
Daughter Of The King

[WARNING! Mature Content: Gore, Nudity, Violence, Death. Strong Language.] The gods are dying and their hope lies within their creation to find the dead gods crown. After a long war amongst them, rivaling for power and the throne, the world in which they created for their offspring’s was torn asunder, splitting the four corners of the earth into three continents, and leaving but wastelands and mayhem behind. Where the sick wither and the wealthy prevail, a twisted king rules on a throne of bones and the blood of his enemies; each jewel adorning his crown represented all the lives he’d snuffed, all the peasants thinning, the women soled and devoured by man, of those who suffer from his reign and the gods who stole their most precious necessity: fire and the sun. 

The winters are long. Ash pollutes the skies. And they live without the sun, without fire, only the crimson crescent taunting them from the skies above to remind them that they’re cursed and tossed into an abyss of shadows unless they’re beckoned forth for service. 

But what the gods hadn’t known was, nature had found a way. Whispers amongst the rat ridden streets spoke of pirates who sailed the deep sea in search of the dead gods crown, the ones the last deities of Easthaeven, the world of the immortals, bestowed certain individuals their lethal abilities, weaving their souls to a fate far worse than death until their deed was done.

The Mad king heard, and he forbade piracy for the longest until he realized he wanted a war against the gods, wanted to indulge in the sweet taste of the sun, feel the warmth of fire again. So, he chose to hunt them down, spilling sweet lies past those sinful lips in hopes he could strike a bargain with the pirates whose mother was the sea, the war amongst the obscured waters. Life had never been too kind, and death was a harsher reality than it all. ————————————————————————- The Characters The king of D’treroh’s most beloved daughter is raised and trained in the arts of war. She’s soon to follow in his footsteps in abolishing piracy though she struggles to find who she is beyond everything her father has taught her. But when she is kidnapped by the infamous pirate lord of the Onyx Sea, everything she thought she knew of the world is tarnished. A pirate whose mother was the sea and his family murdered when he was a child only to be sent to slavery, rises and challenges the system. He thinks he is a sword of justice, but in the eyes of some, he is just as ruthless as the king himself. Banished prince of D’treroh is a reminder that his youngest sisters lost their lives too early. Day and night he blames himself, drinks, and wallows in the fact that no matter what he does, his father will never acknowledge him as heir. He does not know whether he wants his father’s acceptance or to take everything his father holds dear so he will be the only thing left his father can glimpse upon and regret before his life bleeds from his eyes and he himself becomes king.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasy
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170 Chs

When Two Devils Battle

Bynx held the flat end of the sword against Ray'ven's throat, wishing he would have sliced her open as she led him through the halls. "Which room did you last see him in?" He spoke low and cold.

Ray'ven shifted uncomfortably, her brother's hold was a tad tighter than necessary. She could practically feel his want to cut her deep and a frown tugged at her lips. "I haven't seen him since I was left in my room. He was meant to check on me by now." she said. It had been as though they'd spoken him into existence.

Razmyr lead Caldren down the opposite end of the hall, dagger protruding from his stomach and two swords at his throat. "Tell me," The pirate lord said, the rumble loud and gravelly within his tone. "Why I have a rat loose and a spy?"

Bynx's lip curled upwards. He'd rather have wine and ale than to be here, but he couldn't afford to disappoint his father again. The prince pressed the sword closer. "I want out. And I'll kill her if you don't let me through."

The pirate cocked his head, and the corner of his mouth rose as he chuckled lowly. "And you'd kill her? Do you really think we should be playing this game, prince? Last time I had you in my clutches, weren't your arms as limp as a rag dolls? I do believe your head was next too. I've heard of you, and you don't have the balls to cut her throat. Or the dick."

This son of a bitch. Had he insulted him in front of Caldren and his sister? A row of pearly whites flashed and he nicked Ray'ven's throat, blood welling shortly after. If this man thought he wouldn't injure her, he'd thought wrong.

"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear," Razmyr nudged Caldren forward. "Release her, drop your weapon, then get on your knees and wait to be taken back to your lovely cell. That or I'll have your guard looking just like you were hours ago. And trust me, you probably don't care, but you will when you have no one else to protect you, considering your sister was going to allow your execution for the good favor of your father. He's here, isn't he?"

