
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · Fantasy
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73 Chs


David wakes up at that time while confused. He then, sees the golem repairing the rocks. He rushes into it with the Fire Sword and launches Fire Beams at his maximum power output. The golem fully destroyed and the domain disappears.

After that, he looks like nothing happen and didn't even exhausted. The three dragons knew about what happen to David but they keep their mouth shut because the Creator God ordered them.

Dena then, discusses with Onyd and Grandus about giving him their blessings even without completing the challenges. However, Onyd declines it. At that time, the 3 continents are engaging war both sides of humanity and demons. [The three continents are the special continents that the Creator God made. Not to mention that it is blocked by immense barrier of the Creator God, so that, there will be no one enter or leave the continents. Also, the Creator God loops it. Although, the three continents are half of the size of the Earth. The three continents also divided by it: Havannu Continent - Dena, The Celestial Dragon, Rukaryu Continent - Onyd, The Light Dragon, and Grande Continent - Grandus, The Knowledge Dragon which is the place of demon lords.]

At that time, the war breaks over the three continents and it has a ratio of 1:2, Rukaryu Continent against Havannu and Grande Continent. Havannu has many people but they are all adventurers, warriors and best magicians but almost 90% of the population are monsters. In Grande Continent, all of them are considered as the demons as much as demon lords with immense and powerful magic spells. Many newly gods and goddesses killed by them. One of the famous story is 'The Friendship and Betrayal between Olympus and Ravix.'

"Don't rush. It is only started. Olympus will appear to the public to boost their confidence to fight. We have to make sure that David's strength must become stronger in no time. I even used my domain and slow its time to make David's magic power increased. However, it's still not enough. He will beat by Milra's monsters for sure. I even gave him my blessing and yet, he didn't applied or knew about it. We must train him before we go to the battlefield," Onyd said.

But Grandus agreed with Dena. "With this, you must follow the majority. 2 against 1, Onyd. We are need in the battlefield. We have to boost their strength and their confidence. Or else, it will be too late. There's over a hundred demon lords in Grandus' continent. We have over 2000 but only 63 of them are accepted to help. We must go to them, right now," Dena said.

Onyd doesn't accepted it but rather fight against them, "I'm not leaving here right now. David needs me. He needs my domain. Don't rush or panic because once the war starts, many gods and goddesses will help them." But Dena counters what he said, "And if not?"

Onyd refuses to go to the battlefield and keeps his promise to David. Dena doesn't get Onyd's support, so she leaves with anger with Grandus. But before they left, they called David and passed their blessings to him with an explanation.

Dena - The Constellation Blessing. Unlike her previous choice of blessing, she instead give David a blessing like what Strelitzia gave. However, it also adds some effect that she gave him the 1/4 of her stamina and put it to David.

[The stamina also has the storage like mana storage. The needs stamina. The stamina and mana must be balanced. You can't use mana if you don't have enough stamina. Or vice versa.]

Grandus - The Knowledge Blessing. He plants his blessing to his brain. At this time, Grandus puts all the knowledge about all the creatures, its strengths and weaknesses. He also puts all the battle fights and swords stance. Also, all the magic spells of Fire.

Also, before leaving, Grandus, The Knowledge Dragon gave him a warning, "Apply, think and imagine all of my Knowledge Blessing on your own brain. All blessings can be removed by curse, and rare and forbidden magic spells. Be careful not to get hit or lose to them. You are the one in the prophecy. The prophecy is only a prediction and not in the future. You should aware of it. Onyd will make you stronger, together with Dena's and my blessing. Apply them before it was too late."

Onyd walks near David, "I will put you in my domain right now." Without any followed words, Onyd puts David in his domain.

David is in the domain when Onyd appears too and gives him statement, "You said before that I have to get serious in giving challenge, right? Now, it is the time to get serious. You need to defeat yourself which is over 10 times of your strength. Once you died or surrendered, it will loop until you win against yourself. Yourself will call him, Devade. And rest assured, every time you get stronger, Devade will get stronger too but the intelligence and experience of your battle fight against him. " At that time, Onyd also follows to Dena and Grandus to lead the war.

David listens carefully and draws his sword quickly. Devade appears. David charges without thinking, however, when he gets close to Devade, his eyes are blurred and he sees his body is far away from it. He begins to scream in pain. He wipes his body that he thinks that there has bloods in his clothes but when he looks at it, he sees nothing.

At that time, the domain automatically loops and Devade appears again like a game.

David charges again with Fire Sword and launches Fire Beam. However, Devade dodges all the Fire Beams. He dodges by disappearing and then, appears in other place. Devade suddenly appears in front of David and beheads him.

The loop activates again while he is screaming. David draws his sword again while dripping in sweat. But he is not exhausted. Devade appears again. David uses 7 Fire Swords and launches Fire Beam at the center. He also rotates all the Fire Swords to create a big impact. However, before he totally launches it, Devade appears at his right side saying, "Too slow." And beheads again.

The loop activates again and Devade appears. David thinks about what Devade said to him. He tries to launch Fire Beam while rotating the Fire Swords again. Devade appears again but this time, he dodges it. He lands it successfully that Devade hits, however, Devade uses his sword to block it without getting feel difficult.

Devade uses strength to repeal the Fire Beam. And jumps to chase David. David can't see any ground to land and when he looks at his front, he sees the sword. He tries to block it but it hits his left ear. David uses Healing Ring to heal his left ear while blocking. He blocks Devade's sword barely and every time Devade attacks, it is always powerful swing. David slips in the ground and loses his balance and hits his left leg.

This time, he is unable to fight but it is not looping. David shouts like it is his final breathe and also, Devade slices him. Devade is surely the winner because his sword is only 1 cm away from David's neck and David's sword's point is over 35 cm away from Devade's chest which is his target. But before Devade lands his attack, Devade suddenly disappears. Also, the domain too.

After it, he wakes up by Erzana.

Erzana is happy to see him and even hugs him. "Papa!! Why are you resting?"

David looks at his place and it is in his room. Deto, Erzana and Kinsa Fir are there too.

"Are you alright, David?" Kinsa Fir asked while holding his hand.

"What's happened?" David asked as his response.

Deto answered, "Goddess Milra sent us back again and she said that there was something urgent to go."

"So, it is all true," David thinks.

David looks like depressed and Erzana is worried at him too. Erzana asking, "What's wrong, Papa?" repeatedly. Because of it, Kinsa Fir doesn't hesitate to hug David.

"You said that I am your fiance, right? And as a fiance, I have the rights to take care of you," Kinsa Fir said while trying to comfort him.

David looks at Kinsa Fir and thinks, "How beautiful is she. And I have no rights to get her by force. I took care of her freedom that even abused her. I even took her future."

He also follows it while asking Kinsa Fir, "Am I now burden on you, right now?" with a depressed face.

But Kinsa Fir smiles at him and shakes her head and also followed by asking too, "or, Am I the one who is burden on you? If I am, then I have to make sure that I will always please you. I will even use my bo-"

While Kinsa Fir is saying something, David doesn't hesitate to kiss her on lips. Kinsa Fir blushes and freezes at that time. But unlike before, she hardens her hands and she continues to comfort him by letting him to lie in her laps while she is brushing his hair with his hand while humming.

Deto interrupts their moment by complaining to them. "What an idiot cou-" David didn't let him continue and pounds him by his hand.

Deto feels pain and he starts to complain again, however, David stares at him. He sees through David's eyes as a savage eyes and he is scared of it.

He also thinks, "Is he the real David?"

While Erzana is poking at David's face, David gets her and brushes her hair gently. Erzana is very happy and Deto's view of him begins to change too.