
day after tomorrow

day after tomorrow

kiolin · Urban
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3 Chs

Your Name ?

She sat back on the bench and started to stare at the guy and asked, what is your name? He said, Lewis, looking into her eyes. They both make eye contact for a while. Lenda stands up to go at the same time, Lewis asks what is your name? She left without answering.

Lewis reaches into her room lately. His friend Zat started to yell at him. Where have you been? You left your phone in your room. Have you forgotten that you already left your family? It's been three months, and you still act childish. Lewis starts crying and keeps saying sorry to Zat. He ignores him and goes to sleep.

The next morning, Lewis woke up and see that the dining table was full of yummy diseases, Zat came from the kitchen and said, already wake up? Let's have breakfast. Lewis still saying sorry to zat with her innocent face.No I'm sorry, sorry for calling you childish Zat said. Here, zat explains the Lewis that, He should find a job as soon as possible. Because both of them live on rent, they have to pay a rental fee of Two months.

After a few hours, Lewis takes some paintings of her and goes to sell him. The whole day Lewis roamed here and there but, no one was ready to buy his paintings. He gets frustrated and throws his paintings in someone's garden and starts going. He goes and goes, and after some minutes, He found himself on that same road and sees a Girl sitting on a bench.

He went to her and said, don't you have a home? She looks at him and whispered to herself ( this guy again appears). Same time, He asks BTW your name? No need to know someone's name. she said. Then, why do you ask my name? Lewis asks, and she said, I thought you want some company and you look very sad (in the middle of her words) How about you? He asked, Seems like you have more sadness than me. If not then why do you spend half a day of your time in this place? Lenda, My name is Lenda Azure, if you want to know my name just say, don't talk nonsense. She said with tears and anger, and she off to her apartment.