
Date A Live Complete Edition

Sir_Smurf2 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

GameTraining Start Part 2

Part 5 The next day arrived. April 11th, Tuesday. It was the day after the day Shidou had gone through a strange and unrealistic experience. In the end, after that, Shidou was moved to a different room where he was given a detailed explanation of the situation that dragged on late into the night by a man he didn't know (honestly, he didn't really remember the later parts), and after signing various forms he was finally allowed to return home. Without even taking a bath he dove into his bed, and before he noticed it was morning. He dragged his sluggish body to school, and endured the lessons while rubbing his sleepy eyes, and finally the last class ended—was what he was thinking when at that moment the incident happened. "Come." "Eh?" Suddenly. Shidou's hand was grabbed by Origami, as he let out a confused voice. "Ah, wa-wait..." His chair toppled over with a crash, and he was dragged out of the classroom by Origami. Behind him, Tonomachi's mouth was hanging open, and for some reason groups of girls were making a commotion going *kyaa, kyaa*. While thinking that another rumor was going to start going around, Shidou followed Origami. Well, at least it's better than being treated as the 'best couple' together with Tonomachi, he comforted himself. Without a word, Origami climbed up the stairs until she reached the tightly locked door to the roof, and finally let go of his hand. The clatter of the students leaving school seemed awfully far away. Though there were people less than ten meters away, it seemed as if this was a lonely, isolated space. "Eh, uhmm..." Even though he didn't have any feelings for Origami, for some reason, being brought to such a place by a girl, he felt awkward. Shidou's gaze swam. However, without any warning, "Yesterday, why were you at such a place?" She spoke while looking at Shidou straight in the eyes. "Well, it seemed my sister was still in the streets after the alarm rang, so I was searching.." "I see. —Did you find her?" Shidou answered, and with her expressions unchanging, not even showing surprise, Origami replied. "—A-Ah... yeah." "I see. That's great." After saying this, Origami's lips continued to move. "—Yesterday, you saw me." "A-Ahh..." "Don't tell anyone." As Shidou was about to affirm, Origami said in a commanding voice. I wonder how she would react if I replied "If you don't want everyone to find out then you better listen to what I say, hehehe", such a dangerous curiosity showed on Shidou's face. But as expected, Shidou didn't have that much courage. He slowly tilted his head forward. "In addition, it's not just about myself—but everything you saw and heard yesterday. It would be best if you forgot it all." She was definitely... talking about the Spirit. "...Do you mean that girl?" "..." Origami merely looked at Shidou silently. "H-Hey... Tobiichi. That girl—" He had already heard about the Spirits from , but Shidou still asked. In the end, that was only the viewpoint of Kotori and her organization. If it's people like Origami who cross swords with them, he thought that they would probably have a different mindset. "That was a Spirit." Origami gave a short reply. "It's something that I must defeat." "...T-That Spirit, is she a bad person...?" Shidou tried throwing out this question. As he did so, it was slight, but he thought he saw Origami bite her lips. "—My parents, passed away 5 years ago, because of a spirit." "...Wh—" The unexpected reply clogged up Shidou's words. "I don't want there to be more people like me." "...Is, that so—" Shidou placed his hand on his chest. He tried to somehow calm his intense and profuse heartbeat. However, suddenly a worrisome thought came into his mind. While scratching his cheek, he asked Origami, who even now was still looking straight at him. "Now that I think about it, Tobiichi... about the Spirit, and stuff like that, is it alright for you to talk about them...? Well, even though I asked about them..." "..." Origami was silent for a moment. "No problem." "I-Is that so?" "If you keep it a secret." "...And if I don't?" "..." Again, her words stopped for a moment. "It'd be a problem." "I see... that would be bad. ...I promise you, I won't tell anyone." With a nod, Origami approved. At the end of their conversation, Origami moved her gaze away from Shidou, and proceeded down the stairs. "...Fuuu..." After he couldn't see Origami's back anymore, Shidou leaned on the wall and let out a sigh. Even though all they did was talk, he felt an extreme nervousness. "Her parents, died because of Spirits—huh." *Dong*, he banged his head on the wall, and muttered. The Spirits were called the calamity that will destroy the world. Such a thing—probably happens. "...Was I just naive after all..." Origami and Kotori, though their directions were different, they were moving under their firm beliefs. But what about Shidou? The harsh words he said before Kotori yesterday, could he say the same towards Origami? "..." *Haaa*, he let out a breath. He doesn't think that his actions are mistaken, but he had a