
Date a Live: Inverse Spirit of Paradox

A typical man on his teens who had lived a harsh life dies in the hands of Truck-kun(?) and was transported to a random God who gave him a chance to be reincarnated in another world. He was given a chance to grant five of his wishes and was reincarnated...in a random(?) anime world where he was a [Spirit] accompanied with some... unnecessary perks like the ability to travel through other worlds albeit randomly and a [Fragment]. And when he landed on his first world, he was not reincarnated as a normal [Spirit] mainly because of that...[Fragment], he was shifted into an [Inverse Spirit]. A being described in that world to be the embodiment of disasters, ruin, and chaos. How would his endeavors turn out to be in this new life of his? Would he be even successful on his journey? Would he even 'fix' himself in the process? Or would he even travel worlds on the first place? Who knows, come read and find out. Disclaimer: I don't own the original works that would be included in this fanfic as such as some of the characters, stories, and arts. They belong to their respective owners. —— . . . —— Warning: You will read some cringe shît in the early chaps but please bear with it. I promise ya, the later chaps would be worth reading and investing your time on Chapter Update Release: Yeah bruh... I don't have any stable update time so meh. This is also my first fan-fic so please go easy on me hehe (≧▽≦) [Edit: 5/19/22- The beginning two arcs is totally rough. As in, yeah. The story was still in its testing point back then, so it is inevitable... But right now, I think it's worth reading starting at the third arc, the MC is still not the best but is now clearly showing some development. ;)]

Wryyyyyyyy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 7: Pair after Pair [5]

"My own thoughts about them huh... Okay, I see no significance on telling you since my answer would be basically as the same as what you would know later on but..." She paused as if something popped in her mind. "Mm, I get it. I'll only say this once, so let me get straight to the point"

After saying that, she let the back of her body lean on the chair behind her.

"From what I know, [Ratatoskr] was formed by volunteers...Well, to put it simply, it was something like a kind of nature conservation association— And of course, its existence was not publicly announced"

"Nature conservation association huh..."

Somehow, he felt like it was something that didn't make sense. But he didn't bother at this point anymore since many things in the world doesn't make sense in the first place.

Not a big deal actually...

"Yup...What's more, the main goal and the reason for forming [Ratatoskr]— is to shelter the Spirits and to provide them with a blessed and happy life...Well, it also seems like there are corrupt people in the biggest leadership group, the ROUNDS, that want to do something like obtaining the enormous powers of the Spirits"

'ROUNDS? Quite a new word I hear here.. maybe I forgot or it just went unnoticed...' Rei thought in his mind.

This information is something that he missed out from his past memories. As many would say, there are many things that would be inevitably forgotten through the passage of time, especially if it isn't any worth noting off.

Rei began to ponder if this was just insignificant but... that would be hard to believe since it came out from Kotori herself.

This concerned him. Left out details that he did not remember may have substantial and important value. That's why it is better to collect as much as possible at any given opportunity.

Keeping his concerns to himself, he heaved a silent sigh.

Taking out his phone, he began fiddling with it. It was nothing big to be honest. Yes, it's nothing much in fact...

The two's attention certainly got curious to what he was doing and Kotori in the end curiously asked.

"A phone? What are you doing?"

"None of your concerns at the moment, but regarding about what you are saying a while ago," He then showed the screen of his phone towards her displaying some 'information'. "Hm? Wasn't it to prevent the spacequakes created by us?"

"...Well, of course there is that. But that is a secondary goal. If that's how you see it, then we are the same as the AST"

In other words, to deal with Spirits.

"...Hmm, well, I guess you're right. Still, it even surprises me on how to you, a middle schooler, had some high position on their ranks. Mind satiating my curiosity about this matter if you could?"

Hearing Rei's voice filled with amusement, Kotori snorted.

"I was appointed as the commander of the combat unit of [Ratatoskr]...around five years ago, I think," She said with a smug grin.

Apparently, Kotori was proud of having such job this early at her age! Though many would disagree since people of her age tends to laze around and enjoy their childhood youth in the process.

Rei applauded her by giving several claps. He was certainly sincere when he applauded her.

But more than that, Rei couldn't help but say.

"Five years ago... Do they let children work labour this early? How absurd" Rei said as he gave a 'surprised' expression.

After Rei finished making simple calculations in his head— he lifted his tilted head back to its normal position.

