
day after tomorrow

day after tomorrow

kiolin · Urban
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3 Chs

old silence

A girl named Lenda Azure; got adopted by her new parents

Clay Johnson ( father ) and Clay Lory ( Mother ), when she was 15 yrs old. The real parents of Lenda died, when she was 8 yrs old. Though after adopting Lenda, the Clay family wanted to change her name, but she wasn't prepared for it. So they, don't force her.

She is now 21 yrs old and doing a part-time job with her college life. On the day, they adopted Lenda, They already know that she is quite introverted, she never talks to people much and always used to be silent. Mr Johnson and Mrs Lory thought, that as time goes, she might be changed but, she still used to be silent. They both are shocked, that, she never makes any friends in her school life or college life. They just fear that she never going to marry in her life.

After 8 yrs, Lenda becomes a teacher at Green mount school where only girls can take admissions. Presently, she lives in an apartment as a single person. Still, she used to be an introvert and have no friends. Just like, she is upset with her own life. One day she was just passing the road, from her school to her apartment with a bowed head, and suddenly bumped into a guy.