
Daughter of the Rare White Werewolf

While growing up young orphan Rena Harper wanted to be like everyone else except she was a hybrid. Now in college she thought this would be a little bit of a change for her by making friends and discovered a little bit more about the world around her. Until her whole world is turned upside down when she discovers she is the daughter of the rare white shadow wolf! Now with race against time to defeat the evil dark shadow alpha wolf, Rena must learn how to handle her newly founded self and protect the ones she cares the most while handling her college life and unveiled hidden secrets about her past and before she was born. Even she will tell you her story from her point of view. (Copyright)

LadyTheHybridGirl · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Alpha's Mysterious Mate?!

I had to stay at my dorm because if I went to my classes they might not to be able to recognize me. The good thing was my friends made a good cover up story for me which was nice of them to do, but they didn't have to lie for my reason. Also another good thing was I didn't have to get dress for the day, so I just wore my purple tank top and my lavender pajama bottoms. Just then my phone goes off which scared me so much that I fell out of my chair. It was Alana calling me on a video chat and it was a good thing I gave her some of my social media contact.

When I answer the call, Alana, Scarlet, and Carly all wave at me. "Hey guys how are classes so far?" I said smiling at them.

"Hey girl, don't worry we got it covered. I'll send you the videos of the werewolf interviews before next class," Alana said, while showing the peace sign with her fingers and reason why Alana was interviewing werewolves because they were the ones that went to the campus who can transformed into humans.

Suddenly I turned off the camera and I said in a panic, "Guys Aiden is heading in your direction!!"

I went silent when Aiden started talking to them and they answered back until something quick got my attention, so I decided to listen into the conversation.

I heard Aiden say something, "Um... I chose my alpha female for the campus since the campus lets two students to represent the werewolves and this girl doesn't know I picked her."

I was incomplete shock of what he was doing.

Alana was next and she said, "Why just tell her about it maybe she'll be happy that you chose her to be your alpha female."

I was lucky to have a friend like that and I was about to say something, but I kept on listening in.

Aiden then said, "You know I am a tough guy, but when I see her... she has a beautiful smile, her touch is so soft and her eyes... I easily get lost in them."

I could tell he was blushing by the way he was talking about her. Then the same girl who was talking meanly about me to her friends started screaming in high pitch voice. It scared me so badly that I fell out my chair again, not remembering that I wasn't muted on the other end.

"Wait... who were you guys talking to on your phone Alana?" Aiden asked stepping forward, luckily I hung up and the good thing was Amy didn't add my name with my contact yet.

My heart nearly stopped right then and there from listening in on the conversation.

When I got the videos I listen closely to each one of them trying to analyzed on how they were able to transformed into just a human. After watching each one of them I tried to do the same and finally after I watch the tenth video, tried it and it work I was a human again. For a few hours I stayed a human including I actually put in Carly earphones to listen to music for the first time. All of the sudden I heard noises from the door and went to figure out who was at the door. I slowly open the door and I saw no one except for a black scale right next to the door which I picked up and closed the door behind me.

I sat down and examined the scale which was very beautiful even when the light shine on it. Z jumped up and curled up in my lap, falling asleep after a few minutes. I guess someone was looking out for me, but I wondered who was Aiden's mate? So many questions I didn't know about, but I would get those soon enough just not today. For now I'm just going to embrace my new life and see what tomorrow will bring me.