
Dawn of gods

One day, a colossal meteorite struck the Earth, triggering a series of cataclysms. While humans were just beginning their process of recovery and planet reconstruction, an unknown energy began to spread across the Earth. Trees grew larger, animals became more powerful, threatening the survival of humankind. Fortunately, humans did not remain passive; they evolved as well, harnessing this energy to increase their own power. Among them, some received a gift from the universe from birth: a plane seed. Over time, as the Earth expanded, the rate of plane seeds among humans continued to rise, to the extent that almost every human possessed one. A new chapter in human history unfolded, with gods as the backbone of society. Some people will call it a new dawn; the dawn of the gods, Anonymous, May 28, 81395. (english is not my birth language, so there might be some faults in the traduction)

Myrdalein · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 8: Sperm Whales' Attack

Somewhere else in the palace, there was a massive hangar. It measured about one square kilometer and nearly fifty meters height.

On the ground, there were over a thousand spatial rifts, each a few dozen meters radius. Around them, thousands of people worked.

There were thousands of cages containing various types of monsters. Some were aquariums with mutant jellyfish, others had frost birds, and some even had moving lava balls.

All these monsters created a tremendous cacophony while people moved between the cages, holographic forms projected in front of them.

Occasionally, they took some cages and emptied their contents into a spatial channel.

It was the boarding room. Here, the school employees directly sent waves of monsters to the divine realms of the students.

Everything was standardized, and each student would encounter exactly the same number of monsters each wave.

Suddenly, the void twisted, and a dozen people appeared in the air, exuding a terrifying pressure.

Immediately, the monsters, regardless of their shape or type, stopped roaring and curled up, trembling like leaves.

The director looked at the workers below with a cold gaze.

"Who's the asshole who sent kobolds into portal 6-39?"

Under his terrifying aura, the employees didn't dare to say anything.

It might not seem like a very serious mistake, but if the deputy director really disqualified the student while the school was at fault, not to mention having an angry family of true gods seeking explanations, the school would quickly become the laughingstock of the city, if not the region.

Finally, a person came out of the staff resting room and stepped forward.

"It's me, Your Excellency. I apologize for such a mistake; it won't happen again, I swear!"

It was a scruffy and overweight man who apparently was a pinnacle rank 8.

In fact, it wasn't him who placed the kobolds, but another employee whom he had forced to do his job.

But in the end, it was his portal. Even if he said nothing, it would eventually fall on him.

In front of a true god, he absolutely didn't want to reveal the truth and could only plead guilty, swearing in his heart to make the other guy's life hell as soon as the deputy director left.

The deputy director glanced at the bag of chips the man was holding, and then the old man with a hunched back standing near portal 6-39.

"I agree it won't happen again. You're fired. You have thirty minutes to pack your things and get out."

The man scowled.

"Your Highness, even though I made a mistake, I don't think it's fair to fire me!"

The director gave him a terrifying look and with a sudden, release a bit of his power, forcing the man to kneel with his back soaked in cold sweat.

"Oh really? Well, in that case, maybe threatening your colleagues is a good enough reason? You can sue us if you want; I'm sure the judge will make the right choice."

The man turned pale immediately and collapsed to the ground. He knew everything was over.

Eventhough society was leaded by gods, there was still a kind of laws and justices that remained from before the recovery of the aura.

The deputy director then turned to the rank 7 old man.

"You should have informed us directly of this kind of abuse. Acting like this could have had very serious consequences for you and the school in general. However, it's still our fault for not realizing it sooner, so you won't be punished."

With these words, the deputy director and the teachers disappeared, leaving a bewildered old man, a desperate fat-ass man, and a deadly silent hangar.

Unknown galaxy, in a spatial rift.

In the divine realm, Liam and the novarians watched the kobolds emerge from the portal one after another.

There were 65 mortals and 15 first-order kobolds, but in any case, they were all in the same situation: total drowning.

Kobolds had a long tail growing from the base of their spine and thin but strong limbs.

Their bodies were covered in small crimson scales, and their heads resembled that of a velociraptor, but with two long ears hanging from their temples.

On land, they were among the most agile and alert lower races; legend even said they had a thin dragon blood.

