
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · Fantasy
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73 Chs


Kinsa Fir had a great time at Ashera's Kingdom. The nobles only stayed there for over a month before they grew close to and devoted to Kinsa Fir.

The presence of Kinsa Fir causes Queen Era to care. She clings to Kinsa Fir as well. She instructs her on the use of magic as well as how to improve it.

Nonetheless, Kinsa Fir preferred to instruct using a support magic rather than an attacking magic. They are all astounded to witness a little girl who is as powerful as the usual captains reject being taught by a formidable warrior queen.

The Healer, who is also a general, is then summoned by Queen Era. She can help the target heal quickly; her name is Yiera (Yey-ra). She is also capable of using poison and slowing spells on foes.

She also finds gorgeous girls appealing, which causes her to lose control and give them awkward hugs. She also embraces too tightly, which gives Queen Era cause to guard her with several guards to ensure that nobody suffocates.

When Yiera spotted Kinsa Fir, she disappeared since Kinsa Fir didn't see her until she felt someone behind her.

The moment Yiera is going to embrace Kinsa Fir, Queen Era snatches her by the head. Kinsa Fir turns around and sees a woman with large, sparkling eyes and mischievous moving fingers. She runs to Queen Era's back to hide because she is frightened of Yiera.

Queen Era becomes upset when Yiera makes fun of the fact that she resembles her mother and strikes her, causing her to lose her cool.

In order to teach the girl healing magic, Queen Era remarked, "I will entrust this girl in your care."

Yiera asked, "What healing magic? A wound that needs to heal or a naked body to heal?" Queen Era cut her off since she knew Yiera was a pervert.

She threatened Yiera, saying, "I will discard all of your samples and discoveries of medications if you teach her how to become a pervert like you," and as Yiera becomes silent, it appears to be effective.

Together, Yiera and Kinsa Fir go to her garden.

Yiera and Kinsa Fir both see a blue bloom while they are roaming around the garden.

"It is Lydia's Flowers. Lydia's Flowers can recover any creature in the world. As you can see, Lydia made this flower to safeguard herself, support the warriors, and save them. This flower made by nature is called a sunflower, and her magic is a golden thread that heals all wounds and restores stamina," Yiera explained.

Kinsa Fir just keeps staring at her.

"You mentioned wanting to study the healing magic, correct? If so, I must first instruct you in Lydia's Heal Technique," stated Yiera.

Yiera employs Lydia's Healing Technique as she said while simultaneously doing so. "The Lydia's Heal Method comes in four different varieties. Lydia's Sew comes first. This method can heal your target's wound. It can also be employed as a form of offensive magic. Your ten fingers can manipulate the strands that simulate strings. By utilizing it as support, you may either momentarily stop his movement or by employing it as an aggressive strategy, you can suffocate your targets. The Lydia's Sew is a great support, but covering an injury is the hardest part. Before I can use it to heal, I must first educate you how to be a surgeon."

Every time Yiera spoke, Kinsa Fir's just nodded in agreement.

"Lydia's Feathers comes in second. Lydia has unusual wings and is a goddess. Her powers created these wings. When Yiera wishes to or is about to deplete her mana store, it can vanish at any time. Her feathers fall from these wings, and there are two different kinds of them. Attack and Heal. Before it lands on your target, you may choose in your mind the choices you made. To heal numerous targets, choose Heal. To attack, choose Attack, although you'll also need to control it if you want to target foes. As they solidify, these feathers can rapidly pierce any metals or even stones."

Kinsa Fir remarked, "Then, may I select it first? I have wings anyhow," but Yiera ignored her. " You must learn how to build wings with your magic first, although it is challenging to apply this technique with your Ice Magic. You have your wings, but you have to change unlike the Lydia's Feather, it must be distinctive."

Kinsa Fir is depressed. Yiera clutches her tightly after losing control of herself. The soldiers that are watching over her attempted to stop Yiera but were unable, so they tried to summon Queen Era right away.

Yiera abruptly releases Kinsa Fir from her hold just as she is about to suffocate her when she hears the name of Queen Era.