complicated feeling. Then, as Shidou was about to descend the stairs. "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa—!!" From the direction of the corridor, he heard the screams of a female student. "...!? Wh-What's wrong?" Hurriedly bounding down the stairs and taking a look, he saw that a few students had gathered in the corridor. In their center, he noticed a woman wearing a white coat collapsed on the floor. "Wh-What happened?" "I-It seems she's a new teacher, and... she suddenly fell...!" I asked, and a female student nearby hurriedly answered. "I don't really understand, but for now let's get the nurse—" As Shidou started to speak, the collapsed woman in the white coat grabbed his leg. "W-Waaaah!?" "...Don't worry about me. I just tripped." While speaking, the woman slowly raised her face which had been attached to the floor. "Y-You're...!" Long bangs, and thick circles. She was wearing glasses, but there was no way he could forget those facial features. "...Hn? Ahh, you are—" The woman—'s Analysis Officer, Murasame Reine, slowly picked herself off the ground. "Wh-what are you doing at this place...?" "...Can't you tell by looking? I've become a teacher. In particular I will be teaching physics, as well as taking the position of assistant homeroom teacher for class 2-4." While displaying the nametag on her chest, Reine replied. Incidentally, the stuffed bear covered in scars peeked out of her breast pocket directly above it. "No, there's no way I could know that!" A yell—at that point, Shidou noticed that oddly the surrounding gazes had gathered on them. "Ah... I-It seems that this person is fine." He stretched out his hand and helped Reine up. "...Nn, thanks." "No problem. Let's talk while walking." Paying mind to the surroundings, Shidou suggested. Matching Reine's pace, they plodded away. "Uhm—Analysis Officer Reine?" "...Nn, ahh, just Reine is fine." "Huh?" "...I will also call you by your name. They say coordination and cooperation is born from trust." Reine nodded a few times, and looked at Shidou's face. "Uhm, you were... Shintarou, was it?" "Way off!" There wasn't anything like trust there. "...Now then Shin, this might be sudden." "What's with that splendid through?! Or rather you even gave me a weird nickname!" The shout burst forth. However, Reine continued as if she hadn't heard Shidou's words. "...The preparations for the strengthening training that Kotori talked about yesterday has been completed. I was searching for you. This is perfect, let's proceed to the physics preparation room." Anything Shidou says now would be useless, so he gave up on retorting, and after a big sigh, returned a question. "Exactly what will I be doing for this training? Uhm... Reine-san." "...Hm. I heard this from Kotori, but Shin, it seems that you haven't associated with girls before right?" "..." —My dear sister, why are you leaking your brother's history with women (zero) to other people? A vein popped up on Shidou's face as he gave an ambiguous nod. "...It's not like I'm trying to blame you. It's very good to have firm morals. ...But, that won't help you when you're trying to seduce a Spirit." "Ugh..." Frowning, he groaned. It was probably when they passed close to the staff room, when "...Ah?" Shidou saw a strange sight and stopped. "...What's wrong?" "Look at that..." Where he was looking at, the homeroom teacher Tama-chan was walking— following behind her, a tiny shadow with hair split in two then turned around. "Ah!" Perhaps she noticed Shidou's gaze, but the tiny shadow—Kotori's expression suddenly brightened. "Oniii-chaaaaaaan!" Instantly, as if sucked towards him, Kotori landed a surprise assault on Shidou's stomach. "Hagaa....!" "Ahahaha, you said hagaa! That's the mayor! ahahahaha!" [1C 3] "Ko-Kotori...!? Why are you in this high school..." Shidou asked while somehow peeling off Kotori who was clinging onto his stomach, and from behind Kotori, teacher Tama-chan hurried over. "Ah, Itsuka-kun. Your sister came, so we were just going to broadcast it." "A-Ahh..." Taking a good look, Kotori was wearing the slippers for guests, and had a guest pass on the chest of her middle school uniform. It seems she entered the school after properly going through the formalities. "Oh, teacher, thank you!" "It's my pleasure." The teacher returned a smile to Kotori who was energetically waving her hand. "Oh my, what a cute sister." "Haa... yeah." As a drop of sweat rolled down his face and with a bitter smile, Shidou gave an ambiguous reply. After smiling and waving "bye bye" to Kotori, the teacher walked away towards the staff room. "...So, Kotori." "Huh, Whaat?" While opening her round eyes, Kotori tilted her head. That behavior belonged to the cute little sister that Shidou was familiar with. "You... those things last night, like , or Spirits—" "Let's talk about those later." Her tone was the same as always, but for some reason there was the feeling of some kind of pressure, so Shidou fell silent. Then, from behind Shidou, Reine's quiet voice echoed. "...You're early, Kotori." "Mm, because I left behind midway." Although she had said to talk about those later, she had naturally said the ship's name. Feeling that this was a bit irrational, Shidou placed a hand on his forehead. Looking at that with a carefree smile, Kotori proceeded down the corridor as if to guide Shidou. "Anyways, hey, onii-chan. Let's go?" Saying this, Kotori pulled his hand. "Wh... Whoa, I get it so slow down." Today was a day where he was dragged along by girls a lot. While leisurely thinking about such a thing, they reached their destination. East school building fourth floor, physics preparation room. "Now, come in, come in~♪" "Don't say it like 'heigh-ho'!"