
Daughter of the CEO

Alexia Lastra is known as flirty girl of the campus.Men would worship her way and girls would course her to death.That doesn't bother Xia doing things what she want to do.She want to accept mens company as long as she is not the one who is innitiating.It is not her fault if girls would envy her. Xia won't just step back because of the hurtful words throwing to her.And a big no for those people who want to get her down.What she always things is that she is not weak to be threated by any one like a wolf easy to be tamed. She is well-known because of the family where she came from.Her father is a CEO of a hospital with high technologies and given a lots of rewards because of its good service.They also have different companies under thier family name other than the hospital. People might think that Xia's ie easy as pie.But she is more than a flirt.She wear mask to hide her real who will drown people around her expectation.

RedWritesss · Action
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

I got up to bed and as usual i prepare myself for a morning jogging.This is my everyday routine wherever i am in the mood.It is just refreshing to jog as the sun rise.

After a minute jogging around the village i stop to prepare myself for school this time.I hate being late.Of course!That would be embarrassing i think.A famous school girl is late?I would not like to hear that.

I see myself through the full length mirror infront of me.Always stunning,i would know.I am not full of myself,just saying the truth.I don't think i can lie especially if we're talking about me.

"Mom i gotta go to school."I shouted as i'm heading downstairs.

"Eat your breakfast first."I heard her voice from a far so i think she's in the kitchen.No emergency today? I'm well-versed about the idea that she couldn't make me some breakfast 'cause she and Dad is always busy with their work.I'm a understanding kind of girl,sort of.

"Morning Mom."I abruptly said when i am already near her.

"Good Morning, Sweetie.Take a seat."She kissed my forehead before turning to the pancakes.

"What do you like?Honey or strawberry syrup?"

"Strawberry syrup."She pour some in my pancakes and sit in the chair in front of me.

"How was work?"I ask from nowhere as i eat my pancakes.

"Nothing's new.Taking patient from here to there.And your school?"I make an uncomfortable smile to her before turning my head back to my pancake.

"Alexia."Her mother's voice,the strict one.

I eye her and back to my pancake.I have to say this!It is not thag it is really my fault.They try me first.

"Mom...I always got into a fight."I sound as a meek cat infront of my mother,i can tell.Who wouldn't?She'll cut my allowance if i did."But Alxus is always in my side so don't 'ya worry mom."

She eye me softly."I'm aware,Alexus told me."

"That son of the bitch."I mumbled.

"What are you whispering at,Alexia?"Opps.Did she heard it?

"Nothing much mom.Alexus,always making me safe so yeah."You're dead,you idiot Alexus."But he always go to school late.He even don't go to his some subjects sometimes."I make it more credible.It is actually true, partly.

"Really?That kid."Mom sounds horrible.


"I'll talk to him later.But his grades is good.How can he maintain it?"Mom is trying to put things out.Not this time Alexus.

"Of course mom!We can do it."I answer quickly.Good thing that i maintain my high grades too.

"Alright,i'll talk to him."That made me smirk.You trying to put me down huh.You idiot twin brother of mine.

"Good!I gotta go Mom.I hate being Late."I kissed her forehead and bid our goodbyes before i head to our house garage.What is good reaching legal age?Of course having my license and do whatever i want.

I walk to the garage as i play my key throwing it in the mid air then catching it again as i whistle a song.Ahh.What a good feeling thinking that my twin would be burn by Mom.

I ark my eyebrows as i heard my brother car.Did'nt he is sleeping by right now?My eyebrow ark even more when i see his car entering the gate.Is he thinking mom is not here?You are really burn my dear Alexus.

"Where have you been?"His eyebrow ark.

"As if you care."I sweetly smile at him.

"Of course i care twin brother mine."He eyed me suspiciously.

"Since when?"I chuckled.

"Just now,brother mine.Run fast.Mom is waiting for you."

"Oh shit!"

"Yes shit!Bye brother mine.Do your best.Aren't your good to lie?"I shouted as he fastly head the way to house.

I wide smirk plastered in my lips as i get in in the car.This feel so good.Is this is how he feeling too?Everytime he dumped me to mom.Now i know.

I get down the car and walk like a model as i enter the hallway.I actually in my student uniform right now,just a scrubs like clothings.But the hell i care ,my beauty won't reduce.

"Morning,Xei."I smile at the man who just greet me.

"Good Morning James!"I greet back in a fkirty tone.I like fooling around.No big problems other than doing my school project and etc.

His frown."It's Jade."Jade?James?It sounds nearly the same.The heck with his name.I make an exaggerated my-bad look.

"Ohh.My bad."I put my right hand in my mouth to act more.

"It's okay."

"Hmm.I have to go.See 'ya."I trace my fingers to his chest before i keep going.I'm really having fun with this.

As i Enter the room, nothing's new.Talking here to there.They have thier own world so i just stay in the side and feel the peacefulness of the morning.This is not usually my routine,it is talking to guys.That is why girls hated me here in scholl.That's what i think.