His cerulean eyes lowered towards the crest shimmering on the sword's hilt. Bynx came only with a dagger, and no one here would dare carry the sign of the tyrant king before him. But Ja'ule knew this. He wanted Razmyr to know he was coming. Good, let him come. He'd be waiting right here in this very hallway. Bynx's throat bobbed when he swallowed, his plan lay in ruins.

His father sent him despite knowing he'd give Razmyr a sign that he was coming? He truly had no love for him in his twisted heart. The only person there, caught in those tangled thistles was Ray'ven. Bynx didn't move. Maybe he could kill her and run while Caldren faced the pirate. No, the damn bastard had eyes for her too. He probably joined Razmyr in killing him.

"I'm inpatient," Razmyr flipped his sword until the blade pointed up and the hilt was down, then slammed against the crook of Caldren's shoulder. It was fast, just as fast as he'd done the other. And when the guard slunk to his knees, he dug out his left eye using the tip of his thumb. Nose flared, he tossed the white eyeball right at Ray'ven's face. "I'm about to take the other one in two seconds. You'll be having a handicapped guard."

Ray'ven's eyes widened in horror as Caldren's eye was removed, but even then, the man did not make a sound. His jaw clenching in pain.

Bynx removed the blade almost instantly and pushed his sister forward. Razmyr did the same with Caldren, though made sure to shoot a paralyzing sedative into the princesses neck. The king rounded the corner holding an unconscious James, and the pirate hooked an arm around Ray'ven's neck.

"Welcome to my lair." Razmyr sounded angered, and the king's gaze flashed murderously when he'd seen his daughter as a hostage.

Ray'ven's eyes met Bynx's and she saw no regret in his actions. Her limbs were slowly becoming heavy and numb, but relief flooded her when her father rounded the corner, the pirate James being dragged behind him and Strel.

"Father." She called out weakly, but her body allowed her to do nothing more.

"You bastard." Caldren growled, glaring at the prince.

Bynx kicked Caldren in the mouth. "Shut your mouth low life. The king is here, hold your tongue and have respect."

"Release her," Ja'ule said dangerously, smacking Razmyr's third in command awake. Little did he know, James was willing to die for their cause. He wouldn't bend. "Or I'll?"

"Kill him?" Razmyr smirked. He might as well rouse his enemy, the man he'd sworn to kill for years. His head lowered, the tip of his nose running across Ray'ven's neck before he lowered her shirt and revealed the name branded on her flesh, fresh and red for every eye in the room to behold. When the king's face twisted into something demonic, his teeth clenched, fist tightening in his third in command's hair, he reveled. He felt a million times worse when this man killed his entire family.

"Looks like your precious princess belongs to someone else. She's even showed me her body a couple of times. I had her beat in the halls without an inch of fabric covering her. You know who's fault that is? Yours."

His. Ja'ule's nose flared, evergreens narrowing as he slung James behind him and stepped forward. He'd risk everything for his daughter. Certainly murder for his daughter, and Razmyr, this blight upon the world would know if he killed her, he'd better run. Better kill himself before Ja'ule laid hands on him. He started forward, stepping on Caldren as he did, and each time he grew closer, Razmyr walked backwards, waving his everything in his face on a thin line.

"You did what?" The king hissed.

"Exactly what I said. I may give her back if you drop your weapons."

The only one who'd be bowing was him. Ja'ule rose two fingers and electricity struck down above the pirate, but he'd swirled out the way, smirk upon his face. "Careful. Wouldn't want to stop her heart." Razmyr cupped the princess' jaw and tugged her forward, then kissed her lips. "We'll meet again."

Razmyr tossed Ray'ven over his shoulder. They wouldn't fight this time. The king wouldn't risk his everything. The pirate lord had been the escape distraction. Baeron gathered James, and the rest of his crew were already waiting aboard.

Ray'ven reached for her father weakly, he was so close. "Daddy." She whispered weakly as she was carried away.

The king stood there, jaw clenched, but he mouthed, "I'll come for you. Be strong like the Aldaine blood which ruins through your blood." As he watched his daughter be torn away from him again. And it'd be the last.