
Dawn of the Scaled Warrior

From a young boy who made a whimsical promise to his mother to a young adult who intends to keep it. Finnick is lost in a sea of lies from his parents, his neighbors, and even himself about everything he thought he knew. As Finn pushes forward to not only keep his promise but to find the truth, he will find that even he can't escape fate when it knocks on his door.

Girlnextdoor2021 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Story Worth Remembering

Arcadia, it was once a world of pain, misery, and true despair. Ruled over by Deviants, those who had fallen into sin and reveled in it. It all started when they poisoned the world tree. With the tree sick, there was nothing to keep the world in balance. Deviants used this to their advantage, with the world tree in such a miserable state; the deviants turned Magic's normally neutral heart… black with evil intent and animosity toward the living. Holy magic, that brought light and healing into the world, no longer had a home in the darkness that consumed the world. The time where none found salvation, safety, or love; for generations, that time would be known as kirous.

Kirous lasted for two generations and only ended with the era known as xilas. It was when the first Naga, dragon riders, appeared on the continent. There was finally some light and hope for the people who had suffered for so long. One after the other, Naga sprung up across the continent and fought back against the injustice the Deviants brought about. It took another ten years for the Naga to fight the Deviants back and cure the world tree.

With a grand sacrifice, the Naga were able to revive the world tree. In return those responsible for performing the ritual lost their ability to have children as well as their ability to use magic. Luckily, they kept their lives as well as their dragons.

However, the small amount of peace that the tree brought left a bad taste in the sacrificed naga's mouths. They had spent all of their lives making it so the world was safe but they were the only ones who had to suffer? It was too big of a pill for them to swallow as the Kings and Queens refused to help them regain what they lost. With their biggest enemy gone, their animosity turned to their comrades. It didn't take long for the Naga war to start; Some of the Naga took out their frustrations on their fellow dragon riders or they turned their aggression toward the people they swore to protect. In an effort to protect their fellow people, the other naga fought to protect the peace their efforts had brought. They fought amongst themselves until the Naga war turned into something much bigger. It was the start of the Anherat war.

The Naga split into three factions and aligned themselves with the three kingdoms on the continent of Alfizier. The first kingdom was Thistle, it aligned itself with the Zobens who felt wronged when the war ended. The second kingdom was Galpen, they stood with the Sciath who protected the innocent. The last and largest kingdom was Nylym, they aligned themselves with the neutral faction of Bitarap. The wars waged for years and over time Naga and kingdom's fell like flies. It didn't end until there was not a single dragon alive on the continent. The hearts of the Zobens faction disintegrated as they fell into despair and became deviants. Of the Sciath faction, there was only one left and he joined the Bitarap faction.

The prophet Queen of Nylym, Odelia Ayleen Yggdrisil, took hold of the opportunity of a lifetime. Determined, she strode forward to unite the continent under the Nylym flag of the Nymph kingdom. It took many years but Queen Odelia was able to unite Alfizier under her rule. Combined with the work of her subject, the confusion slowly dissipated.

It was only after the new peace had become the norm that a haunting vision came to the Queen. It warned that the peace she had brought was not to last. The deviants were indeed gone for the time being. However, as the troubled Naga's continued to fall, they would become what they once fought so hard against. However, the nymph Queen also found hope in the vision in the shape of eye's that relayed the possessor's emotions. The trait was not common, even among the shapeshifters. The only other thing that pointed to who the savior might be was his ears; they had been pointed, the boy would be at least part elf. The Queen was quick to record her prophecy. However, only the royal family knew the truth; only a few days later Queen Odelia was assassinated and a copy of the last prophecy was stolen.

The Queen was gone but she left behind the people who cherished her most. Her Mate, King Uriel, was forced to look after the state of affairs. All the while, Prince Tayl looked after his younger sister. Princess Anessa was the most destroyed by the loss of her mother.


Time flowed on and soon one thousand years had passed. The Nylym empire had gone through many changes over that time. King Uriel handed down his title to his son, Tayl. Both of them mourned the loss of the missing princess, Anessa, who was the rightful heir. Both the previous King and King Tayl searched for over a century before they finally gave up the little hope they had. The entire kingdom felt the loss even after that time.

However, on the small peninsula of Kirimi was an equally tiny village. It was led by a woman by the name of Anna; her soft features were only made more appealing by the pink hair that swirled freely around her face. Her striking blue eyes seemed to hold salvation and wisdom. Her short but pointed ears showed her nymph heritage. Anna was only five feet tall and as slender as a stick. However, she gained her people's trust with her quick wit, physical prowess, and kind heart in a matter of five years.

