
Daughters of Hera

Allow me to compel you into realms of my imagination. Allow me to take you on a journey, to a world of goddesses and demigods, of monsters and evil Regents, of prophecies and heroines/heroes. In the beginning was a world ruled by Men, which was filled with wars and death. The tribulations of the Mortal realms came to the attention of the Greek gods and goddesses. Zeus (King of the Heavens) held a meeting in Olympus to end the sufferings of the mortals. But the devious Hera (Queen of the heavens) blamed Man for the destruction of the mortal realm. And when the gods were against it, Hera connived with other goddesses to make an elixir that transferred dominance to Women, causing a paradigm shift across the mortal realms. Then the goddesses dwelled in the mortal realms to teach and create fantastical cities, that is, until they vanished to the heavens. Then millions of years passed as mortals flourished in peace, before dark forces began rising. A generation of teenagers: Chilton and Chilonis, Tiki and Rode, Lozen and Joanne are all descendants or legacies of these goddesses, who are determined to roam the perilous cities and battle evil and participate in a competition called the Heraen games: where the winners who find the ‘Urn of Nike’ lives and the losers die. ‘Daughters of Hera: legacies of goddesses’ is a YA/NA dark fantasy that combines Greek mythology with world building, and multi-characters, which would appeal to a broad audience among fans of George R. R Martin’s ‘Game of Thrones’ and Rick Riordan’s ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ series respectively.

Demigod_neezy · Eastern
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I must commend you, dear reader, because you've done a marvelous thing choosing this book, but I surely must warn you as well.

This journey you shall partake in the course of this book will not be what you ever expected; for it is not just a book with a wishful ending; for it is not simply a story, you see, it's a vast foretelling of history unhinged and unrestricted, without aberration, which has been lost in the affairs of mortals, since the ancient of times, for centuries before.

This journey won't be about heroines or heroes, nor about mere women or men only, but about simple humans staring darkness in the eye, fighting it, although not necessarily winning in all endeavors; but never giving up still. This is an enchanting journey of Love, Fear, and Light versus Darkness, and goddesses whom roam and presides over the realm, faith and many more to come.

After a while of touring the depths of the wonderful, magical cities and homes of this ancient civilization and seeing their deep rooted secrets, you might be entranced to visit so often, perhaps I wouldn’t mind if you do. I also recommend you to look closely, for if you do, you'll begin to see a reflection of yourself, in every character you might stumble upon while you're here.

I’ve held your attention long enough. Quick, with haste, come along, so we can begin this journey together. . .



In a world in where Man ruled; it was filled with war, violence, greediness, diseases, viruses and death. It roamed at the surface of realms, the errors of man's dark ways, women and children alike were the casualties of war, and poverty and hunger was the norm of the day. The great tribulation on the human world came to the attention of the gods and gods. A meeting was held in the highest parts of Olympus where the divine gods and goddesses resided, it was spearheaded by the All-knowing god Zeus, and the it was held for all major gods to bring about a solution, to end the world's suffering. Ananke (the goddess of fate) was also summoned. She alongside other goddesses like the Queen of the gods, Hera (wife of Zeus), blamed the dominance of man as the cause of oppression and destruction in the human world. The major gods didn't take these accusations lightly and were against it from the onset.

So the goddesses came together to connive and devise a plan secretly against the knowledge of the gods, their plan was to bring up an elixir that will transfer all dominance to women. Women they thought, were more passionate and calm: motherly and caring enough to rule earth without greediness and destruction men did shown.

After much resistance from Olympus, the goddesses were victorious in their endeavors, the elixir was made through the shear sacrifices of the goddesses, and was spread throughout all the realms of man.before their devious plan could be stopped the elixir worked, gave total control and authority to women.

The great lands of earth were graced and shared by Hera, witb goddesses such as Athena ( goddess of wisdom, war, courage, arts and craft), Aphrodite ( goddess of love, beauty and procreation), Artemis( goddess of the hunt, the moon and chastity), Hebe ( goddess of youth, the wine-cup bearer and the fountain of youth) and finally Enyo (goddess of war, destruction, conquest and bloodlust) and many more, and was ruled, then passed down to the children of this goddesses or legacies, with whom they also worshipped.

And so, Male and Female roles were reversed in the kingdom of Mankind. Millions of years passed and the goddesses whom roamed the earth, and dwelt among humans suddenly vanished one by one into the heavens in which they came from, although no one knows why. Man obeyed women without hesitation. Peace came, and lasted in the human realm until dark forces began to arise. . .