
chapter 1: Dawn

I've never believed in god,most people who know me would argue that it's most likely due to me having some bad luck,a good example would be being kicked out of my house at a young age of three but although it certainly played a huge part in me not believing in god I would argue that it's because life balances everything.for example most people born rich either have a shitty personality or are just plain evil or perhaps most of the people who are gifted in music tend to be a little over the place.

In short life doesn't give you something you can't handle it's just a matter of wether you have the balls to advance forward.so even now as my life comes to an end I feel nothing.perhaps all those years of suffering and pain have made me cold and desolate of emotion.Well at least I did manage to become the CEO of a large company all in good bye world see you on the other side if there is another side



..... it's...a ... healthy baby boy Duke Edward.what are they talking about,a baby and where am I I can't move my hand's.would you look at that honey our son is very active

What should we name him Liam von Reinhart

Three years later

Would you look at that my face is adorable get ready girls prepare to be dumped.liam hurry up your father is almost here we need to greet him.okay mother I'm coming.In the three years I've been here I've lived in this world there's something's I've realized, first of all is the continent that I'm in right now is known as The Gaya continent and it's mainly divided into three part's, First the forest of elves also known as Elnior which occupys the east ,The Dwarven kingdom to the north,The beast Zone to the south and the western part is where I live.To be specific I live in the Orion Empire which mostly dominates the western front my father Duke Edward Reinhart is returning today from his duties as the commander of the Orion army

Much different from Earth this continent kingdom's are far lacking in technology development. you would think that if earth would invade they would crush us but that's where you are wrong earth would get crushed and I mean it.At First I was like nah until I saw my father known as the sword saint,I know what your thinking a sword what's that gonna do to a bullet well believe or not in this world one swordsman could destroy a whole continent and don't get me started about mage's now that's another headache . Liam two more minutes if you don't get down here you won't the end of it.

Good morning uncle jack , good morning Liam, good morning Ryan good morning to Liam.This two are my uncle jack and cousin Ryan sometimes I always feel like they hate me or something but they wouldn't dare hurt me .

We welcome you back Duke Edward Reinhart.Halt,I hope you all have been well .yes Duke. okay prepare yourselves for we will be attending the Prince's coming of age ball .And Liam please come to my office

Yes father, sorry I mean yes Duke Edward Reinhart.

hope you all like my book

Caleb_Njengacreators' thoughts