
Daughter of Darkness

One night, Eilif Midnight, a teacher at the nation's most famous university comes across an abandoned child in the snow and decides she will raise her, along with a little bit of help from others. Her new daughter is quite the adorable handful!

PaleUnity · Fantasy
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14 Chs


"To: My master, Eilif Midnight.

"The Noble Faction has started rallying against you after you allegedly attacked the son of the principal, Wells Knight.

"Currently, around seven tenths of the faction is in favor of 'removing' you from the country for the sleight against their name and power.

"After the vote to remove you, a team was created by summoning otherworlders with no ties to both their previous world and this one. They are being hailed as the perfect assassins.

"They intend to use them to kill you and those related to you and abandon them after their job is complete.

"Their skill sets are as follows:

"Neo Foster was a hitman in his previous world, and his skills were transferred over. He has been gifted with the faction's prized dual blades: the Dark Drinkers.

"Fluoria Chlorum was allegedly a renowned markswoman, and has been gifted the sniper named 'The Queenbreaker's Bow.'

"The existence of the duo marks the second ever success in summoning magic, and the Noble Faction's declaration of war.

"I hope this letter reaches you in time for you to prepare at your leisure.

"Your eternal servant Matt Daemon."

Although the nobleman slave had nearly complete autonomy and could seamlessly integrate into society, the drawback was I couldn't receive up-to-date information from them. The letter was several days old, according to the date on the outside.

"Blast." I cursed to myself, burning the letter I held to ashes.

I notified Seventh of the letter's contents.

"Mommy, what did the letter say?" Violet asked with innocent curiosity.

"It said that bad men want to take thee from me." I patted her head gently. "But I shall not allow that to happen."

I began considering future paths that would allow me to shield both Atlas and Violet from the upcoming political turmoil, however, if there was a way, I could not find it.

I sighed inwardly, continuing to teach the two children.

The next morning, I returned to Symptote both worried about the future and grateful for the present.

Without the principal's son, class went quite smoothly, and I wasn't bothered by the students.

On my walk home, I felt the unpleasant gazes of several people once more.

Normally, spies or observers would be capable of hiding their presence. However, I noticed two people who had clearly not been trained enough to do so.

'I wonder if those are the two people that were summoned.'

Just as I had the thought, I felt the two new people move.

One went straight for me, while the other moved across a rooftop and stopped to fire their weapon at me.

"It would appear I was correct." I muttered to myself, irritated.

With a wave of my hand, I sent two tendrils of shadow towards each attacker.

I felt one tendril wrap around the attacker on the rooftops, while the other struck the one rushing me in the stomach, causing them to gasp for air, effectively neutralizing them.

Jerking the one on the rooftop towards me, I was able to recognize their weapons and connect a few dots.

"It would appear that the new summons thought of challenging me. Why?"

The summoned who lay, panting on the ground forced out a few curses and fell silent.

Shrugging elegantly, I gathered the two of them and brought them to the mansion.

I figured I might as well reintroduce the seven summons to the world. It had been long enough they had been forgotten.

Instructing them to gather via our mental link, I entered through the front door, but instead of coming into the front most room, the three of us appeared in front of a large and well-maintained garden.

Against the mansion there were benches cut from white marble struck through by black veins, sitting at regular intervals.

Framing each bench were rose bushes blooming with bright red flowers and emitting a pleasant fragrance.

The path was immaculately clean quartz, untainted even by dirt.

I brought the two people to a bench and placed them upon it, awaiting the arrival of my seven summons.

"You won't get away with the enslavement of people who have been summoned!" The young Fluoria hissed at me, still immobilized by shadow.

"Who said I was a slave?" I heard First's voice from behind a rose bush.

She popped up from behind the bush, covered in leaves, dirt, and a spider that hung between her brows.

She pointed the garden shears in her hand towards the summoned 'hero'. "My life is my own. It was my choice to dedicate my life to Miss Eilif. Those nobles need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that not everything that doesn't go their way was taken by force!"

"Greetings, First. Your attitude is as forward as usual." I heard Seventh speak as he walked from the back door of the house.

"Seventh!" She laughed, jumping forward and plastering herself onto his front, dirtying his suit and transferring the spider on her forehead onto his shoulder.

Seventh smiled, patting her on the head. "I haven't seen you in a while, First. How have you been?"

She swatted his hand away playfully, saying "Come to the greenhouse later and I'll show you."

Seventh's smile froze on his face.

Fourth arrived silently and amusedly watched Seventh try to find excuses to avoid going to First's greenhouse.

Third arrived and volunteered to go to the greenhouse.

As the seven arrived, one by one, I observed the two new summons.

They watched the friendly interactions and pleasant smiles on their faces with shock.

Second and Sixth arrived together, instantly blending with the circle and catching up with the others.

"I can't help but feel we're being ignored." Neo muttered to Fluoria.

Fifth arrived last, causing the chatter to cease and all eyes to turn to me.

"Now that none are missing, shall we reeducate these ignorant newcomers?"

I'm going on a trip and won't update for the next two weeks. My apologies.

PaleUnitycreators' thoughts