
Date Fight ~~

HolyCaramelGirl777 · Teen
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16 Chs


Ajay and the other legends were getting worried now, It's been 5 days since Crypto, Mirage, Octane and Flame hasn't returned. Wattson was scared and even tried calling/texting Crypto multiple times, but no answer. Lifeline tried calling Octane (but when does he ever answer his phone, honestly) Loba tried calling Flame because her and Flame have been good friends ever since she arrived. (No Answer)

Mirage Pov

I'm kind of scared, what if we do get caught? I asked Crypto but he just said "Don't be an idiot and then you won't get caught" Geez he's annoying at times, Flame hangs around him a lot which is kind of weird but honestly that has nothing to do with the fact that we just might get caught.

Octane Pov

I don't know why everyone's so worried about getting caught, I could care less. As long as I get to still be a Daredevil and Blow myself up- Wait hold on, 21 missed calls?! Che come on! (Octane said in a Annoyed tone)

Flame asked the receptionist if she could borrow her computer and she nodded with a smile. "Sure you can! oh and by the way, Is that friend of yours woke?" The receptionist asked in a excited tone. "Umm... Yea... Actually..." Flame always gets nervous around people (She never knew why)

"Octane, That Receptionist wants to see you." Flame said while snatching his phone to get his attention, but then she looked to see what was 'distracting' him so much...

Flame Pov

I saw that Lifeline was calling Octane all through the day and he didn't even answer once! Ugh... Loba's been calling me as well, I had to answer! I didn't want them to worry so much! "WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE YA, SILVA?!" Lifeline was so angry she was kind of turning red. "Woah Woah, calm down chica! I'm alive, see?" Octane wasn't taking this so seriously. (As much as I wanted to tell Lifeline, Loba and the other legends about this, I couldn't.) "Hey Loba, Just a little outing is all." I tried to sound as calm as possible, Obviously Loba already knew I was lying because she went along with it. "Suuuure right, well beautiful whenever you get back I have new makeup products to try on you, plus I would like you to try these new outfits I picked out just for you!" Loba was more excited than I was, I already knew this was bad. "Ok, I'll look forward to it! Cya" I tried to hang up before she started rambling again about something else I owed her. "Bye, Beautiful!" Loba kissed the phone before hanging up. (I don't know whether I should blush or not)

I went to go see Octane...(He hung up on Lifeline?!) "O-Octane! You hung up on her!?" I was angry now, she was gonna worry even more! "Yea She was uhh, Boring." (I sometimes wanted to kill him for his arrogance and well not giving a crap about the world around him). Although I was mad at him, It's Tavi want did I expect?!

-At The Dinner Table (Back at Apex HQ)

Lifeline and the other Legends decided to have a normal dinner where no one was going to talk about Crypto or the other missing legends because it would just make matters worse. Horizon tried to keep it positive with some science and astronaut facts, Loba made conversations with everyone and Lifeline was just worried like everyone else. After They all ate Loba helped Bangalore do the dishes and they later on went to sleep hoping that some day, Crypto and the other 3 would come back.

It's honestly so adorable how the other legends worry about Crypto, Mirage, Octane and Flame. Hopefully Our Babies are ok!