
Heavy Emotions Chapter 14

Breathing hard, Gabriel crouched in the branches of the tree as the wolves growled at him just outside the reach of his spear. One was close to death, hardly able to stand any longer but the other wouldn't leave its side. They were a pair looking for a new territory. He had seen it before in the smaller wolves but this breed was smarter. If they didn't pose such a threat to the compound, he would have considered not killing them.

Taking aim with his spear he waited for the uninjured wolf to turn just right and then flung it with all his strength. The spear hit it exactly where he wanted it to, pinning the wolf to the ground and killing it. The injured wolf yelped in surprise, jerking back, before realization bloomed in its eyes.

Gabriel watched as it sniffed at its mate weakly before turning to gaze at him. There was so much intelligence in its eyes, it sent shivers down his spine. He watched in fascination as it gently moved closer to the dead wolf and settled its head on its mate's back. After a couple more breaths, it too died. He tilted his head to the side in wonder. Had it willed itself to die? Why would it do that?

Glancing around to make sure nothing else was waiting to attack him when he left the tree, he jumped down and retrieved his spear. The pelts would be good gifts for Sky, and he had plenty of time to get them before it would be too late to visit. Rustling behind him had him swinging around with his spear and knife held out ready to act.

His father was standing there, watching him. The noise hadn't been him; it had been a branch behind him rustling from a squirrel.

"Pleased with yourself?" asked his father, not moving from his position leaning against the tree with his arms crossed.

Gabriel glared at him, listening for anything else that he might have missed. How had the old man snuck up on him? He hadn't been that preoccupied with the wolves, had he?

"Your sister said to give this to you, because she didn't want to see you again," said his father, taking a package from his back and tossing it towards him.

Gabriel ignored the package, keeping his eyes on his father.

"Don't believe me? Fair enough. Your mother told me how you couldn't keep your eyes off her. You do realize it's a sin to lust after your sister, right? When I told her who you were, she was horrified."

Gabriel still didn't trust himself to say anything. Whatever came from his father's mouth was always intended to cause him pain. He couldn't trust anything the man said.

"I didn't think you would believe me, so I had her write you a letter. I don't know what it says, but she told me to tell you never to come around her again if that's the way you felt about her."

A paper was sticking out of the edge of the bundle that lay between the two of them. Could this actually be true? Or was it another trick?

"I'm going to leave now. If you are spotted inside the compound, everyone has been told to attack you on sight, not that it will deter you from doing whatever you want apparently. Though, I do have to congratulate you. I wasn't sure how I was going to convince your sister to stay away from you, but you've managed to ensure that all on your own."

With a smirk, his father turned and melted into the brush behind him. Gabriel could easily have followed him, but the package before him and his father's words had done their job. With the wolves behind him forgotten, Gabriel snatched up the package and headed off into a different direction. He wasn't going to his cave, in case his father was following him, but rather to a secluded spot he went to in order to nap occasionally. It had a wide floor he had enjoyed stretching out on during heat waves that would work to spread the clothes in the bundle out.

They looked fantastic, just like the heavy leather outfits he had seen the guards wearing during their patrols. There was even a pair of boots. If he was careful these would last a long time.

The letter sat before him, screaming at him to open it and read it, but a pain in his chest made it hard to breath. Did Sky know how evil their father was? He had no doubts she was his sister and he knew what his father had said about him concerning her was true. There had been thoughts of her being his possible mate, but now…

Scrunching his eyes closed, Gabriel hit his head over and over. How could he have been so stupid? Of course his sister would want nothing to do with him if she knew his thoughts. How could he have even considered those things? His own disgust with himself overwhelmed him.

Breathing hard, the letter made its way to his hand and he stared at it. When did he pick it up? Maybe what his father said was a lie. He needed to read the letter to know.

"Gabriel, I hope these clothes are suitable for repaying the kindness you have shown and help you stay warm in the coming months as you fight off the monsters that plague our small community. Father said you had thoughts of me and while I find his words abhorrent, I struggle to believe that you would think such things of me. He has often said things that are difficult to believe, especially when they pertain to you. I never dreamed that the boy I met that day at the stream could possibly be my own brother and I am very proud of you for doing what you do in keeping us safe. I am sorry I was not able to give you these clothes myself, as I am to leave today to meet with my future husband. Father has made a deal with the neighboring town to mend the broken relationships we have by promising my hand in marriage to a young man there. I'm very excited to meet him from what I've heard of him, as he's the son of their leader. I would love to tell you more, but I'm out of time. -Sky."

The letter sat in his hand as he tried to figure out what he was feeling. There was relief that she didn't state that she hated him outright, but she was gone. Would he ever see her again? It shouldn't have surprised him that his father would do this, especially after he found out that Gabriel liked her. Whenever there was a spec of good in his life, the man was determined to get rid of it. Hate bloomed hard and fast inside him.

Gathering up the clothes, he shoved them into the bag they came in, then left them hanging where they couldn't easily be bothered by anything. Grasping his spear, Gabriel turned his attention to the compound. His father would have made it inside by now, assuming the man hadn't followed him to gloat over his recent victory.

Cursing his emotions, Gabriel knew without a doubt the man would have done just that. The trick was figuring out where he had stood to watch him read the letter. Thinking about the best vantage points one could stand and see where he had sat, Gabriel's eyes darted to the best spot, and was rewarded with branches still moving.

Dashing towards the entrance, he knew he was only seconds behind his father, and he was going to end this nightmare today.

Something flashed before him, and the fur on its back tickled his nose as it passed.

Sliding to a halt, Gabriel responded without thinking, throwing his spear out to catch the clawed attack, and then rolled to the side, just missing the teeth as they clamped down where his face had been moments before. A werewolf!

As soon as he could, Gabriel jumped to the side and stabbed out with the spear, landing a hit on the beast's side, eliciting a howl of pain. Slobber flew past his ear as he dodged another bite, rolling behind a tree and grabbing a low branch to help redirect him back around the tree to stab at it again. This time he caught it just under the arm and he knew that if he should get the heart, he could kill it quick. Hastily putting both feet against the tree and grasping the spear with both hands, Gabriel shoved with everything he had.

It tried to twist away, causing the spear to travel not only through the heart, but up the throat and into the brain.

He stood there panting, not believing his luck as it twitched in its death throes. Then he heard the howl of the second. They never traveled alone!

Trying to update stories I've left alone for far too long.

Sdrawkcabcreators' thoughts
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