
Daughter of the unknown

Who am I?

DaoistMUE1o5 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

met a guy...

I took my steps carefully look down and went to the kitchen thinking to go exactly the way I wanted but it didn't... They told me they do not need one so I asked if they need in any other work and they said they do need a woman to clean the dustbin oh...no what..I thought but I give it a yes cause I needed to earn so I went in there put my gloves on ,lwear a mask and I started to get to work...The dustbin smell disgusting and the flies shocked me cause I didn't expect it to be so dirty like this ....I pull my hand closer to the bin and started to work....After I was done I feel nuisance and miserable it took me some hours to clean it well well don't think it was an easy clean it was damn hard first you have to take cans, then food waste, separate it and than put all in their different section to recycle after that you take the recycles staff and give it in the kitchen I knew its horrible but I did cause it was necessary..

I went in and meet the person who pays wages and he was just so handsome.....He was tall,smile spread wide around him,neat and tidy and also had a very nice smell ...

He is such a charm I didn't wanna go and meet him in this disgusting smell with this dirty clothes OK cool I need money I encouraged myself and went near him...He had a very gentleman tone..

He said : Miss how would you like to get your pay Cash or card??

I told him I like it in cash..

He looked at me and asked Are you staying in the hotel??

Yes I responded

He : well you can either take the cash money or let us pay for your fooding...

well I like you to pay for the fooding then..

He responded very well then...(started to walk away)I stopped him and he gave me a very serious looked he asked what is it miss??

Sir if there is any other job for me than please let me know I'll be spending my night here just in case..(awkward)

OK miss I'll let you know if there is any...

I responded thank you and goodnight...

Goodnight he said and we both went to our way...

Do give me reviews and let me know how I can improve...

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