

The novel starts in a fantasy world... a world dominated by the supernatural beings, ancient legends, and various myths. In this kind of world, unique beings holding supreme authorities will come to exist... various legends crafted masterfully by the supreme will. Through various coincidences they rise to become those very legends. A fight between darkness and light, who will come out unscathed? Who will hold the grand title in this battle for supremacy? Only fate will tell... The Blood Rose, The Reaper, The Demon Wolf, and various Legends shall come together in this very world... Note: This is a Post As You Write kinda novel, any suggestion from readers is much appreciated.

MonstruoDormido · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Beginning

(A/N: First of all, I'd like to thank you for your time. I'm not that good in literature nor I'm I a master of English. I write this story to at least 'digitalize' my imagination. Its frustrating having many things in your mind without a way to express it.

If there's anyone who would like his or her ideas to be in this story feel free to comment your thoughts and ideas. Once I find an interesting idea I'll adjust accordingly. The 'main' protagonist of this story reflects a lot with myself in many ways than one. His personality will be a little complicated. Many times there will be things you won't be expecting. In my view it'll be good things but I'm not sure about any of you. I seek perfection so I apologize in advance. The story's chapters will have multiple stages, from raw (not that kinda raw) to edited, revised, refined until it becomes perfected. As it is my first story to be written and pursued, there may be a lot of grammar errors, typos, plot holes and other stuff some things may or may not make sense to the English experts but... I promise to try my best in writing this story, and as long as you are there to help me then alizwell, and if you do discover some errors please let me know, thank you.)


In an ocean far far away...

"Commander, our team has discovered the location of the lost ark. It is estimated to be about 200 kilometres north of our position shall we take a look?"

The sound of waves traveled across the cold sea. A man in a dark leather jacket and a hat stood in the shadows portrayed by the sunlight coming through the window and raised his head as he looked at a red cloak in front of him that faced the direction of the window as sunlight shone upon it as it flapped in the wind creating a bizarre scene.

A voice as cold as the winter breeze travelled across the room as the red cloak replied,

"Get the team ready, I'm finally about to discover the undiscovered treasure of all times. Once I have found the pearl of souls, I will recover my physical body and I will make them pay for what they did all those years ago. In this or the next life, there won't be peace until they are all dead."

A wild laughter sounded across the room as a burst of silver light illuminated the room.


Some time in the past...

LOCATION: Blue island: Carver's cabin

"Kelvin time for dinner, hurry up. The food tastes better when it's hot. I don't want to see a plate of unfinished food on the table."

Mrs Carver knocked on her son's door impatiently. She had recently noticed a strange behavior that her son had been showing the last few days after he woke up from a nightmare he had. It seemed to have left him in a deep trance that he couldn't get out of.

After a few knocks on the door, Mrs Carver finally couldn't hold it anymore and barged open the room only to find it devoid of life. She looked around and noticed an open window as the breeze waved the curtains adding a solitary illusion.



Mrs Carvers panicked shouts traveled through the neighborhood as the night descended into boundless silence.

A sudden deep voice emerged from the dark forest, a voice that no one could grasp.

" Namu letiska shamani ajila, Si na mou kaman. Okan mo voila imaka shamo, mo voila mikan nikasha. Bawe yokana namon."

"For centuries the world has been misguided. We will make it right. In the void we once were sealed, from the void will we return. Let the games begin."

(A/N: Heck, if it makes sense)


In the bright moonlight amidst the echoing waves, on the shore of the sea filled with crystal-clear water laid a small human figure. Purple hair, pale skin, and a child-like face revealed itself. A youth sleeping on the shore, if anyone were to come close they'd have been shocked as to why a child was sleeping on the shores of the mythical sea, the sea where fearsome monsters and legends resided. None could enter but the worthy. Alas! no one was there to ponder the question.

The youth opened his eyes as the violet eyeballs came to life. His grim eyes glared towards the moon as his eyes flashed for a brief moment before he sat up straight and looked around confused.

