
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · Fantasy
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77 Chs

02: Shock and Delight

' What the??'

Ved was almost shocked to death by the girly voice he heard in his brain.

'Isn't this the A.I. biochip "Abby" from my previous life? How did it come with me? This is unrealistic!!!"

Ved found it hard to believe. He said in his brain, "Abby! Scan my mind and search for locations of assistant systems!"

[Scan complete! No strange existences were found in the Host's mind!]

After a mere moment, Abby's girly voice replied back.

"Now scan my entire body, and display my body's stats!"

Another girly sound came.

[ Scan complete!]

[Ved:- Strength: 0.7, Agility: 0.6, Constitution: 0.6(0.7), Status: Bleeding from the back of the head, many injuries to the soft tissues]

[No A.I. Chips present in the Host's body!]

A 3D holographic screen appeared before Ved's eyes. It displayed Ved's holographic body, and showed stats on the side.

'No A.I. Chip? I know the A.I. Chip is analogous to a material substance. How did it follow my soul through Rebirth?' Ved thought to himself, "It seems like during the explosion of my reincarnation, some abnormality occurred, and the A.I. Chip's functions fused with my soul…"

"If I was still in my previous world, this would be a major discovery! It not only confirms the validity of the soul, but also shows that bodily matter and the soul can possibly transform each other! If I had this in the past I could probably break through the barrier of immortality as it is shown in theory that soul is immortal and thus if it could work on Abby it could also work on my body, Sigh !"

This kind of A.I. Chip was something he had created for his help in the previous world, it was created with his own genes and flesh with some special alloy so not even the scanners in his previous world could find it before his execution, this technology didn't have any intelligence of its own. It only had two functions: to analyze and to store information.

Its analyzing ability could only be used by following his commands as only he had it. It gathered data samples and reached a deduction based on simulations.

Its storage abilities were even simpler. It could use the data gathered from everything the Host's five senses experienced and record it down. Based on calculations from the previous world, this kind of A.I. Chip's storage area was enough to record over 1,000 years' worth of events.

"Why did the A.I. Chip and the soul fuse together? I'll ponder this kind of question later when I have the ability to do so! But with this A.I. Chip, I have some resources in this world!"

Ved couldn't help but smile, the current situation was quite optimistic for him. Even though he had died and been Reborn the current situation was not so much different from his previous world only a few centuries behind, so with his current knowledge he would be able to climb back to his Previous Glory without any problems and with the Abby attached to his soul, he would be able to know what changes had happened and might even be able to make his dream come true.

While he was imagining his perfect future, the pain from the back of his head brought him back to the present. He had to hurry and recover from the injury, which he had behind his head or It might lead to a permanent damage.

"Ha! this pain but still this kid's body is still too fragile. No matter how I see it, as he was an orphan he should at least be able to protect himself. So his body should have around a normal human strength" while he was thinking a sudden thought came to him

" Is might not only be him, maybe every human on this planet has around this much strength? " thinking till here he made a prompt order

"Abby Scan the surrounding area and give me the data of any human in the vicinity" he commanded.

'[ Task established! Beginning the collection of stats!]

In almost an instant, the 3D holographic image of the surrounding people's bodies appeared in front of Ved, displaying their stats.

[Name: Unknown. Gender: Male. Strength: 0.9, Agility: 1.1, Constitution: 0.8]

[Name: Unknown. Gender: Male. Strength: 1.2 Agility: 0.8, Constitution: 1.0]

[Name: Unknown. Gender: Female. Strength: 0.8, Agility: 1.2, Constitution: 0.7]

"Well then! It looks like the bodies of these people are stronger than those from my previous world. This kid is even inferior to a girl…..I'm starting to feel embarrassed for him….."

I scanned his surroundings. The people were all youths around his age. There was a frail girl whose stats were tons better than Ved causing him to feel utter despair.

"It looks like this Ved is a useless bookworm, who doesn't work out at all!"

[Name: Unknown, Gender: Male, Strength: 2.3, Agility: 2.5, Constitution: 2.7. Alert! Alert! This life form is excessively dangerous. Recommendation: Host should immediately move at least 1000 meters away!!!]

A red warning continued to flash in succession. This caused Ved to fall into a state of shock.

"Average of two what the heck did this person train with? Is he still even a human?" As a researcher of genetics in his previous life, Ved knew that what was the outcomes for a person's body to break his genetics limit.

Not only will the person have a faster rate of bodies injury recovery but his stamina would also be out of anybody's wildest dream, but he would be a beast in human clothing, to fight twice or thrice with all his attributes would be a piece of cake.

The data shown by Abby had almost given him a shock and all also a delight because it showed that this world was not simple, he was now even happy that he had died.