head and dragged him towards another shop.

"New experiences, new feelings, new things, that's what makes life fun."

Olivia said while opening the door of what seemed to be a music store. The place was crammed with various musical instruments, making it tricky to move around without knocking something over.

"What do you want?"

An elderly man grumbled from behind the counter with a bored expression, next to him there was a young girl sporting lengthy black twin tails, who tugged on the man's sleeve.

"Gramps, you have to be nicer or they won't buy anything."

The young girl pouted cutely, causing the elderly man to sigh and try again.

"Welcome Lin's music store, how can this Lin help my dear customers."

Mr Lin said in a strained voice, attempting to sound welcoming.

"Don't worry, we're just looking around."

Olivia replied, turning around where she saw Ren staring at one of the violins hanging from the walls. Although he wasn't interested in buying it, Ren could still appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship that went into making the instrument, every inch of the violin seemed to be made with care and crafted to perfection.

"You know, now that I think about it, I think the violins a great match for you."

Olivia said, reaching up and grabbing it from the shelf, before Ren could tell her that he wasn't interested, Mr Lin grumbled from behind the counter.

"The Violins start at three hundred silver, take it or leave it."

This caused the young girl to once again tug at his sleeve and pout adorably.

"Tsk, I know"

He sighed, getting up from his seat and walking towards Ren and Olivia.

"Lass, if the boy wants to learn the violin, a full-sized one's too big. Hmm… your probably better off with this one."

Mr Lin said while taking down a smaller violin and handing it over to Ren.

"I never said I wanted one."

Ren immediately refused, learning an instrument took time, time that he would much rather spend training. Mr Lin raised an eyebrow.

"So, you think you're too good for my instruments you little shit. Mei'er, play something that'll put this kid in his place."

"Sure thing gramps."

The young girl called Lin Mei smirked at Ren, obviously not happy with his attitude. She walked over and took the violin from Mr Lin, her cute face becoming serious as she got into posture.

A beautiful melody rang out, instantly pulling Ren and Olivia into a trance. Her fingers danced gracefully across the fingerboard and the bow slid gracefully across the strings, further mesmerising her audience.

Ren was captivated by the music, growing up in the Linheart mansion, he had only heard of music, never experiencing it in person, so he remained stunned, even after she had stopped playing, only snapping out of it when Olivia started clapping enthusiastically.

"Ha, that's a good look on your face boy, consider yourself blessed, my Mei'er won't lose out to most pro's… so, you interested now?"

Mr Lin chuckled, causing Lin Mei to hide her face in embarrassment. Her music had been breath-taking, truly beautiful but Ren's answer still hadn't changed.

"I'm too busy with training, I'm sorry but I don't have the time."

Ren hadn't forgotten his priorities, learning an instrument would only distract him from getting stronger and achieving his goals, music would never help him tech his family a lesson… only strength would.

"You're always going on and on about training but there's more to life than just that, it's the little things."

Olivia tapped him on the shoulder when she saw the distant look in his eyes. Ren sighed, Olivia was way to stubborn to waste his breath arguing.

"Will you be happy if I just try it out."

This was as far as Ren was willing to compromise. Olivia nodded, even if Ren didn't take up the violin, trying new things was what mattered most at the end of the day.

Ren took the violin from Lin Mei and imitated the posture she had used, Ren had no clue how to play so he just made use of his great memory and copied her fingering.


The violin started producing godawful sounds akin to nails being scraped across a chalkboard, Ren was completely oblivious to the ear rupturing sounds, completely focused on copying Lin Mei.

"That was bad… really bad. Sorry, I meant there's room to improve."

Olivia stopped him out of concern for her hearing. Ren had a rare look of embarrassment on his face.

"I didn't want to learn it anyway, let's just go."

Ren decided that he had enough and tried to hand the violin back to Mr Lin, but he didn't respond, seemingly lost in thought.

"Ren, look what you did your playing was so bad it made the owner malfunction."

Olivia said jokingly, waving her hands in Mr Lin's face. He still failed to respond and now Olivia was slightly concerned, did Ren's playing give the old man a stroke.

"Boy, let me see your hands."

Mr Lin suddenly spoke up, grabbing Ren's hands before he could react. Ren's playing may have been awful but he knew better, Ren's fingering was almost the exact same as Lin Mei's, did he really replicate it to that extent after only seeing it once.

"Come back tomorrow and I will teach you how to play."

Mr Lin said after letting go of Ren's hands, he was baffled, hadn't he completely butchered the piece just now. However, Mr Lin's strange actions didn't change Ren's mind, he was about to refuse once again when Olivia quickly pulled him to one side.


She stated plainly yet firmly. Ren sighed and shook his head.

"Like I said before, I don't have the time."

"And like I said before, you need to enjoy the little things in life."

"It's still a no."

"Come on, do it for me."




"Pretty please."


"Pretty please with sugar on top."



Ren left the store with a downcast expression and a small violin on his back. He and Olivia quickly caught sight of Li Hongji who had been waiting for them outside of the store.

"Is that a violin Ren? I'm stunned, I never thought you would be interested in music."

Li Hongji said when he noticed the instrument case strapped to Ren's back, Olivia ran up excitedly to him and started bragging.

"Get this, the owner of the store took one look at his hands and immediately offered him lessons. Ren must be a once in a lifetime talent."

Olivia said proudly, making the previous events seem a lot more impressive than what had actually occurred.

"Oh, then I look forward to hearing you play one day."

Li Hongji smiled at Ren, who had a conflicted expression on his face, he felt like he was roped into this by Olivia, still he couldn't help but think back to Lin Mei beautiful music and wonder if he would ever be that good.

After Olivia had managed to convince him by chewing his ear off for ten minutes, he reluctantly agreed to the lessons. After all, they weren't going to be here for a long time, so for now, he could accept it.

Li Hongjie took out some wooden bracelets that he had bought, they were quite simple, consisting of black and gold beads with symbols engraved into them

"These are Feng Shui bracelets, they symbolise good fortune. I know its not much but please take these as a thank you for saving me, please give the other one to Goddess Roxy."

He said handing the pendants over to Ren and Olivia. They each took one of them but Ren didn't take Roxy's

"If you bought it for master, then give it to her yourself."

Ren said plainly. Li Hongji smiled at him, putting Roxy's gift away.

"Yes, of course."

Learning an instrument is hard but with enough practice... It will still be just as difficult.

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