
Dauntless In A Dungeon

Tossed into another world against his will? Check Fighting to get back to his family? Check Annoyed that everyone in this new world thinks his weakest weapons are something only gods could wield? ....Check ......sounds kinda boring Update Schedule Is Gonna Be Erratic But Chapters Will Be Posted At Midnight CST :) -Cover art by sk-1100 from the shattered art contest!! pls message me if you want me to change it! :)

clown_hooman · Video Games
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11 Chs

Slayers Of Orario

[3297 Words]

I've been in Orario for a week now.

In that time we've done quite a bit to make sure my identity is secure. I have gotten asked by an ungodly amount of adventurers and civilians if Hephaestus is a good mom. Luckily Hephaestus pointed out that she's been on this planet for longer than I've been alive so she never got the chance to be one.

That caused a whole other branch of questions, like how did she have me in the first place? Well a rumor started up that she felt stressed a long time ago, took a vacation to another world, knocked up a woman while in male form, and then left.

This caused ANOTHER debate about whether or not the gods could change forms so casually. Which luckily for us Loki confirmed by turning into a guy while drunk and flirting with some of their female adventurers. That didn't end well for the trickster.

Loki actually helped us quite a bit because every time we would leak a rumor, Loki would back it up while drunk. Like when they confirmed that they would sometimes just leave the world to have sex with someone they'll never see again. They would however point out how they would make sure not to get anyone pregnant.

Way too many jokes popped up about how Hephaestus' pull out game was weak.

I did my best to stay out of the public eye after that. Most of my time is spent either in the dungeon or in the forge.

My time in the dungeon has confirmed a few things for me. Most importantly, I could most likely solo down to about floor 70. If the [valomyr] lives on the 51st then by my estimation behemoths I'll start to struggle with are at about 70.

That might change if the dungeon has more or less floors than expected, but for now that's my assumption. Getting adequate slayers is my primary concern.

I do need to announce who I'm going to be training. I've spent some time individually with everyone, and I think I have a team put together. My choices are probably gonna seem a bit unusual to the public. As when the candidates were announced people were betting on who I was gonna choose, but I like the team.

Starting with the obvious choices. I have Ottar, Finn, Allen, and Riveria. These four are the most complete, level headed (most of the time), and fit to be slayers. Well not really Riveria, but I'll get back to that.

The less popular choices I'm gonna make are Bete, and Ryuu. Ryuu, because she's experienced, powerful, and would make an excellent controller in a fight. And Bete, because he's quite possibly the best pure fighter in the group.

That might be because of his werewolf instinct and how he prides himself. But I do think if everyone was even stats and it was only personal skill, he could hold his own. Just got to change his attitude a little.

This does make the team composition a little strange, as Its two spear users, a sword, daggers, a mage, and whatever you would call Ryuu's swords. But I have a plan. Finn and Allen will stay the same, I have no plans on making them change.

Ottar will either switch to a hammer, or keep a sword. Just depends on how good he is with either. I'll use whichever one Ottar doesn't. Bete will change to using aether strikers, since he really doesn't fit the personality of dual daggers. And Ryuu will probably switch to chain blades.

I was really uncertain about what to do with Riveria. At first I wasn't going to include her at all. But I'm confident I can make a staff that will push her past the limit. I've never done that before, never even thought about it honestly. But the possibility of her being able to use her magic to spam [lantern] abilities intrigues me.

This will of course result in me having to spend more time researching, but I have a method to cut that time down. I say method but really it's just Welf.

Welf has far more potential than I thought he did. In the short time I've been teaching him he's absolutely blown me out of the water. He managed to craft a [recruit's sword] with fifteen power. Craft a on par [ember cutlass] with the materials he got from a [lesser embermane]. And actually level up.

Hephaestus was shocked when he showed up to her office at five in the morning after finishing his first [ember cutlass] with maxed stats. I suppose my training him in the forge forced his stats to make a large jump in order to keep up with the quality of materials.

I guess before I popped up no one could properly use the [lesser embermane] materials because of how difficult they were to work with. They used to only use the hide to make fire resistant cloaks and clothing.

Turns out all you needed was a giant mana crystal, light fixture thing to do it. My theory that the light crystals on the 50th floor would help with the forging process were correct. Luckily Hephaestus had to issue with going back down there to grab me one.

We cracked it open a little and, while Welf was forging, let it flood the room with its ambient mana. That allowed the [ember cutlass] to be properly forged without the need for a true aether source. Thus giving birth to the first unbreakable magic sword.

Welf was pretty excited.


I'm currently sitting at the desk in my room. In front of me are the profiles of the adventurers I've selected. These are due tonight so pretty soon I have to run these down to the tower. Since this is my decision alone I don't have to report it to Hephaestus.

'Just means I don't get to have her assistants take it down there for me."

…. If I'm being honest, I regret telling her about the [Thrax]. I should have just been smarter and changed the foreword. Then I wouldn't have had that little breakdown in front of her.