I don't have friends.I am afraid to have one again not knowing that she's stabing my back.I already know my lesson.I been fool before but people change.I might be the pathetic Alexia Lastra before but i never be now and to the future.

It start when i was a freshman in highschool.I am fool,a good best friend.Yesha never left my side.She is always there to support me.We been friends since grade four so i trust her.I would not wish for more friends than her.But when we get freshmen i enter this shitty relationship.I don't really take it seriously as what Alexus is always saying to me as an older---a minute brother for me.I don't have the idea thag Ayesha has this something about the boy too.I never figure out not until Alexus heard it and recorded to his phone.Ayesha is just a plastic friends.We are good when i am around but stabbing me when i'm out of her sight.It hurt me to the core.Of course i trust her.

I call her in out favor spot in the school in the school lagoon.It is just me and her.She eyed me not the Ayesha that i know.It is like the true hers,The Ayesha that i never know.I ask her if it is true.But of course i know it is.He just make a fake laugh and tell me how foolish i am.And to find out that she and the boy is having a relationship behind my back.I'm not hurt because the boy cheat on me 'cause Alexus already give me an heads up.I'm hurt for the fact that Ayesha gave up our friendship for a idiotic reason.But i never be sorry to cut ties with her.It is her choice to dumped, dumped our friendship.It is her stupid choice to choose the boy than me.It is not my loss cause i never been bad to her.

But she is not the reason why i change.I change for good where the old foolish Alexia is already hidden too a newe persona.It is partly my fault.I been too good and give her the idea to take advantage about it.

"Hi,Xia."I back in my reverie when i heard a male voice greet me.Could i have a absent as a flirt right now, that is what they call me here.I'm just confused why because in the first place it is not me who's making a conversation around.

"Hi.You can go now.I'm not in the mood to play."i gesture him to go away.He make a long confused gazed before he live.This would be a boring day if i take a break,but a peaceful too so maybe this is just okay.

Until now i can get off of the idea that every friends you have will still betray you once they get what they want.Does it means that i am not still get over to Ayesha?Jeez.Why i am still thinking about that stupid girl.We are out of communication almost nine years.

"Xei."For the second time i been back in my reverie when i heard a voice.

"What?"I ask in a small tone.

"Are you not feeling well?"Alexus, Mom and Dad is the only one who is calling me Xei for unknown reason.

"Not."I answered with a frown.

"Then we really have to book in the mental hospital."

"Are you idiot?You should the one who enter that hospital.Your screw just drop."

"Tell to the girl who is talking to the air.But as a serious conversation,why are you in a deep thoughts?"I'm embarassed to tell him the truth.He saw me how i fall down to knees when we and Ayesha cut ties.He already seen too much in my downfall.

"Nothing much.How 'bout you?No girls arms clung in your arms.This is new."His forehead knotted.

"Are you not trying to trick me right?"

"No!Of course not!But Mom she did."I said then laugh when his face get paled.

"It is your fault."

"Ah-huh?How come?What is is my dear brother?No allowance for a week?"

"I can survive not having a allowance for a week."

"So..."i trailed not minding if he's is having a hard time controlling his self not to bump ny head in my armchair.

"Damn you,Xei.Mom just took the key of my baby away.You will be the cost of my death Alexia Lastra."

"And you are over reacting,ALexus Lastra."I said and roll my eyes to him."Poke me if the Prof is already here."He sigh in defeat.


We lunch together,no boys or girls that is clinging in our arms for the first time.This is the advantage of siblings being classmates.Our time is not conflicting with each other.We can hangout together if we're free.

"Isn't this feel good Zeus?No boys or girls arm clung on as."He raised her eyebrow.I always mention his nick name Xus as Zeus.Like duh!I am known in exaggerating things.

"Yeah.But i'm sure you won't last long."He sound so sure.

"Wanna bet?"I said with a smirk.

"Uh-huh?For one week?"Is he underestimating me?Even i always with different boys everyday doesn't mean that my life depends in them.

"Deal.And the consequences?"I ask as i drum my fingers in the table.Hmm?My consequence for him should be worth it.

"You will do all my reports and what ever about school things."Easy as pie.

"Alright!And if i win,you'll be my chaperon for everything for one week."

"It's a deal."We do the---pinky promise like then high five.It is like our signature to do things we said.

"Okay.I can't wait for you do my shitty things."I laughed.

"Ah-huh.How sure are you?"


"Your funny dude.I'll asure you would be sorry making a deal with me."I said and sip a little in the orange juice.

"Yeah right."He sarcastically said."You'll start now okay?"

"Okay."As if i would die without boys beside me.I'm not him.He looks like a shit without girls beside him.

"Woah.Still chill?"He sound as if it is a miracle to happen.I just roll my eyes to him and look with my smug face.

"Of course!I'm not you who looks like a man who want to pee but there is no comfort room.Got me?That's how you looks like when a day passed without a girl beside you.

"How you compares sucks."He grimaced.

"Nope.You are the one who sucks."

"Talking to you is like talking to a maddest."

"Then why talking to me?"

"Arghh.I hate you."That made me laugh.He'll never wins againts me.

"I don't like you either."