However, in the water, they were like rocks.

The novarian chief ordered his troops to retreat, letting the eighty kobolds drown one after another. At the same time, Liam received a message from the director.

"There was a problem at the palace and we send you the wrong monsters wave. Don't worry too much about it; it won't affect your results. The school takes it seriously and will compensate you. A new wave corresponding to the third wave will appear in an hour, and the exam will resume its normal course."

Liam sighed in relief.

He feared that to be disqualified for this, but it seemed the school had already planned for it. Now, all he had to do is waiting.

An hour later, the spatial channel began to ripple again, and several silhouettes emerged from the portal.

Instead of rushing outside like the sharks, they stayed clustered in front of the canal exit, constantly trembling and yelping as if they were frightened.

Soon, the eighty silhouettes gathered, anxiously looking around.

Liam watched them in amazement.

They were lizardmen. Like the kobolds, there were fifteen first-order lizardmen and sixty-five mortals.

Physically, they really look like kobolds. The only noticeable differences were their green scales and more sturdy physique.

Kobolds were focused on agility, while lizardmen were focused on power. Normally, they were very tyrannical and attacked anything that moved, but here, they looked like cats scared by a car.

Liam then remembered the director's message and thought that the problem probably came from there.

The novarian chief wasted no time and launched the attack. This time, he sent everyone, taking advantage of the lizardmen's fear to encircle them tightly.

"For the Lord of the Azure Abyss, kill the heretics!"

The novarians roared at the lizardmens.

It seemed to bring them out of their trance. When they sew a bunch of weaklings they considered as mere food attacking them, they quickly put aside their fear of the powerful deputy director and fought back.

One apprentice warrior novarian used the Spurt of the Fish and darted at a first-order lizardman.

Although lizardmen were amphibious creatures, they were more accustomed to swamps and jungles than the ocean, where they didn't have a foothold at all.

The novarian's bone knife opened the lizardman's body, penetrating deep into its chest and coming out through its back.

Immediately, he stepped back, and another first-order novarian took his place. However, he wasn't as lucky as his comrade and, even after using the technique, ended up impaled by another lizardman's lance.

Other novarians cried out and used the technique, rushing at the lizardmens.

Hundreds of novarians advanced and bombarded the eighty lizardmens with attacks.

Each novarian team handled two lizardmens, and they didn't hesitate to merge to attack a powerful lizardman. The novarian chief himself handled five first-order lizardmens, cutting and parrying blows.

Over time, the mortal lizardmen couldn't withstand the pressure and ended up being torn to pieces.

Shortly after, the novarian chief beheaded the last lizardman and took a breath.

Facing five opponents, he didn't dare to use the Spurt of the Fish by fear of getting exhausted before killing them all.

He could not deny that novarians are very weak.

Normally, a warrior could easily handle a dozen apprentices, but the chief novarian was already showing signs of exhaustion facing only five of them.

Liam sighed as he summarized the casualties of the battle. Fifty-three novarians died, including six first-orders.

On the other hand, thirteen of them had successfully broken the chains of their lineage and started evolving.

The novarians quickly cleared the battlefield. The small island had now become a true hill of corpses, towering over fifteen meters high.

The novarian chief gathered the tribe and started a new ceremony. As before, Liam's giant ghost appeared in the air. He quickly "blessed" the thirteen novarians, and the evolution that normally took months only lasted a few seconds

However, once their evolution complete, he didn't disappear immediately. Instead, he spoke with a deep voice.

"My dear people, you fought with all your might, and several of you paid a heavy price. I witnessed your courage and bravery, but the battle is not over yet. I rely on you to eradicate the rest of these despicable invaders who want to destroy your home!"

He spread his arms and spent about 2000 faith points to create a divine rain that fell on the novarians, gradually healing their wounds and even regenerating the severed hand of a first-order novarian.

The novarian immediately became a fanatic, and several hundred novarians turned into true believers or fervent believers.

The regeneration alone nearly cost 300 faith points, but Liam had no regrets. Not only had increased the number of true believers, but he also directly increased his strength to resist the final wave.

Yes, he felt that the next wave would probably be the last he could handle

What he didn't know was that teachers had seen the whole scene through dead monsters' eyes, and they couldn't help but discuss about it aloud, praising the efficiency of his gesture and redefining his potential in their minds.