[1C 4] Urged by Kotori, Shidou slid open the sliding door. Immediately after, he frowned and rubbed his eyes. "...Hey." "...What?" Reine responded to Shidou's words by tilting her head. "What's with this room?" The physics preparation room was not a place that students normally entered, and in fact, Shidou had no idea what it contained. But even then, he clearly realized. —That this was not the physics preparation room. After all, Shidou's vision was filled with a large number of computers, displays, and various electronic devices that he had never seen before. "...They're the room's equipment?" "Why are you answering with a question! Or rather before that, isn't this the physics preparation room? What happened to the teacher in charge of this place!" That's right. Originally, this was supposed to be the only place other than the toilet where the kind and plain elderly physics teacher Chousoka Beshiyouichi (nicknamed natural-born stone hat[1C 5]) could relax. Now, teacher Chousoka Beshiyouichi's figure could not be seen anywhere. "..Ahh, him. Hmm." Reine placed her hand on her chin and gave a small nod. "..." "..." "..." "..." Just like that, a few seconds passed. "...Oh well, even if you stand there it won't change anything. Please enter." "What's after 'hmm'!?" What an amazing ignoring ability. It's a skill that Japanese people should definitely learn nowadays. Reine entered the room first, and sat in a chair placed in the deepest part of the room. Next, Kotori entered the room from beside Shidou. Then, in a very accustomed manner, she untied her hair bound in white ribbons and refastened them with the black ribbons that she took out from her pocket. "—Phew." As she did so, it seemed like Kotori's aura suddenly changed. She then sluggishly loosened the collar of her uniform, and collapsed into a chair near Reine with a big thump. And then, from the bag she carried, Kotori took out what seemed like a small binder. Inside it, lined up beautifully in a set, were various types of Chupa Chups. It was the rumored candy holder. Kotori chose one, putting it in her mouth, and sent a gaze that seemed to be looking down on Shidou, who was still standing at the entrance to the room. "How long are you going to stand around for, Shidou? Or are you trying to be a scarecrow? You'd better give up. With your stupid face, I don't think you'll be able to chase crows away. Ah, but since it's so gross maybe on the other hand humans won't come near you." "..." Seeing his sister who had transformed into a queen in a single moment, Shidou placed his hand on his forehead. Changing the ribbon had probably caused a switch in mindset. It was like the flipping over of pieces in Reversi, impressively Jekyll & Hyde like. "...Kotori, which is your true character...?" "You're being pretty rude. You won't be popular with women like that. — Ahh, so that's why you're still a virgin. Sorry for pointing out such an obvious thing." "...Hey." "According to statistics, more than half of men who reached twenty-two without being able to date a girl remain virgins for life." "That means I still have more than five years left! Don't underestimate the future me!" "People who talk only about possibilities or how long they have left, in the end the only thing they say is 'I'll work hard starting tomorrow'." "Guh..." Realizing that he couldn't win in an argument, he grit his teeth and shut the door. "...Now, anyways Shin, the training is about to start. Please sit here." Saying this, Reine indicated a chair sandwiched between the two of them. "...Okay." Shidou had already realized that any of his complaints would be useless, so he followed their directions and sat in the chair. "Now, let's immediately start the tort... *cough**cough*, let's start the training." "You just said torture right now didn't you." "It's your imagination. —Reine." "...Ahh." Kotori spoke, and Reine agreed while crossing her legs. "...Whatever your intentions, in order to join in our plans, you must at the very minimum clear a certain requirement." "What is it?" "...In simple words, you must become more used to dealing with females." "Dealing with females... huh?" "...Ahh." Reine nodded. For some reason, it seemed like she was about to fall asleep just like that. "...Not only to break through the target's guard, but in order to gain their affection, maintaining a conversation is essential. Although we can give instructions on where to go and what to say... but if the person in question is nervous then it won't work." "A conversation with a girl... it can't be that tough." "I wonder." Kotori suddenly grabbed Shidou's head, and