
Dawn of Heroes

Powered heroes have become the ultimate celebrities, and Travis dream of joining the A-List–but to get there, he'll first have to take down evil Powered gangs, compete with deadly rivals, choose a worthy sidekick, team up with famous champions, and prove to all of Hoshi City that he's a true hero.

Rizen_Felizardo · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 17: Celebration

"Gran, I need to sleep…" Travis mumbles, rolling over as Grandma tries to shake him awake. He can't have been asleep for more than an hour or two.

"You've been out cold for thirteen hours," Grandma says, poking him again. "Don't make me bring De Milo in here…."

Ignoring Grandma, he generates an energy shield around his bed and settle deeper into his pillow.

"Fine. I suppose the 3DVR will save your first appearance on HeroLine."

Grandma's voice is muffled through his shield, so he's sure he misheard her as she leaves the room.

"What are you—" Travis start, dropping the shield.

"Ah, you and that Black Magician character seem rather chummy…."

Hearing this, he jolted out of bed and ran into the living room.

"Two rookie heroes received the opportunity of a lifetime last night as they pitched in on The Hoshi Group's most high-profile case of the year—taking down the once-untouchable Splice Circle."

Travis picture flashes on the TV screen next to HeroLine's main correspondent, Sheri Saw. He must be hallucinating—HeroLine is one of MC's top gossip shows.

"What do you want to know most about this smashing mission?" Sheri asks as interactive 3D-touch options pop out of the screen. Travis turn to Grandma.

"Don't look at me," she says, beaming. "This is your TV debut, you choose!"

Travis chooses the: Gravitate hero or hack.

"Newcomer Gravitate has certainly burst on to HC's hero scene in the past few weeks. First widely known for sabotaging the Gravitas case and suspected of the original Splice Circle murders, Gravitate was at the top of the heroic black list.

"However, after Gravitate stepped up to play a key role in shutting down The Splice Circle, the MCPD has cleared Gravitate of all charges. And with rumors circulating of a steamy potential romance with heartthrob Black Magic, this hero is definitely one to watch.

"But it still remains to be seen whether Gravitate is a true hero or just a hack on an unprecedented lucky streak…."

Travis watches the TV, his jaw just about ready to hit the floor. It's certainly a mixed review, but press like that is absolutely invaluable for an aspiring hero. If he keeps up the good work, he might even be able to undo the rest of the damage still spotting up his reputation….

He chooses another news: Splice Circle in Disarray!

"Thanks to the joint efforts of the MCPD, The Hoshi Group, and undercover Fringes hero Static, all remaining high-level members of The Splice Circle have been arrested. After such a devastating blow, the organization seems to be scrambled beyond repair, concluding a near decade-long reign of terror in the Eastern Fringes. Additionally, reports of Ani-gang violence have decreased by nearly fifty percent since the Splice fall and the breakup of a recent turf rumble, performed by a slew of anonymous heroes."

Travis smiles, knowing that both accomplishments are in large part thanks to his efforts.

And thankfully, there's no mention of the S that was burned into Madame Vice's corpse—the authorities were very careful not to release any images of her body. The last thing anyone wants are rumors circulating that Smyther is indeed alive. For the moment, everyone hopes Vice's murder was the work of a loyalist copycat, obviously equipped with some speedy teleportation Powers….

He presses back and choose another news: Jury vs. Gravitate for a Hoshi Group Reserve Spot!

"Rumor has it a fierce rivalry is brewing between rookie heroes Jury and Gravitate. Apparently, some heated words were exchanged between the two post-mission, which is understandable, considering it's widely known that Gravitate usurped Jury's spot in The Gravitas case—a move many believe led to the unnecessary destruction of the valuable artifact.

"Now it seems the two would-be heroes are in direct competition for an open reserve member position in The Hoshi Group…."

Travis think back to the end of the mission, after all the press and police had cleared. Rebellion patted him on the shoulder and said, "After what you did here tonight, Gravitate, you have a very good shot at filling that reserve spot. We'll let you know in a few days."

Those words have been ringing in his ears ever since, reinforced by a nod from Ellaine, who was having her dislocated shoulder reset by Monk.