"Considering that you are around 13 or 14 years old based on your looks.... you were appointed as commander when you were 8 or 9 huh"

Even though it was not an ordinary organization, still, to have a girl that is about as old as an elementary third year student be its commander, that is just plain crazy.

No, crazy was an understatement.

This could be considered as a crime in several parts of the world.

"Child labor", is the correct term, which refers to any work or economic activity performed by a child that subjects him/her to any form of exploitation or is harmful to his/her health and safety or physical, mental or psychosocial development.

That was the dictionary term of it.

But what was the use of these thoughts of him now? Complain to her about it? No, of course!

Why would he? Surely, this girl have reasons and Rei knows about it. So why would he even try to complain about what she was doing?

And Rei knows that it wasn't his place to talk about those things. Someone else does.

"Well, during those few years, it was something like training. In reality, it was only recently that I have taken the command post," Kotori added as she hummed.

Rei just nodded as if understanding what she was saying.

"Hm. There is something I want to inquire though. About the matter of your brother sealing Spirits, I want to know how could his body even handle it, you know? Aren't you also curious about that?"

What Rei said was undoubtedly a fact. The thing about a 'normal' human boy sealing a Spirit's power within his 'body' was beyond the concepts of those of the thing called normal.

It wouldn't be surprising if his body would blow up or something due to containing something equivalent to a mass disaster weapon.

Yes, that was the case if he was normal in the first place which Shidou knows. Rei who knew the truth wanted to know how these two—or more particularly, Kotori, would react about the matter.

As far as he knows, Kotori already knows that Shidou is beyond normal (obviously), and knows that his body was 'specially' made to store the power of Spirits by a certain individual.

"...We still don't know much about it. However, we already have... a means to deal with him if he ever becomes something dangerous..." Kotori said in a hard manner. Certainly, the thing on 'dealing' with him was pretty much obvious.

"Hm. I see, so your just testing waters for now, huh. His position is more like a guinea pig in a experiment. Also, it's cruel of you yourself to say that you will be the one who would deal—or rather, eliminate with him at the very end" Rei commented.

Kotori frowned upon hearing his words. "...I can't fully deny that, but wording it like that sounds a bit too much don't you think? And also, it's my responsibility to deal with him as well... yes, as his sister, I should be the one who should put him to rest if it were to escalate into a very dangerous situation...."

"I see," Rei responded nonchalantly. As he looked at the side, the sun was already sinking as the shade of vermillion covered the sky.

As if mesmerized by it, Rei almost forgot that he wasn't alone, nevertheless, he didn't care.

It only lasted for a short while but he surely heard Kotori calling out his name a few times, but he ignored it. Nothing much to elaborate any further.

After a few more seconds, his gaze turned back to the two only to find Kotori glaring at him while Reine drinking... coffee?

"...It's getting quite late isn't it?"

"Wow, now that's what you would say first after ignoring our calls, huh?" Kotori snorted. "So? It is getting quite late. Did your guardian put a curfew on you? Oh, maybe your 'Tohka' did," Kotori said in an amused manner.

Rei shrugged. "Jokes aside, let's wrap our conversation within a few more seconds, shall we? I need to head back home on time... but let me again clarify things first. You said that you will help us, Spirits, with the best you could right?"

"Mm... You keep repeating that it is almost bugging me uncomfortably," instead of Kotori, it was Reine who answered.

"Then do me a favor could you? I bet as a Spirit, I also have that privilege of being on your care right?" A sly smile appeared on Rei's face which made the two frown.

He then typed on his phone and showed it to the two.

After Rei showed that, Kotori snorted with a frown.

"That's a lot of zeros there... Do you think we are just some kind of money tree that would give you that kind of amount as if it was leaves that fall to the ground? This kind of request of yours is just simplistic and rude. Think a little before you expect anything. In the first place this is—"

"This is...? Didn't you say you would offer your help with the best you could? Surely, this amount would be very cute and miniscule compared to your overall money that your organization has, wouldn't you?"


After Kotori looked at Rei with a difficult expression, she swung her head away and ignored Rei's words.

"Ah wait, Kotori. Don't be like that. Also, there is something more that I wanted to do if you won't mind, okay?" Rei gestured as he sway his hands.

"More you say?! You are getting ahead of yourself— Ah...!"