pushed it hard into Reine's breasts. "...!?" "...Nn?" Reine let out a strange sound. His cheeks were attacked by a warm and soft feeling, and following that a fragrance that seemed to melt his brain circled in his nose. Shidou instantly pushed Kotori's hand away and raised his face with a jolt. "...Wh-wh-wh-what are you doing...!" "Hmm, it's no good huh." Kotori mockingly shrugged her shoulders. "You understand now right? If something like this even messes up your heartbeat then it's definitely no good." "No, clearly this example is strange right!?" However Kotori wasn't about to listen to him, as she shook her head in disappointment. "Really, you're a sad cherry-boy huh. Oh my, did I just think you were a bit cute?" "Sh-shut up." "...Well, isn't it fine? It's because of this that we came here after all." Saying this, Reine crossed her arms. Her naturally magnificent bust was even more emphasized. Or rather, they were 'riding' on her arms. "..." For some reason looking at them made him feel embarrassed, so without noticing it his vision wandered. —Training to get used to females. In Shidou's head, the words Reine said passed through. Moreover, they more or less became how to avoid being flustered in erotic situations... or something like that. Kotori and Reine, what exactly are they planning on making Shidou do here — "Swallow your saliva. It's disgusting." Placing her elbows on the desk, Kotori said with half-opened eyes. "...! N-no it's not like that Kotori! I-I wasn't..." "...Oh well, weren't we starting immediately?" Cutting into the conversation between Kotori and Shidou, Reine pushed her glasses up. "Haa—, w-wait, I haven't prepared myself yet..." With his voice shaking from nervousness, Shidou straightened his back. Without minding him Reine muttered "...Nn", and like a moment ago brought her body towards Shidou. Compared with the previous case where they were brought into contact without any prior notice, his heart throbbed way faster. —Ahh, what? Just what is she going to do...!? With his heart beating like this he couldn't even move. While making an expression like a main character in an 80's shoujo manga, Shidou tightly closed his eyes. However, no matter how long he waited, nothing happened. Opening his eyes and taking a look, Reine had merely plugged in the power for the monitor on the desk. "Eh...?" While Shidou stared blankly, a cutely designed word showed up on the screen. Next, together with a pop tune, beautiful girls with colorful hair were shown in order, and a logo that seemed to be the title, 'Make love, my•little•Shidou', danced. "Th-this is..." "...Yup. It's what's called a dating simulation game." "It's a galge?!" Shidou let out a shout that was like a shriek. "Oh my, what were you imagining? It seems only your fantasizing ability is first-rate, disgusting." "...N, th-that's..." Fumbling for words... somehow he managed to calm his heart beat by clearing his throat. "I-I was just, wondering if something like this really counts as training..." Silently, Kotori looked at him with eyes like she was looking at something dirty. He wished that she would at least say something. This silence, this silence is painful. "...Well, please don't say that. This is merely the first stage of the training. Moreover, this isn't something you can find in stores, it was produced by the whole of . It realistically reproduces situations that can happen in reality. It should be at least able to prepare you. By the way, it's 15+." "Ahh... so it's not 18+." Shidou said that without any particular meaning, and Kotori looked at him with a look bordering on pity. "You're the worst." Then, Reine scratched her head. "...Shin, aren't you 16? You shouldn't be able to play 18+ games right?" "But isn't this subtly different from what you said a moment ago?!" He yelled, but it didn't seem like either Kotori or Reine was going to respond. "...Nn, then let us start." "Okay okay... let's see." Despite feeling that something didn't make sense, Shidou took the controller in his hands as urged. Playing a galge while your sister and a teacher watched, what kind of punishment is this, he thought. Skimming over the protagonist's monologue, the game progressed forward. Then, the screen suddenly turned dark. "Good morning, my brother! It's another nice day today!" Together with those words, a pretty CG was shown on the screen. A short girl, probably the protagonist's little sister, was drawn in a slanted composition. Or rather, she was stepping on the sleeping protagonist. With her panties in full view. "There's noooooo way!!" While gripping the controller, Shidou raised his voice. "...What's wrong Shin. Is there a problem?" "Didn't you say that this reproduces situations that could happen in reality?!" "...That's right, is there something weird?" "Weird or not, such a messed up situation could... never..." Stopping in the middle, Shidou's forehead started to sweat. He realized that for some reason, an extremely similar experience seemed to have happened just yesterday morning. "...What is it?" "...Nevermind, it's nothing." While feeling that there was something extremely off, Shidou returned to the game. After