'Where am I?'

He asked himself.

The youth rose fully and looked at the reflection in the water and saw two violet shining eyes glaring back at him, and there he was. A young boy, in his teens his glittering skin possessed a crystal-like brilliance. The two eyes were like orbs glowing in the distance.


In a place not far away. A group of children could be seen sitting around a bonfire seemingly talking, but once one looked closer one would notice the mischievous glint in their eyes. These children were famed for their reckless behaviors, running off to strange dangerous places causing mayhem. The fact was, they were not your average people around here.

Like a secret cult of sorts, they all gathered close to a blond haired girl who looked like the leader of the group.

"Karlie, don't you think we should explore that mountain in the north? Come on, it'll be fun."

A black haired youth asked looking at a brown headed girl next to him for assistance. The girl wisely avoided his eyes and whispered,

"Jade, you understand that this is a very serious matter you are trying to bring up. Karlie knows and I think you do too, how dangerous the forest is."

She looked at him silently studying his intentions.

"Look, all I'm saying is that we shouldn't do nothing about it, the rest of the school already have their own spirit beasts. Don't you think we should start looking for our own? It's been a while now and we still haven't decided anything" Jade shrugged and defended himself.

The blond haired girl sighed and shook her head. She turned her back towards them, closed her eyes and chuckled.

"it's not that i don't want to go, I'm just looking for the right opportunity. Then we'll show them, we'll show them all." She whispered.

A dark look escaped her eyes as the rest of the children looked at her in understanding.

They gathered together and engaged in whispers no one outside their circle could understand. It was after a few minutes that they rose up one by one and dispersed, each toward his or her home.

Karlie's been looking out a lot for her 'friends', it's not everyday you see a group of children gathering around. She was walking on her way home when she noticed a small boy standing in the distance not far from her gazing at the sky oddly, she curiously turned her head up to the sky and noticed no oddity and furrowed her eyebrows.

She looked at the child in front of her uncertainly.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The youth looked at her revealing the purple eyes staring at her confused.

"who are you?" he asked back.

"Little guy, I'm asking the question here."

The kid looked at her for a moment and was in deep thought before he replied,

"I don't know."

Karlie studied the figure a little closer and relaxed a little after she sensed no threat on him.

"Follow me. this isn't a good place to talk, especially at night."

She led him along the road home as he followed along mechanically.

A few minutes passed and a wooden house gradually appeared in front of them. A depressing aura surrounded the house as a smell of iron drifted about and into the boy's nose as his eyes looked around with caution.

"May not look like a good place but trust me, its the only place to keep you alive around here."

When they came upon the entrance, a magnificent looking sight greeted them as they entered inside. The sparkling cups and plates as they passed by the kitchen filled with all kinds of food and drinks. There were a few bottles containing red liquid that the boy couldn't remember seeing them before. They had the same iron scent as the one outside the house.

After walking through the red corridors, they arrived in a room filled with tables and chairs and a big long table at the centre with wooden chairs around it. The whole house had an ancient feeling that was even more ancient than a millennium ago. As they walked inside, a strange object caught the youth's attention as he looked at a strange purple bracelet on a bookshelf by the door, this object was unlike any other. Perhaps it was the light, but the shiny thing seemed to have opened a strange memory in the youth's mind.


The boy closed his eyes and a scenery unfolded before his eyes.

Deep in the shallow waters, in the veil of darkness, a few silhouettes could be seen moving in the water.

"Trixan I swear if you don't put that thing down I'm going to tell Mother."

A strange golden haired girl appeared in front of a youth who had a silver crystal in his hands, she seemed pretty mad about whatever it was that he carried in his hand and about to throw it in a strange whirlpool.

The strange surrounding kept getting odder and odder until after a while he realized that he was in what appeared like a huge ocean. All kinds of scenes flashed before his eyes until...