
Dawn of Eternal

"My life is a mess after you were born" One of the words that his mother used to tell him when he was still a little boy "Let's call it off, some people don't get a clue when we don't want him here" One of the words that his neighbor and classmates used to tell him when he tries to join and socialize with them "Why don't you become a tree or something? at least it is not useless like you" One of the words that his boss used to tell him when he make slight mistakes in his works "Well I know some places where you can die without getting hurt too much" One of the words that his colleague used to tell him when he lost his jobs Being disdained from the people around him, Bobby died in this world but he transmigrated into another world In another world, it seems the suffering he had before seems not enough as he needs to deal with suffering in this new world too Can he survive in the world that is filled with many mysteries of a variety of races, magic power, the politic, and wars with only using his martial arts knowledge from his past Author's note: Btw the cover photo is just something that i made using prequel and canva

akata · Action
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36 Chs

304 2

Bobby searching for his house number which is 304 and as he walks by the treehouses, someone is tapping his shoulder from the back. As he turns his head, the person that is familiar to him, one of the people that he gets close to after he transmigrated here, Hans, is behind his back



Awkward silence looms over them for a moment but Hans is the first one to breaks the ice

"It's been a long time….how have you been for these past 3 years."

"I….I'm good, just the same ol Bobby. It's good to see you again man."

"Ya… me too. Let's keep talking while we head over to our house. What is the number for your houses by the way.?"

"Sure. My houses number is 304, How about you?"

"304? Hmm… I guess we will be close in here too. My house number is 304 too. By the way, don't act like you were once my butler here and told anyone. I heard from my father, Don is looking for you. Keep alert as we also don't know why did he searching for you."


Both Bobby and Hans keep walking past the tree houses as they reminisce about the 3 years that they don't meet with each other.

They finally found the number that they have been searching for 10 minutes.

In front of them, a big wooden house is standing. The house is stuck to the trees and there are wooden stairs to reach the main door for the houses.

Bobby and Hans check again if the number on the house is correct as they enter the house. As they walk into the house, there is a living room big enough for several people and two rooms beside each other. There is also a kitchen near the living rooms.

"This house is kinda spacious, I wonder who will we meet and spend our 3 years together."

As soon as Bobby finished his sentence, Bobby heard someone's voice at the door

There is a girl with silky black hair with a big brush on her back. Bobby instantly recognize the person as he blurts out in a surprise

"Flat rude girl!"

Hans who turned his head as he heard the voice of the girl earlier quickly hides his mouth as he look in another direction

The girl's nostril flares as she stares at Bobby. She grabs the big brush on her back and throws it in Bobby's direction.

Hans who is standing beside Bobby, hasten his feet as he dodges the brush. The brush hit Bobby's forehead as he didn't expect the attack.

"What do you call me bastard!!"

"Monkey baldy!!"

The girl rushed toward Bobby and attacks him multiple times as Bobby is on the ground now.

"Hans…help me."

Hans sips the water bottle in his hands as if he didn't hear anything.

As the situation escalates, two girls and one guy open the door of the house. The scene of a girl brutally hitting the bald men on the ground is unfolding in front of them.

"Hey, welcome to the house." Hans continues to drink after the greeting.

All of the new entrees simultaneously answer to Hans as they look toward the one-sided beating beside them.

"Just ignore them, so my name is Hans Luther, that bald guy name is Bobby Wan and the girl is—"

"Luna Xans, just call me Luna," the girl said while smiling as she headlock Bobby's neck."

The new entrees of the house held back their laughter as they said.

"My name is Dana Arden. Nice to meet you all" said the beautiful girl with long brown hair in her white dress

"Rachel Clyne." said the girl that has chic looks with a short light brown hair

"The name is Rul Raiz." said the guy with silver hair and his neat grey outfit.

"Nice to meet you all too. Let's have a seat guys"

As they sit on the sofa, Rul picks up a white paper that is laid upon the desk and shows it toward Hans who is sitting beside him.

"Hans, did you read the paper yet?

"Let me take a look at it. Hmm… it's the rules of these places. Luna, Bobby you can continue your fight later, let's look at the rules together first."

Luna lets go of Bobby from her grip as she joins the group. Bobby pitifully grab his neck as he sat beside Hans.

"Hans the traitor…"

//The Rules of Holmes//

No fighting among the students

No stealing among the students

No dangerous act among the students

There will be a food bank in the middle of Holmes garden for students to grab the grocery for the food

Keep Holmes in harmony

In the case of an emergency, press the button in the living rooms for help.

\\ \\

"So we need to cook for our food I guess. Everyone that can cook over here?"

Silences are looming in the living rooms once Hans asks the question. Slowly Bobby raises his hands.

"I can be in charge of food."

After they finished discussing, the house has everyone with their roles in which Bobby will be in charge of food, Hans and Dana will be in charge of cleaning and the other three will be in charge of going to the food bank to get the grocery.


In the outskirts of the Kingdom of Anadia,

The person with black light armor with a white mask enters the hall that is filled with darkness and a black dragon painting over the walls. Sitting at the top of the hall is an old man with black robes.

"My lord, the person that we sent has finally assimilated into Duemi Academia without a problem."

"Hmm… good. Any news about the boy named Bobby which Don was talking about before.?"

"No my lord, we will try to search for him harder before the ascension. In other news, The Lord of Magma is weakening as we speak. Sir Don's poison has been taking effect after all these years.

The old man grinned as he stand up from his chair and look into the eyes of the black dragon painting which is shining in gold.

"Evans Luther….you will follow your wife soon enough."