After those reassuring displays and connecting with Black Magic (not to mention totally outshining Jury), he knows that he has a real chance of filling that reserve spot.

He thinks back to the sprawling HGHQ and the Legendary heroes filling its halls—he's so close to being a part of that.

Travis hit the mute button, overwhelmed by what he just seen. That was…unreal. He was on TV! Although it's not quite as glamorous as he always imagined it would be all these years, it's definitely a moment to remember.

He turn to Grandma, who seems just as overwhelmed. She grips him in a monster hug.

"I always knew you had what it takes," Grandma says. "Now you go get washed up because I'm cooking you the biggest brunch of your life to celebrate!"

As Grandma hurries into the kitchen, he makes his way back toward his room, still feeling rather dazed.

Inside his room, H-Chip Aphrodite beeps with several alerts. But before he opens any of them, Aphrodite appears in his mind, wearing a floor-length dress covered in flashing, multicolored sequins.

"I like the way you work it, Travis," H-Chip Aphrodite sings. "No diggity!"

"Aw, thanks Aphrodite," Travis thinks.

"I'm so excited, I won't even shade you for not introducing me to that fine piece of machinery, Processor…."

"Next time, I promise," Travis thinks, just hoping that there will be a next time.

Moving on, he opens the alerts and is greeted by a H-Card sent to his Gravitate account from three teenage sisters, it's the Molten Ladies!

"We just wanted to thank you for saving us from Madame Vice," they say, waving at Travis from the holographic card. "We only hope we can repay you one day."

He immediately saved the H-Card to his HeroSpace Gravitate page. He doesn't even want to think about what those poor girls must have gone through. With all the heinous crimes attributed to The Splice Circle, Madame Vice's recruitment methods were mostly overlooked….

Suddenly, her murder seems far less tragic.

Thinking back, he really can't believe how well things went. He did some real good and boosted his heroic reputation at the same time.

As he continues to scroll through his alerts, he finds he has to sit down as he open the next one: a paycheck from The Hoshi Group.

"Enclosed is a Check for your work with The Hoshi Group."

He look over the check, which is listed with the standard day rate for reserve members: $2,000.

His eyes nearly fall out of his head—not only is that more money than he has in his bank account right now, but it also means that even the lowest-level Group members make half a million dollars a year. That's…insane.

After putting on new pants, he makes his way back to the kitchen, ready to reward himself with an unhealthy amount of food. As he enters the kitchen, he's quite stunned to hear three voices shout, "Surprise!"

Sitting in front of a massive, meaty brunch feast are Grandma, Jenny, and Tarana Rain, the shimmer tree shaking loose behind them.

Travis smiles, happy to see his little, makeshift family gathered here on such a happy day.

Until he realizes that, thanks to Grandma, Tarana Rain now knows his secret identity.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Travis shouts, he covers his top body with his hands.

"Ahh! put some clothes old man!" Tarana shouts back covering his eyes.

"Grandma you should have said that there's a little girl coming here! I should have put some shirts on!" Travis shouts, he quickly gets back to his room and changes his outfit.

"I'm sorry Travis, but it's a surprise you're not supposed to know it."

"Don't worry Grandma, it's okay." Travis says, and fake his smile "Tarana Rain is our guest and I trust her completely. After all, she saved my life."

"Oh, yes I saved your life," Tarana Rain says in the most polite voice.

Tarana Rain winks at him and Travis hands curl into fists. "What on earth was Grandma thinking, inviting this brat into my home?" Travis says in his mind, clearly not expecting this to happen.

After consuming more food than he thought humanly possible, Jenny pats him on the back.

"All right, this was lovely, but I've got to get going," she says. "I do have a little congratulatory present for you, though."

"What's this?" Travis asks, Jenny hands him a slip of paper (so old-school) with an address scribbled on it.

"I dug up all I could on Veta," Jenny says. "I'm sad to say there isn't a whole lot out there. All I could find was that address, which is registered under the name 'Veta.' It's not much…"

"But it's a start," Travis finish, knowing this is the perfect time to start looking into Veta—especially after Madame Vice's mysterious murder. "I think I just figured out what I'm doing for the day."

"Ahem," Grandma coughs, nodding directly at Tarana Rain. "What you both are doing for the day."