
Chapter 1: Severed ties

What becomes of a world left by god? Does it thrive and prosper, or does it fall to the demons among us. Our history would have us belive that it is the first, but history is no more then passed on words that have been twisted to depict the tellers wishes. No the answer to this question is the latter dear reader. The world falls to the darkness within us as we consume the ever fading light that dare to glimmer in the cold, enthralling darkness. However sometimes, just sometimes the light fights back, pushing back the enshrouding darkness. This is a tale of one man's journey to battle the darkness, not only around him but within him.

The air is thick with a pungent miasma, so thick you can almost feel it clinging to your skin. the smell alone would be enough to send most people to the toilet to relieve the little they had in there stomaches. Within the miasma a man began to emerge. At first glance one would think he had just walked out of the dark alley between the buildings, but upon closer inspect it would become clear that this man was slowly walking out of the ground. As if he had no corporeal form at all he just simply shifted up from the ground.

The man wrapped in miasma continued to walk, steadily increasing his gait as if he was in a rush to get somewhere. Ever so suddenly he stopped

"Come out from behind that barrel" he said in deep gravel voice. A shadow dashed out from behind the barrel, and appeared in front of the man in a kneeling position. "My Lord, you mustn't leave the castle right now, the revolution has begun." said the now kneeling man.

"Alaster" the man said, his voice no longer bearing its once gravely tone, even revealing hints of warmth as he said the name. "Brother I will be fine, with the revolution starting i have ever the more reason to come here" said the man to Alastor. "Mortimur if you should fall the revolution would be crushed and we would face the worst torture imaginable, you must be more careful now then ever." pleaded Alastor, almost begging for his brother to return with him. " Mortimur dismissed his brothers plea and began to walk in the direction of a small cottage in the distance. The small house was rather far from the center of the city where Mortimur had arrived but he had to come in from the city as to avoid alerting the enemy of his presence. After arriving he had begun concealing his powers which was creating the thick miasma present in the air. which by now was completley evaporated leaving no trace that it ever was there in the first place. As he continued to walk towards the cottage a hand, belonging to his beloved brother Alastor reached out and yanked him around to face him. Alastor was not a tall man, in fact he more closely resembled a rather fit teenager. Despite his size he was actually stronger then a 100 men combined and could easily tear a human's arm off with just the slightest of movements. However Mortimur wasnt human, neither of them were. They were Cambion, half human- half demons and all around badasses. Mortimur now facing his brother casually tossed his brothers hand aside staggering poor Alastor. "I must go to them Alastor, you know very well just how much danger they are in. If I do not get them out of their now, there is no telling what harm could be fall them." stated Mortimur in a tone that could freeze a fire. Alastor cringed back as his spine began to tingle, just the sound of his brothers voice was enough to make him start to sweat. "You know I would never let anything happen to them brother! They are my family too" exclaimed Alastor in one last desperate plea to convince his brother to leave this place. "I haven't the time for this now brother, either leave or come with me the decision is yours!" exclaimed Mortimur who was steadily becoming annoyed at his brother for stalling him.

At this Alastor sagged his shoulders signaled his brother to lead the way.

