

Sophia Sapphire Armougord is a goddess, daughter of the goddess of war Hilda, and the demigod Lord Armougord. Therefore she is the princess of the great kingdom Nexus. To strengthen their friendship Sophia is betrothed to the crown prince of Erabithia by both the queens of the two kingdoms. As the wife of Percy Arvan Pearlsis, she is also the princess of Erabithia . STORY- after the alliance/marriage the two have fallen in love and are expecting their heir. The king of Erabithia has taken another wife after the death of his beloved first wife. The two rulers demand the blood of the unborn soul which as prophesied is to be the most powerful being since the beginnings of Kendros their world. Fearing for the child's life that grows in her womb due soon Sophia escapes thanks to Percy's sacrifice, but only for her to return seventeen years later with the child Violetta,the chosen one to rid of the true evil that terrorizes her father's kingdom.

Creator84 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

She fainted

"How do we defeat them?"

"You don't, only a command from their master can stop them"

"Basically we're doomed"not if I can help it...

"Not exactly"

"You just said only their master can stop them!" I hope this doesn't drain me before I can finish off the gandan for vivvy's sake.

"Get back, behind me now!!" I couldn't wait to check if they'd done so, I floated and was a few feet from the ground when the mutts appeared and pounced but before they could go further I released the supersonics only they could hear and I felt the waves as they pierced through the eardrums of each and every gandan there..poor things were being controlled, I saw them fall from mid-air as they howled like wounded dogs...I barely registered Violet shouting out my name as I fell into darkness...

Violet's POV

"Mom!!" I barely registered how I broke free of the shield she'd cast around me, my mom just fainted and she never faints...I had to hold her and keep her safe..this is all my fault she came for me.

"What just happened" I knew Ben wanted answers from me but I myself was shocked I'd made my stoic mother faint. Thank the gods Alfred spoke up, he'd become an uncle for me in upbringing.

"There are four of us and three of them__" I knew without even looking that they were here and Alfred stopped mid-sentence to engage in battle. I could only pray to the goddess of war Hilda, pray that this gets over soon so I can take my mom from here and go back to the sanctuary where I should have never left.

My back felt ominous like something was wrong so I turned around and I heard a loud shrill scream then realized that it was coming from me, I immediately shut up. A crocian had escaped the clutches of Spirodon and Ben and it had leaped for me and my mom but somehow a shield similar to mom's had engulfed us and vaporized the crocian at contact, I was shocked, no That's an understatement I was flabbergasted by the mystery my life was becoming and mom would be so proud... wait, mom

" mom please wake up, you have to see this"I couldn't take her unresponsiveness she never ignores me"mom it's me,vivvy "I hated when people called me that bit when she said it I'd feel so angelic, I'd instantly let my guard down, but now she wasn't responding even to that...I barely registered that the battle was over, I heard no more grunts and swords slashing against flesh and I barely paid attention as Alfred led us back to the sanctuary.

I only had one prayer as watched over my mother's sleeping form on Spiridon's arm... please wake up.....

Violet's POV

After we had arrived back here at the sanctuary mom had been taken away to the infirmary and Ben practically dragged me to Aaron's office. I knew I had to explain but hello! my mom fainted.

"You shouldn't have left Argan Violet!, do you know how your mother was__" I couldn't let uncle Aaron continue because I knew what he would say next would only make the guilt I feel worse.

"I'm sorry" In my turmoil, I let out the waterworks"it's inexcusable but I didn't know that this would__"I was cut off by Grador's swift entry and I couldn't help but scowl at him. He thinks he's awesome and keeps saying I only hate him because I love him which is absolute bullshit by the way. I don't have time for men, I mean I don't even know my own father." Ever heard of knocking!"I know that was harsh but hey!, the guy just walked in on us and I was crying for Pete's sake. I quickly wiped my tears.

"Lady Sapphire has regained consciousness" I didn't wait for him to say more as I rushed to the infirmary, I practically flew there.

"Where's my mom?" I asked a nurse that was filling some forms I don't care what, I just want to see my mom and gaze at her beautiful golden orbs, maybe I could convince her to let me braid her dark brown hair since even though she knows how to she doesn't style it.

Sapphire's POV

dark...dark...dark.I couldn't move as my body fell into oblivion, darkness everywhere. I can't remember what transpired for me to have fallen here, oh right! The battle, my little girl! I have to get out of here and make certain she's safe....my eyelids feel so heavy... I...FINALLY!, I opened my eyes only to close them again as a bright light beamed partially blinding for a second. I outwardly groaned.

"You're awake" it wasn't a question, soon I heard the soft click of a door opening then close. I opened my eyes slowly this time and I internally clapped hands with my subconscious as my eyes adjusted to the light. minutes later the door opened and a nurse came in with a clip, she took readings on the machine next to me.

"How do you feel" I suddenly remembered and I wanted my baby

"Wher.." My throat was a bit dry so my voice came out hoarse. The nurse moved to get me a glass of water which I took gratefully.

"You were out for four hours" fours!" nothing is damaged, no physical injuries so it's safe to say you're as good new"I was about to request for my Vivvy when she burst through the door panting.

"Mom!" She shouted, causing me to wince at the intensity of her tone of voice. In seconds she had engulfed me in a tight hug "I'm sorry mom, I shouldn't have run away else you wouldn't be here right now"

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