

Hearing Pappie and Ma laugh then he said, "The child cooks really good, and Rawlins I was wondering if you could help Rufus out for a few days.

I need to attend to a few important matters immediately on the mainland for a few days."

"No, problem Dad but I hope you know Saturday is Carlos's wedding, and the fairy will be busy transporting the bridal party."

"Okay Son, then I will go with Alf Monday, and mother will be going with me. We will rest these few days seeing she will be busy with the cake, and Rufus, I need you to check on the child.

Rawlins, I will be depending on you to help Rufus and I would prefer that you don't tell the family. I need you and Rufus to know that, and also you must carry on the business as if we are home."

"Okay Dad, then I will see you two tomorrow."

"Rufus, as soon as the supplies come send it over for me son?"

"I will grandmother," hugging her then his grandfather, "Night Pappie."

"Good night my Son."

Waving as he drives off, thinking, 'This is good news, I could stay with her for a few days, and if only she will forgive me we could talk with each other.' "Son, I think the young lady should come to the house and stay?"

"Dad, Pappie says no one should know, if Courtney stays with us home, there will be many questions, Dad, I think the safest thing is for someone to stay with her here?"

"That won't be necessary Rufus, no one will interfere with her on this Island, if she locks up properly then there'll be no need to worry, and I could check on her often."

"You are right Dad and Carlos will be on his honeymoon, and if Mom finds you missing that's another story with a hundred questions."

"You are right Son."

Whispering, "If only Joe, won't eat her alive, I would have brought him to give her company."

"It's okay Son, we will cross that bridge when we come to it."

Glimpsing his Dad, 'Did he hear me?'

Taking the supplies to the kitchen, seeing the pot on the stove, just removing the cover, it smells good. Calling out, "Grandmother, I am here."

"Yes son, I am still in bed."

Knocking the door, "Are you unwell, grandmother?"

"It is open Son, your grandfather had some trouble with his foot last night, he only gets a slight relief when that child used some hot water on it and give it a massage then he fell asleep.

I think I should get him to a Doctor, but when we visit the mainland I will do that."

When the knock came, "Mom's, breakfast is ready."

"Child, if it has extra, bring a piece for my Son, he like you're cooking."

"Yes, mom's and do you want me to bring Pappie breakfast now, or when he wakes up?"

"Leave his in the kitchen love, when he wakes up I will fix his."

Seeing the nod, then she left the room. "Does she fix all your meals grandmother?"

"Yes son, since she came she attends to everything. I am sure her parents must be missing her very much." When his grandmother said, "Son, the child has your breakfast ready."

Looking up at her, her eyes were dark green, the emerald has disappeared. 'God, does she hate me that much, will her anger ever subside? I know I don't deserve her forgiveness, but I had no choice.'

Closing his eyes, 'Oh my Lord, if she will only forgive me and speak with me, my heart won't pain this much.'

When she rests the tray before him, "Will you like a cup of tea?"

"If it has juice, I will take that please?" When she nodded then leaves the room, returning with another tray with a mug of water two glasses, and a glass of juice for him.

Staying out of his way, Courtney when and check to see if everything on the list was there. Taking her breakfast wondering when the person will come to start making the cakes.

When the van leaves Courtney went to mom's asking, knowing it have so many fine work to complete.

Hearing that Mom's was doing it herself, Courtney said nothing knowing, 'Mom's is unwell so what sort of wedding cake was she planning to make ?'

Returning to the kitchen checking all the ingrediencies to ensure their were sufficient to make the cake she pictured in her mind.

Courtney then fix moms and Pappie lunch then began with the decoration for the cake . The day was completed as she set aside all the decorations in containers in the refrigerator.

Thursday morning bright and early she fix there breakfast and lunch then she get about with the baking starting with the biggest cake then the others.

The day has completed and she felt drain. Wanting so much to go and take a dip but the heat from the oven held her back.

Relaxing in the gallery Courtney was enjoying the cool sea breeze after giving Mom's and Pappie their dinner.

She hums her songs then while she was praying, she take her time carving the block of icing she had set aside to make a Prince and Princess with crowns on their head.

Going to bed half eleven when she heard the loud noise upon the roof, thinking a branch had blown from a tree, but then she consider it for a while.

'When she leave outside the only breeze she was feeling was the sea breeze, it had no strong wind.

With her eyes close she thought, 'Maybe it was one of the sea birds she notices flying over the sea shore,' smiling she whispers, 'They must have missed me today because she didn't went and take a dip.'

Covering the cottage with the blood of Jesus Courtney thank the Lord for His strength and for helping her accomplish all that she has in her mind, to make the cake beautiful as she visualized it.'