After a short walk they reached the cottage and entered through the front door, where they we're greeted by the wail of a baby and the beautiful almost hypnotic voice of Mortimurs wife. As if noticing their arrival the baby stopped crying and instead reach out its tiny little hands towards his father and started to coo. Mortimur approached the baby letting his guard drop and exposing his warm smile to the baby. He then picked him up and began to mumble to him. While Mortimur was coddling the baby, his wife approached Alastor with a warm smile and hugged him. Alastor returned the hug and greeted her ever so respectfully. "My lady, it has been to long". To which he was playfully slapped by the women as she retorted " I told you not to call me that, call me by my name! After all I am family now.". Alastor feigning injury playfully said "Yes .. my lady" as he finished the words a small smile appeared followed by his eyes softening ever so softly. "How have you been Roseangle?" asked Alastor. They continued to talk for a few minutes until Mortimur came back with a now sleeping baby in his arms. "Alastor, there is something we woumd ask of you" said Roseangle sweetly. "well if it's from you two theres no way I can possibly turn you down" stated Alastor. Mortimer taking this as a yes turned to his brother with a almost panicked face and made him hold out his arms, to which he passed the baby in. Alastor was taken aback at why he was suddenly handed a baby and why his brother suddenly looked worried. However before he could ask what was wrong Roseangel began to speak " They are here Mortimur" to which he just nodded back not. He then abruptly faced away from Alastor and retrieved two objects from the nearby chest. One of which was familiar to Alastor as it had been passed down to Mortimur from their father. However, the second object was odd looking, it looked as if it was just a normal chain that had been painted black but as Mortimer began to focus on the chain it began to glow a deep purple. After the chain began to return to its normal black Mortimur approached Alastor and had him hand the baby back. Mortimur then began to chant quietly, to which the chain seem to react and broke into 4 pieces. As the chant continued the chain segments began to flow up the babies arms forming a spiral like pattern on each arm. Mortimur then hesitantly looked up towards his wife who approached the baby and placed her hand onto the babies head. With a quick nod from the both of them they continued to chant in synch with each other causing the chains that once glowed a deep purple to produce a daint blue light. The whole process took minutes, but felt like hours. After the process was complete Alastor who's jaw had dropped at the start couldn't help but yell out " WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO, THE CHAINS SUNK INTO HIS SKIN, YOU GAVE YOUR BABY TATTOOS!" Mortimur and Roseangel couldn't help but start to laugh and tear up at the sight of Alastors reaction. "Alastor, we just bestowed upon this child something of immense power that only he will be capable of controlling." explained Mortimur calmly as he wiped away the tears from his eyes. "But why would you do that? Why would an infant need to posses something so great?! What is going on Mortimur?" asked Alastor all the suprise was gone from his voice and now replaced with a tone that demanded answers. "I sadly do not have time to explain everything, but the short version is that me and Roseangel will not he walking out of here alive brother" said Mortimur. His once cheery tone had been replaced with that of a forlorn sadness as he picked his baby up and held him to his chest. " What do you mean yall arent leaving here.." inquired Alastor with a tone that was filled with concern.

Mortimur began to answer but Roseangel stopped him and grabbed the baby at the same time. " Alastor, dear sweet Alastor. If only we had more time, we would tell you everything but for now you must do us the favor we were going to ask of you." stated Roseangel softly enough to make even Alastor calm down. "You must take the baby, and your family and go into hiding. Do not reveal yourself to anyone" Mortimur said as he approached his brother. "The resistance is doomed to fail and will take you with it, but if you hide you will live." he continued. "You must survive, he must survive ..." at this Mortimur became crestfallen as he caressed the child face at this a single tear dropped down his face. Roseangel seeing her husband beginning to break approached Alastor " He has a great destiny, one that will be dangerous. Train him well, teach him our ways so that he will survive" said Roseangel but even her voice had begun to crack and expose the hurt in her voice. Alastor couldn't even speak as he began to feel overloaded trying to figure out everything. However he was not given the chance as his brother suddenly released all the power he had been holding back. filling the room with a thick miasma that radiated power. With one last look back at his brother Mortimur expressed his last sentiments

"Live strong brother and know that I love you, please make sure to take good care of my son for me, okay? Mortimur said with a smile and sad eyes. Memories could almost be seen flashing across Mortimurs face as he stood there saying his final farewell to his beloved little brother and son. As Mortimur turned to walk out the door tears could be scene slowly descending down his face. Shortly after the door slammed shut and the area became loud with the echos of a tremendous battle occurring nearby. Roseangel looked over to Alastor and said her final words before joining her husband in there final fight in this god forsaken words. The minute the door closed Alastor made for the window harnessing the shadows to move him half a mile away in an instant. With the sounds of the battle receding as the fight had began to concluded Alastor could do nothing but run with all his might. He only looked down briefly long enough to observe the baby still asleep in his arms, as he did Roseangel's last word rang in his ear " His name is Ambrose, and he is destined for much. I only wish it wasnt such a cruel fate.