
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · Fantasy
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73 Chs


He cuts off his hand and starts to use the ring to heal it. At first, he taught that it will not operate successfully but when he altered his command, it begins to heal. The magic system of the ring has no healing command, so the ring didn't heal it. He fixes it and even mixes with healing others.

He is lucky to see a rabbit in the dungeon. He catches it and cuts the rabbit but didn't kill. He experiments it. The first experiment is failed. He can't heal the rabbit. He fixes the magic system of the ring again and the second and even third experiment are also failed.

He begins to write in the magic system that if he concentrates his eyes to the target, it will heal but the fourth one is also failed. He then, fixes the range. But also failed. He didn't wanted to continue it after many attempts failed. So, he starts thinking to kill the rabbit and becomes his food. When he touches it, the ring activates automatically.

He is surprised to see the rabbit jumps over his face and begins to escape. But he uses Vorax to kill it by using Fireball. He fixes the ring again and he sees that the Lonsdaleite Diamond effect is to clear the way of the magic spells. It is good for battle to absorb or cancelled the magic attacks from the opponents.

The Lonsdaleite Diamond considers the other stones as the enemies which the healing power channels through the rabbit cancelled it. The only theory he thinks why does the Lonsdaleite Diamond didn't cancelled it and even altered the magic system was because of the effect of Lonsdaleite Diamond and he is currently wearing the ring.

He repeals the effect of the Lonsdaleite Diamond and instead change the effect to the healing crystals. He heals the burned rabbit who is still alive but it doesn't healed. He then, looks to another experiment subject and he sees another rabbit. He slices the rabbit's hand and when he targets it to heal. It successfully heals. At last, he can go to the next battle.

However, they can't see where is Dena and Goddess Milra. So, he begins to practice for a while. He asks Onyd, The Light Dragon to create a domain to do a training and he agrees and creates a domain.

At that domain, he only sees the gray pillars and all the surroundings are white. He then, practices the huge fire beam he used to the wolf and a fireball he used to the rabbit. He practices it and do it in over 5 times. He begins to feel exhausted because of using too much strength and mana.

He also starts to think about the Cerberus' power when he fought against it. He imagines it and copies. After it, he swings his sword while the point of the sword is facing the land as the target. The fire begins to appear, however, it is delayed. He do it again and still delayed. He practices it and imagines all the time, until over 32nd trial, he perfects it.

He also thinks about the Void Sword that Erzana taught him. He also feels the Void Sword and can use it but he wants to use fire instead of the void. He copies the Void Sword and makes it fire. It is easily appears because he knows the feeling and what to do and imagine by using it. He throws the Fire Swords countlessly.

He then, thinks about the Fire Swords multiplying into countless swords, however, he can only use 2 swords only. He also uses the 2 Fire Swords and can fire Fireballs. He begins to think if he can use Fire Beams in the two swords. It is also successful but only about a second, he begins to exhaust and stops it.

When he finishes, he leaves to the domain. He's still exhausted from the practice he did, however, when he steps out of the domain, his exhaustion loses. He is surprised to feel that he is not exhausted.

Onyd sees his reaction and he knows what is the cause why he reacted like that. "My domain is unique. Anyone enters my domain will not die. Your spirit will leave in your body and go to the domain. And your body will go to my other domain which no one will enter. As long as I am not killed, you can practice any time. You can also fight with yourself, however, the design I made in this dungeon is to triple the strength, speed and magic power of yourself. If you become stronger, then your other self will be a triple stronger than you. At this moment, you will learn how to fight against odd powers. Once your spirit dies, the spirit will automatically channel to your body and you will wake up in the same other domain that you feel like you're just sleeping. Also, you can't feel sleepy in that domain because it is your spirit."

"Your domain is too powerful and even stronger than The Celestial Dragon's domain. But why didn't you give me a challenge like this domain?" David asked confusedly because he didn't know what he is talking about.

[David despite of being smart, he can't understand the explanation of using magic or the domain stuffs. He needs to have experience before he truly understands the explanations.]