"And then, Lydia's Guardian. Knights of Lydia are a callable force. Yet the Knights of Lydia are the subject of this deception. She created the Lydian Knights with the use of her power and mind. It is foolish for many individuals, including warriors and magicians, to believe that they can employ Knights of Lydia after learning about it. She thought correctly and used her power to make it. It follows that you can mimic Lydian Knights by looking like them, but you can also design your own Knights or Guardians. You'll start using it as defensive magic. They will serve as your protector, keeping you safe from approaching threats. By assaulting your opponents, you can keep them under control. Almost unlimited number of people can help you succeed. There is also a light that, once struck, can momentarily blind your opponents. You may even prefer them when they present when you are asleep, but you must be sure to provide them with enough mana so that it will last until you wake up. The simplest Lydia's Hea-" Yiera says that as if there were no issues, but as she is about to disclose the final part, she remembers the dangerous side of Lydia's Guardian and stops herself.

Yiera fabricates far too many justifications to disguise Lydia's Guardian's dangerous existence. She apologizes to Kinsa Fir while making a point, and when Kinsa Fir hears something off with Yiera's statement, she steps in to stop her in her lines and urge her to spit it out, even though Yiera puts the entire thing on hold.

Kinsa Fir questioned Yiera, "If Lydia's Guardian is not Lydia's Healing Technique, what is that power that comes from Lydia herself?"

"That is Lydia's Magical Cursed Seal. That isn't complete enough for you to utilize. As I mentioned, a lot of individuals believed they could utilize Lydia's Cursed Seal Magic, Lydia's Guardian, Lydia's Form, or Lydia's Golden Diamond without any problems. Yet it's lacking. Hence, a lot of individuals tried it, but none of them were successful. When they overused it, they perished. Even if they didn't overdo it, it could cause chaos on you and lead to catastrophe. Disasters that will make even the clouds furious and the thunder destructive. For of this, it is prohibited in many kingdoms and empires, although not all of them. They experimented up until the point where their empire or kingdom collapsed. lacking survivors. Also, since this magic is produced outside of the barrier, it is prohibited.," Yiera stated that out of fear of sharing Lydia's Cursed Seal Magic tale with Kinsa Fir, who was mulling the relevance of the barrier's outside.

But after that, she continues to speak like there's nothing happen.

" Lydia's Nail. She used her nails to fix blood circulation and bone fractures and injuries. She only taps her nail in the injury and enchant it with what you want to do with your patient."

But Kinsa Fir didn't understand what Yiera said in the last sentence, so, Yiera explained again.

" Lydia's Nail enchants what you have to fix in your patient or the people you want to fix. If you want to fix a blood clots. You will tap or point your nail in the patient's problem and you can either say, 'I want to fix her blood clot' or 'Please heal her blood clot'. As long as what yousaid is connected on what you want to do with your patient or what you have to fix in the patient. "

" I don't still understand it but I only have few words I learn. It is to point the finger in the people with issue of blood clot and say what on your mind," Kinsa Fir said.

"Exactly," Yiera claps her hand and take a deep breathe. "Lastly, Yiera's Golden Rose. She can throw Golden Roses to your friends and heal them. It can also boost your targets."

Kinsa Fir thinks all about it and looks for her wants. She recalls Lydia's Sew and picks it. Yiera touches her hair and shakes it. She admires Kinsa Fir because she is looks like her in her young state. She is hungry for knowledge and gives herself for someone she loves. She said it to Kinsa Fir and makes her blushed.

Because of it, Yiera teases Kinsa Fir.

"Who is he? Is he good? Did he by your side made you laugh, becomes fun with him?" Yiera teases her and Kinsa Fir blushes. Her face is red and she looks down. She also touches her dress tightly.

"Is he David?" Yiera asks her again with teasing and Kinsa Fir screams for embarassment. Yiera laughs at her and stops teasing at her.

She is almost comfort Kinsa Fir when Queen Era passes by.

Yiera is shaking and when Queen Era is walking closer to them, Kinsa Fir notices her perfume and she runs toward Queen Era.

Yiera tries to stop Kinsa Fir because she knows that once Kinsa Fir cries in front of Queen Era, she will have to say goodbye to her researches and experiments but she couldn't fully stop her.

Kinsa Fir comes near Queen Era and embraces her tightly while crying. Queen Era, afterwards, looks at Yiera with fierce and cold eyes.