
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · Fantasy
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77 Chs

52: Resistance

Rows of data were displayed, and Wade discovered at the end that his Vitality had increased by 0.2.

"This figure!" Wade's eyes widened with surprise.

"Abby, till what point can my body continue to experience these increase with the help of this potion before developing a resistance"

[Beep! Calculating! ]

[Results! Host will gain a resistance to the potion after the tenth intake. Host is advised to take a potion after every 10 days so as to not cause poisoning of excess potion] Abby replied.

" So, it seems like I can't take it every other day." Wade mused.

Wade gazed at the 3D image of him, "Abby, calculate how much my body stats will increase with this potion."

[Establishing task, calculation in progress...]

[Beep! The simulation has ended. Expected increase in Host's stats: Strength: 0.7, Agility: 0.8, Vitality: 0.7!] Abby's voice sounded.

"So my basic capabilities will almost match the people who have done enhancement on themselves. This is good, normally after the enhancements they have some minor side effects but for me, I can get the same results without any problems for later, Brilliant!!"

Wade was quite happy with the results as it proved that he had not wasted the last month on something useless.

"Now that I don't have anything for the next month or two I can totally concentrate on my meditation as for the blood ratan root they can still be found in the market I just have to tell Croc to keep his eye on them for me as for the rest I can just keep on brewing potion to gather more knowledge and breakthrough to Rank 3 Apprentice."

Wade's Potioneering skills were good, to begin with, and with Abby's help, his succession rate for brewing had long surpassed his senior Sam and was comparable to that of his mentor, Fred.

However, all of this had to be kept with the utmost secrecy. As such, Wade did not dare sell too many of his potions inside the academy.

However, once he advanced to a Rank 3 Apprentice, he would reach a bottleneck. Without a vast amount of resources to use, one could only slowly progress with time.

Even a fifth-grade apprentice, without resources, would require at least 3 years advancing to a Rank 4 Apprentice!

Wade was a fourth-grade acolyte, and could only rely on this bit of income on the surface. To satisfy the requirements for advancement, who knows how long he would have to wait.

"Abby! Simulate the requirements that I need to advance into Rank 3 Apprentice!"

[Prerequisites for Rank 3 Apprentice: Spirit: 6, mastery of at least 3 spell models, a standard amount of Mana Stability Potion]

"Learning the 3 spell models is easy, but the Mana stability potion will be troublesome to obtain. I will need at least 600 Magic Crystals!"

Wade's expression was extremely solemn. As a Potioneering apprentice, he naturally knew what Mana stability potion was. These potions were not the same as elementary potions like the Vitality potions or Energy potions.

However, they required someone to have reached a basic level of Potioneering. There are those which increase Spirit, Vitality, or even potions that can reinforce the basic runes at an alarming rate. The demand is always greater than the supply for them.

"600 Magic Crystals is a little too much. However, after I have finished mastering the elementary Potioneering techniques from Mentor Fred, I can then start practising with basic potions. I might only need to purchase 100 Magic Crystals worth of ingredients to make the potions myself."

"It seems like the most important thing will be to get my Spirit up to 7!" Wade said with satisfaction, "Abby! According to my current status, how long will it take to meet these prerequisites through meditation?"

[Using the Host's Spirit as a base, simulation in progress!]

[Beep! The simulation has been completed. Estimated time needed: 1 Year!] Abby responded without any emotions.

"Only one year?" Wade's face turned ecstatic, " That's just perfect with my current strength going on more contributing mission would just cause problems so I will just take some missions every 3 months or so so as to practice my spells and earn contribution points."

While wade was thinking about it some more he thought about it a little bit further.

"Abby! Simulate the requirements that I need to advance into Rank 4 Apprentice!"

[Prerequisites for Rank 4 Apprentice : Spirit: 12, mastery of at least 3 advanced Rank 0 spell models, 500 grams of Rune Elixirs required to aid with breakthrough.]

"Again with the advanced potion. It seems my practice on the basic potion has to be brought forward" Wade appeared to be deep in thought, "Abby! According to my current status, how long will it take to meet these prerequisites through meditation?"

[Using the Host's Spiritual Force as a base, simulation in progress!]

[Beep! The simulation has been completed. Estimated time needed: 5 Years 6 Months and 15 Days!]

Abby responded without any emotions.

"That long?" Wade's face turned pale, "What's the problem? It only took me a little less than a year to raise my Spirit to 4.6 from the stats of an ordinary human... "

[The host has gained a resistance towards meditation, changing to a higher tiered meditation technique is recommended. Another option is to find ingredients that are compatible for raising the effects of meditation!] Abby projected a screen, with the various data and results on it.