
Dawn to Grace

A life with no worries, a happy family and a demonic beauty having an angelic charm that could topple kingdoms and overturn cities. Grace a 19 year old girl possesses everything one could imagine, until the accident that took her mother's life and turned her world upside down. She was labeled as a murderer that took her mother's life in order to live. Rejected both by her family and the society alike she was devastated and left the country to start her life anew. Many years later she gets hold of a clue and returns to investigate the accident that left her broken insideout and meets Dawn, her childhood crush who also happens to be investigating the same case. Dawn, who also happend to have had a crush on her instantly agreed to work together. By facing everything togther can their romance bloom in the middle of a deadly storm? Let's find out!

prettyghost0_0 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3:

By the time Grace woke up the sun was already high up in the sky, a wave of dizziness hit her head as soon as she woke up with her eyebrows furrowed together and a frown marred her beautiful face, she struggled to open her eyes.

She saw her brother sleeping peacefully in her arms right after opening her eyes and the unfortunate incident that happened the day before flashed back to her mind.

Grace checked upon Mark to see if he had sustained any major injuries, by seeing that he is fine except for some minor bruises and scratches she sighed in relief. She tried to wake him up but the little boy did not even have a slight response.

She pulled herself together as the pain shooting up her leg kept her awake, she slowly started to look around and spotted densely packed bushes not too far from them. Grace made sure her brother was tightly covered from head to toe and dragged him towards the bushes with every bit of energy she could gather. She pulled out a small perfume bottle from her pocket and sprayed it on Mark to cover the smell of blood lest it attracts any wild animals.

After hiding Mark in the bushes Grace slumps beside the bushes in exhaustion. She dug out a chocolate bar from her down jacket which she covered her brother with and ate it to replenish some energy. After resting for a while, she stood up gritting her teeth and started to follow the tire marks to search for their mother.