
Daughter of Titan

Mikasa is singel mother with her new daughter Carla Ackerman she's top class solider and vary carrying parson after few years of carrying for her baby daughter she notices someone is watching her from afair and then one night, when she was going to pick up her daughter from Armin, someone put hand over her mouth and kidnapped her when she woke up in dark room she find out the person who kidnapped her is her lover and father of baby Armin of course knew she was kidnapped and squad was searching for her but no lack Carla was growing up with out mother and when she find out the true about her mother she throws herself into action immediately but she throwing others in danger too will she find her parents and have happy ending or she will considering her father as enemy read to find out

Hana_Cobrdova · Action
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7 Chs

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it past 6 months and Mikasa was happy with her little family she have, Carla had black hair and her father eyes: emerald green

one day they were walking around forest and carla pointed at tree, Mikasa smile at her daughter and said " that called tree" Carla giggle and claped with her little hands in happiness

they sit down on the grass and Mikasa put Carla down, Carla tried to stand up but fail and she fall on her little butt

She was about to cry but when she sow butterfly smile appeared on her face and said word witch made Mikasa happy even more

"mama looka a butterfly" she said with happy voice and went closer to flower butterfly was sitting, She watched little animal feeding herself and then fly away

Mikasa then pick up her daughter and start walking back

"let's go home now Carla, your uncle will be worried if we don't return before sunset" Carla punt at her mother, Mikasa giggled at her daughter behavior 'just like Eren' she thought sadly but smile for her daughter

"we are going to return here tomorrow if you want" she said and Carla grinned at her

"Yey!!" she said happily