Just as she was about to finish speaking, she was interrupted at the very end. Well, something particularly interesting happened and that's why it is.

'That's the kind of expression I want to see, heh'

Rei gave off a victorious smile.

Kotori had a flabbergasted expression— which immediately turned into a panicked one, and her shoulders were slightly trembling as she noticed what Rei just did to her.

On a closer look, the two ribbons that she used to tie her hair was missing. Well, 'missing' was an overstatement though.


Because Rei swiftly took it from her of course. It was held with Rei's hands as he eyed it playfully. Kotori who was still processing what just happened to her could only stare in silence.

Waiting for something more to happen, he then asked.

"What's the matter? I just want to check up something you know? Specifically, these ribbons. They are quite old yet it is well managed isn't it?"


"Hm? Kotori...are you alright?"

"R, Rei..."

Kotori spoke with a blocked nose, slightly averting her head while also giving a pleading look at Rei's face. Her face made Rei giggle in amusement.

Saying his name in such a weak manner was surprising enough. He then laid back on his chair as he gave of an amused laugh.

"Huh? Don't tell me you're crying"


Rei had just opened his mouth when Kotori hastily released her hands and glared weakly right back to him as she quickly rubbed her tears off.

"Ribbon...the ribbons...! P-please give it back!" Kotori pleaded.

"Ribbon? Oh, you mean these"

Rei then lifted his arms up preventing her from getting it from her reach. "Sure, get it yourself"

"Ah...! Please, give it back! Reine! Help me!"

"...Seeing you act out of your personality just like this... is quite a treat, surely Reine, you won't mind right?"

"....Could you, give it back to her?" Reine asked as she tilted her head. Her tone sounded... quite monotone at best when she said that.

Rei, for a brief moment, was wondering if this woman was also amused watching Kotori panic like this... which he immediately disposed since not even her facial expression nor the way she acted showed any change at all.

Amidst this moment, a swift chance came by which Kotori took herself. Rei's guard had seemingly been brought down right at that very second.


Wasting no time, Kotori then immediately grabbed the ribbons on Rei's hands when the opportunity raised. Following that, several seconds later.

"...Really, that was ridiculous"

Kotori, who immediately tied her hair back, had returned to her Commander mode.

...However, her nose and eyes were still red due to embarrassment.


Rei in response just stared at her silently while donning a faint smile.

"...What is it?"

Kotori glared back with half-closed eyes. Rei stared at those black ribbons as he leaned his head on top his arms.

"Well, it's really cute of you the way you acted back there, isn't it, Kotori-san~?"

And that was the last straw.

She then stood up from her seat and began to walk away leaving Rei and Reine alone. The two stared at each other for a brief while before Rei then spoke after a hearty laugh.

What just happened was entertaining enough. Who would think that Kotori would walk away just like that? Surely, no one would considering her personality.

Even so, she did. That's it.

"Haha... I didn't expect she would just leave us hanging in the air like that. Maybe I teased her a little bit, don't you think?" Rei asked as she glanced at Reine who still looking at the back of Kotori who was grumbly walking ahead.

"...It seems that you did. It was surprising though that you tried to put your attention towards her ribbons. Do you have any reasons for that?"

"Oh well, call it intuition or something," He shrugged.

"...I see. You've got, a pretty nice one if I have to say"

"Oh, thanks for the compliment but it seems that you guys still need some time to think about it, that's why you should just contact me guys in another day. I'll wait for good news"

"...Mm, we hope that you would sincerely consider our offer, with all those things aside. I wish you a good night," Reine uttered showing a faint smile completely betraying her poker expression throughout the whole conversation, she then followed right after Kotori.

Taking a last glance at them, Rei as well soon stood up from his seat and headed from where he should've gone earlier if he wasn't interrupted by the pair who left just a few seconds ago.

Where? On the place which is called the 'dark alleyways'.

With a satisfied expression on his face, his silhouette soon blended in the shadows as he walked down straight in the dark alleyways, soon disappearing right after the next second.








[A/N: I think I ended this chap pretty well, I think? Well, just comment your thoughts guyz on the comments section :)

With that said, Ciao~]

Comment some errors if ya find some: Well, this is the chap for the week I think? Slipping up one more wouldn't be bad... right?

Wryyyyyyyycreators' thoughts