
Daughters of House Castellan

After acquiring a jade statue from a family gathering, our entire family transmigrated into a fantasy world! Follow our adventures in this new world as we learn new things, meet new people, fight powerful enemies and master our abilities. But first of all, we need to get used to our new names!

HazelRubi · Fantasy
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206 Chs

Chapter 59

Early the next morning, we sent off Saintess Sachi and Saintess Karen. Athy even woke up early to see how Saintess Sachi's ability work. She was really curious about it. We all stood in at the balcony on the top floor of the castle where we could clearly see the rising sun.

"Your grace, thank you for having us here." Saintess Karen smiled at our parents.

"No.." My mother shook her head. "We should be the ones thanking you for your help. We are very sorry about how messy and dangerous our lives are. You almost even got dragged into it."

"The temple of Sidapa is here to assist the vessel. If you ever need help, do nit hesitate to come to us." Saintess Sachi smiled.

"The same goes for the Temple of Parsua, you may come anytime and our doors will always be open." Saintess Karen added.

"Thank you very much saintesses, if you ever need help, House Castellan will always be willing to lend a hand." Father promised them.

The saintesses bowed to us. Saintess Karen moved closer towards Saintess Sachi and held her hand.

When the first ray of sunlight hit, Saintess Sachi used her ability. Unlike Saintess Jubie who disappeared immediately, her ability was clearer. The shadows made by the sun crept towards them and they were slowly swallowed by the shadows. Saintess Karen gave us one last smile before the shadows completely swallowed them. The black shadow that engulfed them then disappeared leaving nothing where they stood.

We stood there looking at the rising sun. The cold morning breeze gently passing by.

"Would you like me to inform the kitchen that you will be having breakfast early today, your grace?" Astrid asked mother who looked at my father who was yawning.

"No." Mother shook her head lightly. "I would like to rest more. What about you girls?"

"No." Uriel quickly replied.

"I'm also going back to sleep." Athy replied raising her hands to Anderson. Anderson picked her up and bowed towards my parents before heading back inside with Uriel behind them.

"I'm going to go eat something light and train with Seb." I informed my parents.

They both nodded and went back in to sleep some more.

I looked at Sebastiene who had already bathed and in his butler's uniform. I was wearing a simple gray dress.

"Should I inform the kitchen that you would like to have light breakfast, my lady?" Sebastiene asked.

"No, I'll eat at the servant's dining area instead." I answered him and started to go.

"Are y-you serious my lady?" Sebastiene asked me with an awkward smile.

I looked at him like he was an idiot and continued walking.

"My lady, the servant's dining area is messy and filled with people. Do you really want to go there?" Sebastiene tried to talk me out of it.

I huffed and continued on.

The servant's dining area is in the servant's residence, a different building beside the the castle. This is where the all servants stay. The residence has sleeping quarters, a dining area and bath. The male and female sleeping quarters and baths are separated also.

I arrived at the servant's dining area and they didn't notice me yet. The servants were lining up in a long table where foods are laid. They would just choose whatever food they want and put it on their plates.

Sebastiene and I went in and lined up to get food too. The maid in front of us was stunned when she saw me and didn't move. Her eyes went wide, looking to Sebastiene and then back to me.

I smiled at her.

"M-my lady?!" She whisper-yelled. Her eyes went to Sebastiene and I saw a surprised look before she put down her tray and bowed to me.

Incidentally, she hit another maid behind her. The maid almost spilled whatever was on her tray. She turned back, most probably to scold the maid who bumped her, and saw me.

"Oh my gosh!" She squealed, making the others look at us.

The servant's dining area became noisy as the servants started asking why I was there.

"Everyone!" Sebastiene stepped out. "Lady Melody is here to have a light breakfast. No need to fill her with questions when she is here to eat right?"

The servants all look at the smiling Sebastiene and nodded.

"Please continue on with your breakfast as usual. Thank you." He smiled wider.

Though Sebastiene had already told them to continue on, they are still fidgety and kept glancing at me.

I just ate as normal with Sebastiene and smiled every now and then at the servants I catch glancing at me. After I finished, I cleaned up my table and left.

"Seb, I want to practice more about my ability." I looked at my butler who smiled widely.

"Would you like me to teach you how to defend my lady?" His eyes glinting with excitement.

"I want a defensive ability that I don't need to control." I frowned at him.

"Hmmmm.." Sebastiene was in deep thought until we reached the training room.

The raining room is for me and my sisters. We use it to train our abilities which we hide from the others. We are still training to control and expand our knowledge in regards with our abilities. The ones we kept using are the ones that we learned from the three deities. As far as we know, there are still more abilities we can use. We just need to train more to be able to learn it.

"What exactly do you mean, my lady?" Sebastiene asked confused.

"Nevermind." I sighed.

Sebastiene looked hesitant with my reply.

"How about I teach you a teleportation ability, my lady?" He asked with a smile.

Sebastiene knows that I am quite amazed at the saintesses's teleportation abilities.

"You can?" I asked him excitedly.

"Of course, my lady." He smiled. "But instead of teleportation, it's more like a portal."

"But can I really learn it?" I asked doubtful.

"With your abilities and force soul, I doubt if there is anything you cannot do." He said confidently.

"Great! What should I do?" I asked motivated by what he said.

"Let's start with a simple space distortion." He started to explain how a teleportation works. He then showed me an example starting with how to distort space and opening a small portal.

It was quite easy at first until I started to make things pass through the portals.