
Dawn of Heroes

Powered heroes have become the ultimate celebrities, and Travis dream of joining the A-List–but to get there, he'll first have to take down evil Powered gangs, compete with deadly rivals, choose a worthy sidekick, team up with famous champions, and prove to all of Hoshi City that he's a true hero.

Rizen_Felizardo · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 55: Eliminated

Travis is standing on stage next to the rest of his Team, hoping he can stay on his feet long enough to make it through the elimination ceremony. Ten offensive and defensive Mission simulations later, all he can think about is his bed.

There were different setups for each one of the Finalists, with new environments that included jungles, ancient ruins, pyramids—the list went on and on. The producers obviously wanted a lot of footage for this episode….

Thankfully the last remaining traces of adrenaline in his system keep him alert. After all, he could still be facing a 10th place elimination tonight.

"Before we get things started, I have some very good news," Covalt begins. "First, we'd like to thank The Hoshi Group for their valiant efforts in assisting our ongoing battle with Phobus and The NewOrder."

"Since our last encounter with this terrorist cell, our Mission Control has come up with a comprehensive view of Phobus's endgame. One that we'd like to share with the public now."

Hearing this, Travis perk up—this sounds like intel that hasn't been shared with the Finalists yet, either.

"We have ascertained from the blueprints secured from Phobus's castle headquarters that Phobus's plot is to deploy an advanced bio-weapon that will make everyone in the surrounding blast radius mutate with Animalistic qualities. We believe Phobus has an additional member of the NewOrder, a technological Powered genius, working in secret to create this weapon."

"We also believe that this weapon builder has found a unique—and terrifying—energy source for the bio-weapon…"

"Human lifeforce."

There's a gasp from the audience as Covalt's announcement settles. And Travis tries to process all of this information as it comes… This end goal would certainly explain all of Phobus's attacks—if he needs to create enough fatalities to power his twisted machine, these terrorist strikes would do the trick.

"And for that, Rexford has an announcement to make." Covalt says.

"Yes, Covalt. I'd like to publicly confirm that, for next week's Finale, we aim to end the threat that Phobus poses to our great nation with a definitive strike," Rexford says. "Come next week, there will be no place Phobus can hide from The Hero Project. And we'd very much like for him to know that we're coming for him."

The crowd breaks into cheers at this announcement—though a pit drops in Travis stomach. As much as he wants to be there for what's sure to be the heroic showdown of the year, the idea of finally facing off against Phobus is singularly terrifying.

That said, he can still think of something even more terrifying—being eliminated before he can even reach this face off.

"Unfortunately, after this week's eliminations, we will only have eight Finalists present for this epic battle," Covalt adds, as the lights begin to dim. "And we have the unpleasant task of saying goodbye to one of our amazing Final 10 right now."

Travis looks at the other members of his Team and hope that they win this week's Mission. If they don't, two out of the five of them will be going home—and with Null in the mix alongside him, he don't like those odds at all.

"I have received the combined Leaderboard tallies for both Teams from our judges, and this was an extremely close call. Mere points separate our winning Team from our losing Team," Covalt says, putting on his best stunned face.

"But only one Team can win Immunity this week, and that team is…"

"Team Two!"

As the words leave Covalt's mouth, Travis feels his entire body go numb.

That…that can't be. The other Team's simulations must have gone just a little bit better, despite his own simulation win. Could Rebellion really be that pissed that he didn't take his Pump pills? Or are the judges just protecting some of their other favorites on Team One?

Travis looks across the stage at the other Team celebrating—Inherit, Asrid, Sky, The Crush, and Lucky will all be a part of the Final 8 and face off against Phobus in the Finale.

He want to be over there so badly it hurts. But looking over the faces of Bearcat, Jury, Null, and Manbeast, he can tell they all feel exactly the same way.

He can't go home now. Not after all he has been through.

Jury has to be the one to go, for just about every reason Travis can think of.

