
Daughter of Darkness

One night, Eilif Midnight, a teacher at the nation's most famous university comes across an abandoned child in the snow and decides she will raise her, along with a little bit of help from others. Her new daughter is quite the adorable handful!

PaleUnity · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Violet's Birthday

I was going to arrange for one of my half-Vampire slaves who lived in the middle-high class to pose as her adoptive father.

This way, sweet little Violet could live a relatively normal life with regards to nobility.

"Mommy!" Violet, my little birthday girl, wearing a purple paper party hat decorated with fireworks, rushed at me and attacked my waist with a hug.

"Merry day, my birthday girl." I smiled happily, kneeling down and returning her hug.

"Uncle Seventh got me a magic wand!" She excitedly broke off the hug and showed me an intricately carved silver wand that Seventh had clearly made himself. "It's so pretty!"

"Thy mother hath a present for thee." I patted Violet's soft grey hair and conjured a fireball. "I shall teach you the how to use Uncle Seventh's wand."

"Really? Really?" She giggled happily. "I can't wait, mommy!"

"Thy cake hath arrived." I said, seeing Atlas, the son of the mother I took off the streets, jump up and down excitedly, pointing to something.

I didn't even need Seventh to contact me mentally, but I appreciated his effort to assist me in making the party run smoothly.

When I first brought that woman into my home, I had intended to keep her son separate from my daughter, but she had quickly taken a liking to him, and I couldn't bear to separate such wonderful playmates.

I was broken from my thoughts by Violet declaring her wish.

"I wish Atlas can learn magic with me!" She exclaimed, blowing out the four candles on her cake.

I gave her a small smile. I had anticipated this, but I was happy to oblige.

Seventh served the cake with a rare smile forming at the corners of his mouth.

I had a small piece as well, but was unable to truly enjoy it. Vampires had no sense of taste.

The texture was lovely, however, and I thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of chewing on it.

Not two hours later, Atlas and Violet had exhausted themselves playing together and had passed out on the floor.

I gently stroked Violet's hair as I picked her up and brought her to her room, while Seventh did the same for Atlas.

I gingerly placed my daughter in her bed and drew the covers, planting a kiss on her forehead before I turned to leave.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at Symptote and walked into the building, making a beeline for the principal's office.

I walked through the halls at a leisurely pace, standing out in the same way a fire elemental would stand out at a waterpark.

My old-fashioned clothing and overly pale skin clearly marked me as an ancient Vampire, causing most people to give me a wide berth.

There would always be someone who ignored common sense and tried to ask me on a date.

"Hey, gorgeous!" A young male student approached me from behind. "Care to go out with me?"

I sighed, ignoring him as I continued to make my way to the principal's office.

He hurried after me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey. Don't ignore me." He said, trying to drag my shoulder towards him and force me to look at him.

I didn't budge, still walking forward as I wielded my umbrella to expertly trip him.

Snickers bubbled up from the spectators, igniting rage in the boy's heart.

"You should have listened!" He yelled, conjuring a pitifully small fireball after a lengthy chant.

In response, I cast a simple Ice Spikes spell, filling the air around me with snow as the walls began to freeze.

Seven spears of ice erupted from the walls, piercing into the air around his throat.

"The world is not thy oyster, boy." I said scathingly. "Thy status means nothing, and thy power is pitiful. I shall not spare thee a second time."

"Don't look down on me!" The boy began chanting once more.

"Miss Eilif!" I turned to see the principal running towards me. "Please let me deal with this!"

Before I even answered, he interrupted the student's chant and called for security to hold him in his office until he had finished with me.

"I'm so sorry about this!" The principal exclaimed sincerely.

"That child's power could not have touched me." I shrugged, expressing how little the event mattered to me.

"I'll have you know I'm nineteen!" I heard the kid's shout from the end of the hall.

"If thy age truly is nineteen, thy existence is a slight to humanity." I retorted, turning and following the principal into his office.

In the office, the principal sat down and gestured for me to do the same.

"Are you going to ask to extend your leave?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head. "I intend for half-attendance for the foreseeable future."

"What does that mean?" He leaned back in his chair uncomfortably.

"I will only preside over a single class." I responded, tapping my thumb on my umbrella impatiently. Violet would awaken soon.

"I guess it can't be helped, then." He smiled helplessly. "How long until you return?"

"Five weeks." I responded, getting up.

"Very well." The principal stood up and opened the door for me. "I look forward to your return in a few weeks."

Behind the door was the kid who claimed to be nineteen, standing with his arms folded and tapping his foot impatiently.

Seeing me, he reached into his pocket, pulled out a glove, and moved to hit my face with it.

"I challenge you to a duel!" He exclaimed as his arm moved.

In response, I grabbed his hand as it travelled. I looked him in his eyes as I coldly tightened my grip around his hand, watching his face contort in pain with each crack and pop his bones made.

The principal stood to the side, shocked, yet helpless.

The kid's hand began making louder cracking noises that signified his bones were breaking.

"I'm sorry I was wrong!" He exclaimed, tears falling from his eyes.

I released his hand and briskly walked past him.

Violet was waiting for me.