The novarians continued to pray madly, and Liam felt the faith links of his believers strengthening at an incredible rate.

The novarian chief wanted to hold a great ceremony, but the war was not over.

Once again, the counter reached zero, and several silhouettes emerged from the spatial passage.

Seeing the huge silhouettes emerge, Liam couldn't help but curse his luck. Even the teachers worried when they saw the monsters emerging.

One of the first to come out was about eighteen meters long.

It had a streamlined body with a square head, a long and elongated lower jaw, triangular fins and a flat tail.

Liam recognized it at a glance; it was a sperm whale.

These big guys were the undisputed giants of the seas. In terms of strength, even a mortal sperm whale was as strong as a first-order apprentice warrior.

However, it wasn't over.

One after another, these sea behemoths emerged from the portal.

The smallest was over fifteen meters long, and the average size of mortal sperm whales was seventeen meters. Those of the first order were even more massive, reaching twenty-four meters long.

There were a hundred mortal sperm whales and twenty first-order sperm whales. These massive beings directly occupied a huge area, spreading in all directions.

Liam communicated in emergency with the novarian chief and made them retreat at full speed, rushing towards the cove.

Perhaps because of their large size, these behemoths were slower than novarians, allowing them to escape safely.

Liam wasn't worried about the corpses he left behind. They were on an island, and sperm whales were purely marine animals. Even if they were powerful enough to sink the island if they wanted to, they probably wouldn't think about it.

While the novarians were in total rout, the canal fluctuated again. This time, a thirty-five-meter behemoth emerged.

The fourth wave contained a rank 2 monster.

If Liam were in an office, he would surely have flipped a table. Among all possible races, why did he have to encounter such a difficult-to-handle one?

Just for the first-order sperm whales, even if they just stood there without moving, the novarians would have a hard time killing them.

Fortunately, his divine realm wasn't purely aquatic. There was a continent of several square kilometers: enough to let novarians rest during the war.

His brain was spinning at a hundred miles per hour as he looked for a solution to this situation.

Indeed, Liam had no intention of giving up. Since sperm whales couldn't go ashore, there was hope.

He suddenly saw a scene that gave him an idea.

In the divine realm, seeing there was nothing to hunt besides small fish, the sperm whales split up.

Liam smiled. A direct confrontation probably wouldn't work. The novarians would be slaughtered in minutes. However, since the sperm whales didn't stay together, a new path opened up: guerrilla warfare.

He immediately conveyed the message to the novarian chief, who quickly put the plan in action.

They soon found several suitable places. As long as the depth didn't exceed ten meters and there were several caves or rocky outcrops nearby for the novarians to hide, it was enough.

In general, only about two hundred and fifty novarians could hide there.

The novarian chief took no risks and only took the exact number of novarians, splitting the novarians army in two squads.

One of the novarian apprentice warriors went to lure the sperm whales and returned with eight or nine behemoths emitting very deep "clicks".


Once they reached the ambush site, several hundred novarians fell upon them. After a short fight, they finally manage to kill them all with about half a dozen casualties.

At the end of the fight, the novarian chief brought everyone back to land, disappearing from the area and taking the corpses with them before other sperm whales arrived, attracted by the sounds emitted by their comrades.

Once on land, the chief let the novarians rest and take the other squad, back to hunt.

They managed to hunt a small group in about five minutes.

When Sperm Wales had entered the divine realm for nearly forty-five minutes, their chief realized that something was wrong. He emitted a very deep click that covered the entire divine realm.

Every sperm whale gave up what they were doing and rushed toward him.

A few moments later, the chief exploded with rage. He swung his enormous tail with all his might, hitting the seabed. The impact shook the ground, and dust spread in the water, hiding the huge crater he just dug.

Nevertheless, his anger was justified. Of the one hundred and twenty beasts that came with him, only thirty-one remained, including only eight first order sperm whales.

Above the realm, Liam sighed as he contemplated the scene.

He was also pressed for time and had to kill them all before the arrival of the next wave.

Time was running out. On the counter, only fifteen minutes remained.

The time for total war had come!