
Chapter 6: letter

My Dearest Ross,

As I pen these words, my heart weighs heavy with the knowledge of the pain I am about to inflict upon you. Yet, I cannot depart without offering an explanation, without baring my soul to you in the hopes of finding some semblance of understanding amidst the chaos of our shattered dreams.

I write to you now, not as the man you once knew, but as the bearer of a truth too heavy to bear alone. For in the silence of my absence, I have come to realize the depth of my deception, the magnitude of the lies that have torn us asunder.

I am sorry, Ross. Sorry for the secrets I have kept, for the truths I have concealed beneath a veil of half-truths and empty promises. The memory of your unwavering kindness haunts me still, a reminder of the love we shared and the trust I have betrayed.

You deserve honesty, Ross, and yet I have failed you in that regard. Forgive me, for I cannot bear the weight of my guilt any longer. The truth is, I regained my memories days ago, but I chose to remain silent, to shield you from the pain of my past.

I wanted to tell you, Ross, I truly did. But fear held me captive, fear of the repercussions that awaited us should the truth come to light. And so, I buried my secrets beneath a facade of smiles and half-truths, hoping against hope that our love would withstand the test of time.

But fate had other plans, Ross. Something urgent has arisen, a call to arms that cannot be ignored. I must leave, not out of choice, but out of necessity. And though it pains me to leave you behind, I cannot bear to drag you into the chaos that awaits.

I have left a number for you, Ross. Please, call me. Let us not part ways in silence, but rather in the embrace of honesty and understanding. For even as I embark on this journey into the unknown, my heart remains tethered to yours, bound by the ties of a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

Until we meet again, my love,
