
Daughter of Darkness

One night, Eilif Midnight, a teacher at the nation's most famous university comes across an abandoned child in the snow and decides she will raise her, along with a little bit of help from others. Her new daughter is quite the adorable handful!

PaleUnity · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Lesson Learned(?)

Throughout the lesson, the nobles who had insulted me sat perfectly erect and did not utter a single word.

Their fear amused me.

At the end of the lesson I bid them farewell and exited the room.

Through the walls I heard all of them collectively sigh in relief.

One person did not sigh in relief and instead followed me.

I resisted the urge to wield my umbrella like a club and beat him to death.

I maintained my pace and did not turn around, deciding it was a waste of time to interact with him.

His footsteps accelerated and he slipped in front of me.

"Why don't you stay with me for today?" He grinned, his face begging to be punched. "I can make it worth your while."

"I've need for neither money nor thy companionship." I sidestepped him and kept walking until I felt a hand reach out and slap my behind.

"Come on! You'll enjoy it!" He laughed.

I stopped, struggling to control myself.

"That's right. You should come to me."

I stopped struggling to control myself.

I whipped around, my eyes turning black as my fingers elongated and wings sprouted from my back.

With a bang, I accelerated to the wall, bringing him with me.

Holding him by the throat, I gently gripped his arm and began pulling it from its socket.

I bared my teeth at him, enjoying the sensation of his tearing flesh and grinding bone.

His screams were nearly silent; my grip around his throat prevented him from doing so at a noticeable volume.

"Thy statement was correct." I hissed venomously. "Indeed it was worthwhile to spend time with thee."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard rushed footsteps and smelled the familiar scent of the principal.

I released my grip on the little bastard's arm and threw him by the neck in the direction that the principal was approaching from.

Seeing the state of his son, his face went white, but he still pressed his fist to his chest and bowed to me, saying, "Thank you for sparing his life."

"There will not be another chance." I responded, returning to my normal figure. "Educate thy offspring or I shall erase them."

"I shall do so, miss Eilif." The principal responded, kneeling to roughly pick up the injured boy off the ground.

I turned and left, heading for home.

"Wells. What the actual, honest, genuine FUCK did you do to her?" The principal's voice boomed through the halls.

"I touched her ass." I heard the boy's voice.-Wells. I would remember that.- His voice trembled with both excitement and fear. "It was so nice."

"Oh, my masochistic son." The principal sighed. "You're playing with death."

"Death is hot." Wells responded amorously.

"I'm transferring you out of her class and if I hear you've said a single word to her after we've had this conversation, I'll lock you in the Badlands for a year." The principal snarled. "I will not allow my son to commit suicide for the sake of pleasure."

"But-" Wells was cut off by his furious father.

"Do you see the state of your arm?" He demanded. "She let you off lightly!"

"She could have done more?" Wells asked disappointedly.

"Wells. You just touched the butt of the founder of our country. You're lucky you're alive." The principal said seriously.

I sighed, regretting my choice to punish the child myself.

As their voices faded, I gradually forgot about the issue and focused on the time.

I abruptly broke into a run, realizing I had wasted far more time than I realized.

I closed my umbrella and began running at my fastest speed, ignoring the uncomfortable sunlight of the clear winter day as I ran fast enough to clear a path through the snow as wide as a full-grown man is tall.

In an instant, I appeared in front of my home, a frigid wind blowing violently around me as I abruptly stopped, opened my umbrella, and leisurely walked to the front door.

Opening the door, I saw Violet playing Reversi with Atlas.

I mentally asked Seventh if the cooks had finished preparing the meal.

Receiving a positive answer, I appeared next to my two wonderful children to say, "Finish thy game and we shall eat."

"Yes, mommy!" Violet responded, an innocent smile lighting up her face.

Atlas nodded in response, refocusing on a board that was tipped irrevocably in Violet's favor.

I sat upon the nearby couch and waited patiently for them to finish their game.

"Yay! I win!" Violet celebrated her overwhelming win over Atlas by pumping her fists in the air and dancing a funny little jig.

I couldn't keep a smile from forming in the face of her pure joy.

"Let us dine." I said, leading them to the dining room and sitting at the table.

I sat contentedly as I watched them eat.

"Mommy, why don't you eat?" Violet asked, setting down her fork.

"I have no sense of taste." I responded. "And I can survive on mana alone."

"You survive on mana?" Atlas asked, dumbfounded.

"Indeed." I smiled gently. "As a Vampire, I am capable of subsisting upon blood, if I have the need."

Atlas looked at me in fear.

"I am not going to consume thy blood, child." I patted his head. "I would rather pass than fall to the ways of old."

Atlas sighed in relief and returned to his meal.

"Mommy wouldn't hurt us, Atlas." Violet looked offended by Atlas' behavior. "Mommy is the kindest, most best mommy in the world! She wouldn't do anything to make us sad."

After the two children finished their meals, I began teaching them more magic until I received a message from one of my nobleman slaves.

It was not a good message.

Violent Vampire Mama strikes again!

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