
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 10 - The week before the wave.


Joseph already strengthens the kingdom's military power using his summons, so even without the heroes, Joseph is certain to withstand this wave, it's easy for him after all.

People are surprisingly happy with the increase of guards in their area, the nobles that previously thought of overthrowing Joseph completely give up their plans seeing Joseph's military power and authority. They are just hoping that the queen will do something very soon.

Of course, the first day has many oppositions coming from the civilians but Joseph assured them that everything is under control(literally), he didn't use cruel methods and let Ake handle the situation which turns out quite fine.

What surprised Joseph the most is the church didn't oppose him and even offer some assistance to calm the civilians and adventurers.

Joseph didn't bother to clear Naofumi's name because he finds it troublesome, and he didn't really care about him.


Malty and Motoyasu cannot believe that the red room that they were so afraid of is actually a good place.

The Red Room is actually just a big room that is red in color. there Motayasu and Malty met Ake who explained to Motoyasu the happenings in the past days.

Joseph specially created the red room for the people that he despises but decided not to kill, death is just a quick pain after all.

Motoyasu still want to complain but stopped by Malty saying, "Motoyasu-Sama lets not be too hasty, maybe Joseph-Sama is a wise king after all,"

Motoyasu looks at Malty who clearly admired Joseph to a high degree and shouted, "What are you talking about? have you gone crazy? that guy almost killed me!"

Malty replied calmly, "He just defended himself, you are the one who attacked him first."

Motoyasu rebutted, still looking angry "But he also attacked you! you were in the hospital with me."

"He may be thinking that I will attack him too because we are together," Malty replied protecting Joseph.

"Umm, Motoyasu-Sama I think you better discussing this in private," Ake said hopelessly smiling while looking at their interaction.

Motoyasu clearly pissed just walk out the room leaving Malty behind.

Malty then look at Ake and approached him then said, "Is there any chance that I can talk to the king?" Malty said while using her innocent mask.

Ake replied respectfully still thinking that the princess is a good girl, "I will forward your request to the king Malty-Sama, but I am not sure, it's the king's decision after all," then proceed to leave the room.

Malty who have been left and room in a big room just look at the window and sigh hopelessly then thought, 'For real, what is happening to me.'


Joseph decided to court Elise for his quest, After a few days of flirting around Joseph manage to make her fall for him, it also helps that Elise is his summon so she is extremely loyal to him.

Joseph thought of going for Glass, but he doesn't have the confidence that he can conquer her in a short amount of time, and given that Glass with not appear on this wave.

he then asked Elise if she wants to go to a date with him, which Elise happily accepted.


Town afternoon.

Joseph don't have experience dating a girl, he usually just drug them and be done with it in his previous life.

So this experience is quite refreshing to Joseph.

Elise despite her fierce expression actually likes cute things, like animals and toys.

Joseph and Elise are holding hands while exploring the town, Elise usually doesn't leave the castle because she needs to always be with Joseph and Joseph does not go out that much.

Some people who have seen them together even gave Joseph a thumbs up which Joseph replied with a smile, because of the church's help, the civilians perceived Joseph as a benevolent king that will save them against the wave.

But the knights and the heroes know how tyrant Joseph really is.

"Hey, want to go eat something? I know a great restaurant," Joseph said while smiling at Elise.

Elise blush seeing how charming Joseph smile is then said, "As you wish your majesty..." but before she finished her sentence Joseph put his finger on top of Elise's lips effectively stopping her from talking and said, "Hey, we are dating now, you should call me Joseph." Which caused an even harder blush from Elise.

Joseph then leads Elise to a simple restaurant and take a seat.

The owner of the restaurant is visibly sweating when she saw the king in her establishment.

'I'm sure the king's palace has much more delicious food than my restaurant, ' The owner thought, but she still walks towards Joseph and Elise.

Joseph notice the owner's nervousness and said, "Don't be afraid, just imagine us a normal couple."

Elise blush when she hears Joseph telling the owner that they are a couple.

'How exactly can I do that?' The owner questioned inside her head, then proceed to hand them the menu.

Joseph gives her their order and signals her to leave them alone, then he moves to grab Elise's hands and stare at her romantically then said, "I know I am not that good at romance but please, let me show you how much I love you," then kissed the back of Elise's hand.

Elise looks down avoiding Joseph's gaze, steam seems to come out of her head, but still replied saying, "I love you too, Joseph-Sama," So silent that Joseph can only hear it.

'She is always so serious when working, but she looks like a little kid right now,' Joseph thought while looking at Elise's cute reaction.

The owner then arrives with their food, she smiled when looking at Joseph and Elise's interaction, remembering her husband. Her husband died in the previous wave, so she can't help getting envy of them.

Joseph said his thanks to the owner and started to eat with Elise, after that they've spent several hours touring the town and flirting here and there, the people looked at them can't help of getting jealous.

Joseph finished their date by taking Elise up in the sky while carrying her like a princess, and sweetly asked her, "Will you become mine?"

Elise replied, "If you treat with me right, I will give you everything," with some tears of joy clearly showing in the corner of her eyes.

Joseph then passionately kissed her lips, and thought, 'How salty.'


[DSS: *Quest Completed* Removing kryptonite weakness in 3...2...1]

[DDS: *Received: one hundred dating points *]

Joseph instantly felt the changes to his body and thought, 'Tomorrow the wave will start, this will be fun.'