
Dawn Of Outstanding Mages(DOOM)

Derrick and friends who just wants to be normal cultivators but stumbled against an orb which they didn't know would changed their destiny forever. Novel by Canis.

AlexaandCanis · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Break Through To Begginer Stage

So I'm going too see your Dad tomorrow,do you have a message for him. Derrick's mum Laura asked.

Certainly not. Derrick replied.

 You still angry with him. Laura ate.

 Good night. Derrick stood up and left.


Early the next morning Derrick woke up seeing a letter beside him then he opened to read;

 "Derrick by the time you're reading this I would have gone,eat the food I prepared and I've told the maids too prepare a nice meal for you and your friends,incase you suspect it's poisoned there's a rune on your left arm activate it by placing an essence stone on it then if you see a black mist out of it then it's poisoned, don't try using the essence in the air and don't go out causing trouble I'll be early. Your mum."

 After reading the Letter Derrick stepped into the bathroom too freshen up when he was done he ate and then started trying to use the essence in the air too activate the runes on he's body. After some trials it worked then he activated the poison rune too check the remains of his food and saw no black mist then tried too teleport himself too his original room at the other quarter. He activated the teleportation rune and then pictures his other room.~Boom~ he silently disappeared,~Boom~ he appeared back with blood dripping out of his nose. Looks like that woman activated an array in that quarter not allowing me too penetrate. Derrick said to himself.

 'knock' 'knock' young master Derrick, young master Conor is here. A maid announced.

 "Let him in". Derrick said while Conor walked in.

 Bro why you shirtless what if a girl sees your dry chest and big belly how would you face her. Conor asked.

 What's with the lecture, this isn't the first time you seeing me this way. Derrick stated then a knock came in.

 Who's there. Derrick asked with a curious gaze.

It's your boy Klaus. Klaus walked in.

 Woah bro why shirtless and when did you get tattooed. Klaus asked as he walked in.

We are all boys being shirtless isn't a bad thing and these aren't tattoos they're ru.... before Derrick could complete his statement Allison walked in without an announcement.

 Wow pot bellied chest; Allison butted in while looking at Derrick shirtless body.

 Hmm, don't act like you don't want too touch it. Derrick smiled pervertedly.

 Maybe if you had abs;Allison smiled. Well I have abs you can touch mine. Klaus said.

 Don't forget I've seen you half naked,you were only wearing pants. Allison reminded Klaus.

 Shit you're not supposed to say that out loud, why do you still remember something of about 3 years ago. Klaus was dejected.

 Hahahaha,you mean you saw his laps. Conor laughed.

Shut up Conor! She came to my house uninvited,don't make it sound weird. Klaus yelled.

 I'm not sure I came uninvited,you said I was always welcome at your house at any time. Allison reminded Klaus.

 Fine just change the topic. Klaus avoided the topic.

No time for discussion,let's head too the woods for training. Derrick said. While Derrick and the trio came out of his room, walking walking through the hallway his butler pulped out saying young master I'm sorry but madam said too always follow you around.

 Well you can't follow us around we are going to do something private but I promise no trouble. Derrick said convincely.

Well I'm sorry young master Derrick it's either that or you don't leave at all. The butler persisted. Then Derrick signalled his squad too hold him while he activated the rune of teleportation with an essence stone~BOOM~ they disappeared without a trace. Young master ple. The butler said half way.

 Pheww~*puke*~*puke*~ that was close . Conor puked. 

Why does your mom wants you too be followed. Allison asked.

 She wants me too avoid troubles. Derrick replied. What sort of training are we doing today. He continued.

I think training our new skills is the best idea, we have four days too school resumption then we can practice martial arts at Connors. Klaus suggested. Alright. The others agreed.

 So how do we train the skills. Klaus asked.

Well just try and familiarise yourself with it in other too be efficient. Derrick answered.


Two days later.....


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