
Daughter of Darkness

One night, Eilif Midnight, a teacher at the nation's most famous university comes across an abandoned child in the snow and decides she will raise her, along with a little bit of help from others. Her new daughter is quite the adorable handful!

PaleUnity · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Beach Episode!

While I continued to teach Atlas and Violet magic, I began having my political connections make little moves that would slightly usurp their power.

First, I had them develop a law that transferred the tax evaluations from the nobles to the elected officials, much to the displeasure of the people.

The nobles did not sit still, using the public opinion to try and get the bill repealed.

While I was thinking up a quick and effective solution, Seventh gave me the suggestion to test the elected officials to ensure their competence

Accepting the idea, I rapidly sent letters to my political agents and enacted the policy, instantly turning public opinion.

While I fought the nobles politically, I watched and guided Atlas and Violet in their growth as children.

In the two years I battled in the field of law, Violet turned six while Atlas turned seven.

My sweet little girl began losing her baby teeth at the same time she began developing her independence.

We celebrated Atlas's and Violet's birthdays in quick succession, while the nobles finally conceded to their minute loss in authority.

The night after Atlas's birthday, I was about to bid Atlas a good night when he suddenly spoke. "Can we go see the sea some time?"

"I shall arrange it." I smiled, patting his shoulder.

"Thank you!" Atlas called after me as I melted into shadow.

"You are very welcome." I responded as I completely fused with the darkness around me.

Sending instructions to Seventh, I began indulging in a hobby I had picked up in the previous two years.

Using the measurements of my two children, I began crafting them swimsuits.

I worked on them until morning, constantly adding details, changing shapes, and adding patterns until I was satisfied.

The next morning, I brought Violet and Atlas to the nearby coast to visit the longest known beach.

"Welcome to the town of Long Beach." I patted both their heads as we entered the town that was built next to it.

The sunny and bright town was arranged in an organized sprawl that covered nearly half the length of the beach.

None of the buildings were particularly high-quality, but they all were well-maintained and pleasing to the eye.

"The air smells weird." Atlas noted, wrinkling his nose.

"That's the scent of the sea." I smiled lightly. "It will only grow stronger as we get closer.

"I like the smell." Violet piped up.

"It is pleasant." I agreed, suddenly recalling a few fond memories.

"What are those?" Atlas's voice pulled me from my reverie

"Those are called kites." I responded. "The ones being sold here are called fighter kites."

"What do you fight with them?" Atlas asked.

"They are used for a sport called kite fighting. People fight other kites to have their kite be the last one in the air." I casually explained, pulling Violet out of the way of someone in a particular hurry. "Care to try?"

"Yes!" Both children exclaimed.

"I call the pink one!" Violet said, grabbing her claimed kite.

"I'll take this red one!" Atlas exclaimed.

Guiding them to the register, we paid for the kites and headed to the beach.

"Sand!" Atlas yelled, scooping a handful from between his feet and throwing it up in the air.

Violet laughed at him while the sand came raining right back down onto him.

"I thought the wind was strong enough to blow it away." He said sullenly.

"And now thy clothing is rife with it." I chuckled, certain he hadn't thought that far ahead.

"I'm wearing a swimsuit anyway." Atlas shrugged, pulling off the coat he was wearing to reveal the swim shorts I had crafted for him.

The shorts were maroon and hemmed with wild flames of every color.

They perfectly matched his personality, in my opinion.

Violet laughed and stripped to her swimsuit as well.

Violet's swimsuit was deep purple and covered in little frills and flourishes that made her look absolutely adorable.

Wielding my black umbrella, I led the way to a rather deserted spot on the beach and began teaching both children how to fly a fighter kite.

Atlas quickly grew impatient and grabbed the kite in my hands to sieze control of it for himself.

Chuckling, I relinquished control and watched him instantly tip over from the strength of the winds.

"Have patience next time." I admonished him as I prevented him from being dragged away by his kite.

Righting him, I cast weight magic on him to keep him grounded before I turned and helped Violet get a feel for her kite.

Nearly an hour later, both children grew bored of flying their kites and went to play in the water.

"The water will be cold!" I warned.

Atlas ignored me and proceeded to cannonball into the water.

"Cold!" He exclaimed, rushing out of the water. "I need to heat it up first."

Before I could say anything, he cast fireball into the water and evaporated a portion of it.

"Atlas, how are you going to heat the whole sea like that?" Violet demanded, preparing to rain fire upon the water.

"That's quite enough." I intervened before she could cast. "If the sea were to be heated according to thine wishes, the ecosystem would collapse."

"Why can't the fish just be warm?" Violet asked. "We can be warm without dying. Why can't the fish?"

"Thy body is larger and built to adapt to different environments." I explained. "The fish are smaller and are built to survive in a single environment."

"I'm going to make a fish that can survive hot water!" Atlas exclaimed.

He conjured a whip of water and proceeded to use it to pull a fish from the water.

"That's impressive, Atlas." I praised. "Thy control is splendid."

He grinned, holding the flopping fish in his hands.

"It's so slimy!" He exclaimed, examining the silver-white fish. "Now to fix it!"

He cast a fireball and held it next to the fish.

The fish instantly started smoking and stopped moving altogether.

"No! You killed the fish!" Violet yelled.

I visited Long Beach recently and I went "y'know, I should make this a beach episode" so here we are lol

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