Away from the village, there was a home that was so filled with love that it was the envy of every unmarried person of the village. It was a medium sized cottage with stone in the front and clay in the back. A wood fence surrounded the house with small bushes along with them for privacy. It was, of course, where Anna lived with her chosen mate, Shetter, and son.

In the bedroom farthest in, Finnick was curled up with his head on his mothers lap. His body sprawled out across his bed with his thin blanket across his body. A single candle fended off the darkness as Anna ran one hand through her son's hair and the other over her eight month pregnant belly.

"Mama, please tell me the story again?" Finnick asked with big pleading eyes that resemble a rainbow. Anna did not even have to ask which story the five year old wanted to hear as it was his favorite. A knowing smile spread across her plump lips making her beauty rival that of the Goddess Yafah. Anna made herself comfortable knowing her son would not sleep until the end of the lengthy story. Knowing the story by heart, Anna began the story of the famous Naga (dragon riders). Entranced by her smooth voice, Odelia listened intently as his mother portrayed a time he could only dream of. A time of chivalry, honor, and dragons.

"Long before I was born, dragons used to fill the skies; in every shape, color, and size. Some had wings, others had horns, and some had both. All dragons had one thing in common when it came to their looks; Behind those sharp fangs and claws was an elegant beauty that many worshiped across the lands. However beautiful they were, they were equally as deadly. From the moment they were discovered, they were the symbol of status, intelligence, beauty, and strength." Anna recounted the story with passion. It was ingrained in her memories from all the times she had asked to hear the same story.She dove into how the once solitary dragons became part of society with the help of the first 'prime' and how he led the dragons to victory during the time of kirous. Though his eyes showed how sleepy the child was, his half lidded eyes stayed glued to his mother.

"Do you know why Naga are so rare?" Arey asked when the story came to an end with the end of the Naga war. The boy shook his head no as he looked at the small stone wrapped in leather around his mothers neck. Finn had always felt drawn to the blue stone with golden spots across its flat surface. It always amazed him how much it resembled his mothers eyes.

"First of all, dragons are no longer as common as they once were. Nobody is sure if they actually exist any longer. Also, if an egg had been found, the dragon would have to choose a rider before it could hatch. Otherwise, the dragon could only hatch when it is surrounded by its own kin. However, if one was able to find an egg and have the dragon hatch for them, they would be deemed as the Prime of the generation. They would be considered just as powerful, wise, and intelligent as their dragon counterpart." Anna explained and smiled when Odelia reached up to fiddle with the necklace. It was a family heirloom that would someday be his. When Odelia's eyes once again met with his mothers, they seemed to be filled with a child-like determination. A smile spread across Arey's lips when her son moved his hand from her necklace to her extended belly.

"I am gonna find a dragon egg someday and Imma protect you both!" Finn stated with tired determination as he fought to stay awake. His mother froze for a moment as pride filled her heart. Before Anna even responded his eyes fell shut and he slipped into a peaceful sleep. A warm smile lit up the woman's face as she slid off her son's bed carefully. The smile only grew when she noticed a handsome man at the entrance to the room. With the grace, someone pregnant shouldn't have, she met his gaze and waddled into his open arms. Gently, as if not to startle her, the man slid his hands under his mate and carried her into their quarters. A fire was lit in the pit across from a bed filled with blankets and pillows. With gentleness unbecoming of such a large man, he placed her in the bed and laid alongside her.

"Shetter…" Anna mumbled as she curled up into her mates arms. The man wrapped a muscled arm around his mate as she placed her head on his chest. It was a common scene for the loving couple. The two were hardly ever separated after her first child, Odelia, was born. She had almost perished giving birth and Shetter refused to leave her side since. It only became worse when she became pregnant for a second time. Shetter placed kiss after kiss across his mates lips as though he could not get enough. His relentless attack didn't stop until his mate groaned in pain.

"What's wrong?" he asked, obviously worried as he sat up and checked her over. However, he found nothing amiss but that only made him more worried. Was it internal? Was something wrong with their child?

"I think it's time to call the healers." Anna whimpered as another wave of pain washed over her. "It is time to greet our second child." Anna spat out as she clenched the blankets in pain. Shetter knew that she meant no harm but cringed at the sharpness of her voice all the same.

"I will be back, my love." Shetter mumbled after several minutes of trying to comfort his mate. He raced out of the house and to the healers.

It took many hours and lots of pain but the newest member of their family was born. It was a child with white hair as any other newborn nymph would have. An adorable button nose was scrunched up as it wailed unceremoniously.

"My child… my Cordelia." Anna muttered as the tiny bundle screeched and wiggled in her arms.