My past is mine. I've always struggled to find a reason to share it with people that it doesn't concern. It's not like me talking about my trauma is going to make it disappear. The only thing that helps is killing behemoths.

I'm a weapon. Always will be. I'll die a weapon and that's ok. As long as I die fighting back, and with my sister safe. I'm ok. But until then, I need to get home.

"*knock knock* Lord Shai."

Looking up from my work I straighten myself up. "Enter." The assistant Hephaestus gave me enters with a fancy looking folder in her hands.

"Lady Hephaestus thought it would be appropriate for such a document."

With a smile I grab the folder from her. It's jet black with a bright white logo in the center. At a glance it just looks like a monster face made out of random shapes. But to me it looks like it's made of the islands from back home. Hephaestus' design team made me a pretty cool logo.

"A really fancy folder for a list of monster hunters." The assistant laughs. "Thank you Peni." She smiles and leaves.

Going back to the desk I pack everything into the folder and seal it up. Finished with that I headed out towards the tower. Luckily not many people are out at night so not many people would recognize me.

A few people did notice me, but nothing went as far as pointing at me and whispering to whoever they were talking to. A few people walked by that I recognized. Some slayer candidates actually.

I just waved to them and kept going. Most of the candidates were cool people, and I got along with all of them. Unfortunately though a lot of them went into the dungeon with me and had no confidence. They thought I would choose the same people that have been leading Orario since forever.

That being Freya and Loki's people.

Which I couldn't fault them for since I did choose the group from primarily those two familias. But times can change things. I'm sure the team will change as we go on.

"Shai!!" A voice called out.

Turning to it I see a very drunk Loki being held up by Gareth and Ais. Loki's entire executive team looked a little embarrassed at their goddess' actions. Waving a little at Finn I walk up and meet them at the bottom of the stairs.

"Loki, how've you been?"

Loki laughed and pulled Ais closer. "I've been great- *BURP*" Everyone flinched back as Loki just cackled. Out of pure instinct I use the folder to fan the smell away. "Oh oh oh! Is that what I think it is?"

Everyone looks at the folder. I hold it up a little and sigh.

"Yup, I finished the list just now. I got to run it up to Ouranos." Her executives' eyes practically sparkle at my words. Loki lets go of Ais and reaches out for the folder.

I move it right out of her reach making her almost fall onto the ground, if Finn didn't catch her than it. "Aww c'mon! Let me see it!"

I smile a little. "No can do trickster." Loki grumbles.

"At least tell me how many of my kiddos you chose! It better be more than Freya!" The group can't help but laugh a little as Loki pouts. I hold my hands up in joke surrender.

"Fine jeez. I chose three from your familia and two from hers."


I take a step back and laugh as her familia tries to calm her down. Riveria scolds her as an embarrassed looking Finn tries to tell everyone to be quiet. With a grin I look at the rest of the group and give a small wave.

"Later guys."

They all say bye with varying looks of tiredness. I continue my 'calm' walk through the sleeping city.

Once I get into Babel the atmosphere changes. There are still many people going about their jobs or just lounging about after exiting the dungeon. I draw a few eyes but most of the people here are either older adventurers or guild employees so they just glance past me.

Walking up to a receptionist I plop the folder down on the desk. She jumps a little as she didn't notice me walking up.

"Sorry about that. Got the slayers list for the big guy upstairs." She stutters for a moment.

"A-alright uh, would you like me to guide you to his office?" She stands but I raise my hand to stop her.

"Nah, just have someone take it up there to him. Thanks though."

Done with that I turn to walk out of the tower. As I get near the exit something catches my eye. An adventurer exits an elevator holding a shiny breastplate in his arms. It wasn't bad looking.

'I forgot they sell stuff here.'

Deciding to do some looking around I turn and head towards an elevator. Gods technically have their own, so they don't have to wait a bunch of floors, but who cares.

Once I was on I tap the button with Hephaestus' sigil on it. Well one of them since she has multiple floors of shops to herself. It didn't take long until I was greeted with the warm feeling of blacksmith shops lining my path.

Of course this heat is just to make people think what they're buying is more 'official' since the heat of a blacksmith shop is proven to help sell cold steel items. I think. I don't really know.

A good portion of the shops were closed since it's so late, but a surprising amount were still open. Really a lot of the items here were not that bad. Most of the weapons here aren't durandal so they reached up into the high teens of the power ranking. The less said about the durandal weapons the better.

The armor was the most surprising. Nothing even worth a power ranking really, but some of the designs were inventive and practical. Honestly the armor of this world is insanely far behind. Mostly due to the fact that adventurers don't think it's practical.

Which I get because they value speed and agility and plate armor makes it hard to move. But most of this just sucks. If they knew how to properly work the [lesser embermane] hide then maybe they would be better off. But I get the feeling that the people here just find one or two uses for something and ignore it after that.

If I'm being honest, it makes me want to open up my own shop. Hephaestus would surely let me since if I did it on her floor she'd get a cut of the money, and I'll have a good surplus of weapons and armors. Welf is going to be making higher tier stuff soon as well.