"Like you said, David. My domain is stronger than Dena and that's the reason why I can't give you this as a challenge. It will shatter your spirit and you might not return back to your body. It can also reduce your possibility of become a strong warrior because it will limit your magic power. It will not let you feel your true strengths unlike Dena. And the space of my domain is the most unique among all the domains of other gods and goddesses. When you go to my domain, the time will become slow. The one day of this dungeon will become hour in real life. I'm the only dragon who can use it. Even gods or goddesses don't have it. So, we are not tired of waiting for you because you went and leave the domain for a half minute only," Onyd told David his secrets.

David amazes to the domain but he didn't let everyone sees it, so, he is calm despite of being amazed. He then, goes to the domain again. He practices Fireball, beams, fire barrier and fire swords which throws fireballs and beams.

He practices the fire swords while throwing fireballs and beams. At this time, he can control three swords at once. He can fire 5 times with his maximum fire output and exhausted. He also prepares some mana and stamina elixirs.

He then, begins to exercise. He trains his body. His biceps, triceps, chests, and abs. He also trains his legs for high jumps. He heals himself every time he is exhausted and drinks elixirs. He trains for 4 days even without sleeping. He then, begins to use fire swords again. In this time, he can control 5 swords now. He fires the 5 Fire Swords in his maximum fire output which the diameter can ranged into 1.5 meter. He can fire it for 7 times only. Even it is only 7 times, his body can last for an hour.

When he finished, he asks Onyd to fight himself. His other self is calm but the eyes are murderer. He asks why it is his enemy but Onyd said, "It is your other self. Calm and Killer. He is much stronger than yours. He can kill you instantly."

His other self called himself as Devade. But David didn't heard it because he is talking to Onyd in his mind. With a few second, David begins to hear a swift. He then, opens his eyes and he sees Devade is below him. He manages to dodge it by jumping backward. But instead of stopping or studying the moves of David, Devade charges again in a fast motion.

But David prepares for it. He knows Devade's move because it is his moves too. When Devade is only about a meter away from David, he casts Fire Sword and targets Devade using beam. He hits Devade, however, Devade casts blue Fire Barrier. David gets shocked. Devade uses the opportunity to jump towards him while David is froze in shock.

Devade is about to chop his neck when he regains his consciousness back and he quickly draws his sword and blocks it. However, he can't continue to fight Devade's strength and he gets thrown by it. When he is in the mid-air and he doesn't have chance to evade any attacks from his opponents. Devade absorbs his strength while getting his momentum to jump fast and his sword is also prepared.

Devade jumps and he catches up with David, he then, targets David's neck again while Devade's sword is filled with blue fire. David barely changes his position, so he doesn't have a choice but to sacrifice his hand.

After that, he kicks Devade. He is screaming in pain but unlike before, he is focused on how will he beat his other self, much stronger than him.

Devade returns back to his offensive position. He then, releases some of his magic power inside his sword.

David stares in the sword only. He doesn't know what is Devade doing. But he knows that it is dangerous. He rushes towards Devade, however, Devade finishes enchantment.

He shouts, "Hellfire Silent Bomb!"

David sees a big blue fire wave in front of him. It is too bright, so he closes his eyes.

But when he opens his eyes, he sees Onyd.

"See what's the difference of your cjurrent power to your other self?" Onyd asked.

David nods and asks him too, "What's that? How is it possible that other me has a large difference between me and my other self?"

"The only thing that it may answer is the future within you," Onyd answered.

"What's it means?" David asked confusedly.

"It means your future is good or bad. Your future will affect you by the present. It only means either I or you don't know what is our future unless it will happen soon. No one can know their future but can predict. But it doesn't mean that if you predict it, then your prediction is always right. Prediction is half-right and half-wrong. My domain predicts your future. However, it doesn't mean that my domain is always right. It may be wrong if you will change your current self. You saw yourself earlier, didn't you? It means you have a hatred and violence in your heart. You should not take revenge but instead, go it for good. And after that, see for yourself in my domain your other self if it is changed or not," Onyd explained it even though David didn't relate in his answers.

After that, Dena appears while grabbing Goddess Milra's neck. Onyd gets surprised and rushes to take off Dena's hand in Goddess Milra's neck.

"Are you ready for your third challenge, David?" Dena asked and David nods.