Jury will never really be on his side, no matter what. And seeing him go home would not only mean dealing with one less enemy, it would also be a serious blow to the Victon campaign.

Not to mention it would just be enormously satisfying to see Jury get cut while he stays.

"All right, how about we deliver some more good news? One of our heroes from Team One has earned Immunity, joining Team Two in safety from this week's eliminations," Covalt announces. "Though I must also inform the Finalists that this will be our last Immunity of the competition—next week, all of our Final 8 will be eligible for the last two eliminations."

As Covalt builds in another trademark pause, Travis closes his eyes—he really need Immunity this week. He doesn't want to have to deal with being vulnerable tonight or eligible for Thursday's vote.

"However, for now, the hero with the highest Leaderboard score on Team One is…."

"Manbeast, with a score of 96!"

As Manbeast steps forward, Travis looks over at Null, who seems to be looking back at him (though he can never really tell). This now means that between him, Null, Jury, and Bearcat, half of them will be eliminated by Thursday.

Which basically means that he has to make sure Bearcat and Jury are the ones eliminated….

"All right, let's not waste any time getting to our second safe Finalist from Team One," Covalt rolls on. "Advancing to the Final 9 is…"

"Jury, with a score of 83!"

As Jury walks to safety, he makes sure to give Travis a wink. Despite his failure in the Mission simulation, Jury (unfortunately) did well in his own Field Captain simulation.

Travis hates that he has to keep dealing with Jury—the longer he sticks around, the better it is for the Victons and the worse it could potentially be for him. Especially if they both end up winning spots on The American Protectors….

"Let's keep things rolling, shall we?" Covalt says, his eye on the episode timer to the side of the stage. "The next safe Finalist is…."

As Covalt pauses, Travis holds his breath. Because as it stands, him, Null, or Bearcat is going home. Which means that the Underdogs are about to lose another member, tying the numbers with the Populars at four to four (with Manbeast in the middle, as usual).

As much as that sucked, now he can only hope that it's Bearcat getting eliminated….

"Null, with a score of 81!"

As relieved as he is to see Jenny advance, he can't help but focus on the fact that it's now just down to him and Bearcat in the Bottom Two.

And that one of them is about to go home, right now.

As Null walks towards safety, Rebellion decides to chime in. "The lowest scorer on this Team really dragged down the entire Leaderboard tally. So truly, this hero deserves to be the one eliminated."

"Well said, Rebellion," Covalt says with a nod before turning back towards Travis and Bearcat. "Shall we find out who that is? The last safe hero, making it into the Final 9, is…"

Travis closes his eyes, because it has to be him who's safe. It just has to be…

"Gravitate, with a score of 75!"

Thank. Sh*t.

As he stands with the official Final 9 assembled in safety at the edge of the stage, The Hero Project begins the process of saying goodbye to Bearcat. And for all his usual bravado, Bearcat can't seem to sustain his massive form. Having reverted back to his waifish frame, Bearcat stands on the stage, looking like a skinny twig of a boy, his entire body shaking.

All of the Underdogs immediately run forward to huddle around Bearcat, who can't seem to stop shaking.

"Bear, I'm so sorry," Lucky says as she crowd around. "I don't know what we're going to do without you."

But all that manages to do is push Bearcat further into a sobbing fit.

"Listen, I know how awful this must be," Travis try, "but getting cut this close to the end sometimes rallies your fans even more than if you'd have won, right?"

Bearcat nods—it's not much, but it's something.

"We're going to eviscerate those Popular idiots," Null finally says, stepping in to hug The Bear—which is an odd display, given Null's appearance in her death suit.

But hearing this, Bearcat is finally able to pull himself together and exit with some pride.

As the ceremony comes to a close and Bearcat is escorted off the stage, Travis knows that no matter how else he feel, he should be relieved about making it through to the Final 9.

Then again, the Underdogs just lost another member going into the next elimination vote.

A vote that only him, Jury, and Null are eligible for.

Which means he have to find a way to send Jury packing.

Game. On.

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