I'm sure he'd appreciate the money. Of course I have no use for it, but I do think if I start selling things more blacksmiths would have to try and make better products. To keep up and all that. That would be pretty fun to see.

It might also piss everyone who sells things off, but boohoo.

"Can I help you with anything, my lord?"

Looking over, a well dressed floor attendant was smiling at me. He looked a little nervous, but I guess I probably seemed weird just standing in front of some shop thinking.

"Yeah honestly, How much does it cost to open a shop?"

[Next Morning, Twilight Manor, 3rd POV]

Everyone had to be accounted for at one time a day. Breakfast.

Everyone needed to be in the cafeteria sometime between seven and eight-thirty in the morning. Which, while primarily used to promote togetherness and a sense of family, was widely hated by the familia members.

Why you ask? Well when your goddess is a chronic partier and constantly asks/ forces you to go out drinking all the time, people don't like waking up early. You can always tell which poor unfortunate victims she dragged along by how they eat breakfast.

This time, like most, was the executive party. The 'strongest' party in Orario was currently sitting quietly at their table eating. Every once in a while someone in the room would bump a plate or say something a twinge too loud. Which would cause them to get glared at by seven of the strongest people in the city.

"I hate this." Tione muttered.

She was currently sitting with her face straight on the table. Her little twin sister Tiona was doing her best to comfort her. The rest of the party looked on in understanding as they silently nursed their own hangovers.

Gareth looks up from his eggs, remembering something from the night before. "Do you think the list-"


Everyone in the room suddenly stops moving and looks up to see a very excited Loki. She currently was on a balcony from in her office that she uses to talk with everyone in the morning. Only Loki would think to have a balcony inside her cafeteria.

"I think that's the answer to my question." Gareth mumbles.

Loki walks to the edge of her balcony and holds up a smaller, envelope version of the folder they all saw last night.


Everyone in the room cheers as the executives silently cry inside. Forcing themselves to forget their headaches they clap as well. Loki tears open the envelope and clears her throat.

"Starting off, from the Freya familia.." Loki stops as her adventurers boo at the mention of Loki's rival. "Haha.. Unsurprisingly Ottar and Allen!"

She waits a moment as the adventurers clap. Even if they didn't like the goddess, they're all adventurers. They still support each other in some sort of way.

"Now!... Our favorite waitress, and formerly of the Astraesa familia, Ryuu Lion!"

Shock passes over the crowd as some don't even know who she was. Eventually everyone cheers, because her betting odds were quite high. Finn nods internally as he thinks that she was an excellent choice.


Everyone cheers like crazy as Finn stands. He smiles a little as he bows to everyone. Someone manages to find roses somewhere which were thrown straight at him.


Again the adventures cheer their own on. She stands and bows a little as more roses are thrown. She sits as she glares at Loki for what she said.

As people calm down a few thoughts come to mind. Everyone in the familia thought they knew who was going to be selected. Finn was obvious, he's the unofficial general of Orario, and the strongest in Loki's familia.

The next bet was Gareth. Since, rumor was Shai got along really well with Gareth and had him help with the behemoth subjugation. He was sure to be picked.. Right?

Riveria was unexpected. Not because she's weak or anything. But when word got out that magic wasn't the same in Shai's old world. Everyone thought he would ignore her and go to something familiar. Like Ais.

The current betting odds for Ais to be in the slayer group, is -18000. That's right behind Ottar's at -20000. You would have to pay 18,000 valis to make 100 valis if she was selected. For some reason however, a twinge of anxiety was growing within Ais' being.

Everyone within the familia was expecting Finn, Gareth, and Ais. But now that's changed. So who's it going to be? Gareth or Ais.

"And finally…. The last slayer candidate!!" Every adventure looks on in bated breath as a grinning Loki looks down at the page. "..."


Everyone looks on as Loki's smile fades. She blinks for a moment before getting closer to the words. Ais' face drops as she stands up in confusion. Riveria, ever the dungeon mom grabs onto her arm, stopping the blonde from moving.

Loki looks at the paper again before a wide smile splits her face.


Bete freezes, the entire room does. With shock on his face he looks up to Loki. Her smile is radiant as she stares down at him.

"What?" He mutters, and the room erupts. Complete shock covers his face as he looks at Finn. Finn's face is in disbelief as he realizes what that means. His captain instincts kick in as a proud look in his eyes forms.

Bete suddenly catches a rose that almost hit him and stares at it. Adventurers crowd him and pick him up as he lets out a surprised laugh. He smiles for the first time in a while as the members of his familia carry him out of the manor to go and celebrate.

Ais was frozen.

Denial overflowed in her mind as she stood in silence. The rest of the executives besides the big three leave with the crowd to celebrate Bete's selection. Riveria looks at her with worry.

"Are you alright, Ais?"

Ais doesn't respond as she stares at the ground. Tears fill her eyes as Ais starts walking towards the front of the manor. Riveria begins to walk after her but Finn suddenly stops her.

"Let her go.. She can do it."

Riveria looks at her friend and nods. "I know. I just… want to be there for her."