he advanced the text a bit, some words appeared in the middle of the screen. "Huh...? What's this?" "Mm, those are choices. You choose the protagonist's next action through one of these. As you do your affection points will change accordingly so be careful." Saying this, Kotori pointed to the bottom right side of the screen. There, was an object like a meter with its pointer on the zero position. "Hmm... I see. So it's fine if I just choose one of these right?" Shidou moved his eyes from the affection points meter to the choices. ①"Good morning. I love you Ririko." Lovingly hug your sister. ②"I'm awake. Or rather you've completely woke me up." Drag your sister into the bed. ③"I caught you, idiot!" Grab the leg that's stepping on you, and perform an ankle lock. "...What the hell are these three choices! What part of this is real! I've never done any of these things!" "Whatever, but the time limit is almost up." "Huh...?!" Just like Kotori said, the number displayed under the choices was gradually getting smaller. "...Guess I have to do it." Shidou said as if groaning, and chose the most normal of the choices, ①. "Good morning. I love you Ririko." I lovingly hugged my sister, Ririko. As I did so, Ririko's face immediately filled with scorn, and she pushed me away. "Eh... hey, what, will you stop that? It's gross." The affection points meter dropped all the way to minus fifty. "It was supposed to be real!" While slamming the controller onto his knees, Shidou yelled. "Ahhhh, you're an idiot. Even if it's your sister, it's obvious that that's what would happen if you suddenly hug her. —Jeez, it's good that this is just a game, if this happened in reality, a lovely air hole would have opened up in Shidou's stomach." "Then what am I supposed to do!" Shidou screamed about this extremely unreasonable treatment, and Kotori acted like she hadn't heard it. With a sigh, she turned on the LCD screen in front of herself. "Ah...? What are you doing?" "Even if it's training, there needs to be a bit of tension." On the screen, a scenery that he remembered was shown. It was the entrance to Raizen High School. There, in the camera's sight, stood a middle-aged man wearing the high school's uniform. "...What's with that guy?" "He's part of our crew." Saying this, Kotori pulled something like a mic out of nowhere and spoke into it. "—It's me. Shidou failed a choice. Do it." "Huh?" The man in the image bowed. "Huh...? Wh-what?" Shidou narrowed his brows, and the man in the image took out a piece of paper from his pocket. He then held it out in front of the camera. The moment he saw it, Shidou felt a shock as if his heart stopped. "Th-That's—" Seeing his reaction, a smile that showed that she was enjoying this greatly surfaced on Kotori's face. "That's right. It's the poem that the young Shidou, affected by manga, wrote: 'Etude, tribute to the corroding world'." "Wh...wh-wh-wh-why do you have that...?!" It was without a doubt the poem that Shidou had written in his notebook in middle school. But before going to high school, it became embarrassing and he should have had disposed of it. "Fufu, I thought that it would come in handy some day so I picked it up." "Wh, wh-wh-what are you planning...!" While grinning, Kotori let out the command, "Do it." "Yes." With a short answer, the man politely placed the poem into a nearby shoe rack. Like this, some student that comes to school tomorrow will end up reading the poem Shidou put his whole soul into! "Wh... what are you doing!" "Don't make a fuss, you're shameful. If you mess up when dealing with a Spirit then it won't end with something like this. There's no question about Shidou yourself, but there is also the possibility that we could even get dragged in. —Thus, in order to give you a sense of tension, I've put in this penalty." "That's too heavyyyyy! Or rather, wouldn't I be the only one that would get hurt?!" Shidou yelled, and Reine gave a nod, placing her hand on her chin. "...Indeed, what Shin says does make sense." "! Th-that's right!" With the unexpected help, Shidou's face brightened. However, "...In that case, when Shin gets a choice wrong, we should also face some kind of penalty." Saying this, she started to slowly take off her white coat. "Wai... what are you doing?!" "...Uh, weren't you saying that it was unfair that you were the only one getting embarrassed? So when Shin makes a mistake on a choice then I will take off a piece of clothes like this." She said, and without seeming particularly embarrassed she crossed her arms. "That wasn't what I meanttttttt!" "Whatever, continue with the game." Kotori impatiently kicked the chair. With an almost crying face, Shidou gave up and faced the screen. But, if the choices that appear later are all like this, he had no confidence that he could safely clear them. "...Hey Kotori, for the sake of learning, can I try all the choices for the last choice?" "Uwah, chickening out and thinking like a commoner, how disgraceful." "Sh-shut up, it's my first time playing something like this so give me a break!" "Jeez, fine then. Just this one time. —Then, save here." "O-Okay..." After Shidou finished saving, he reset the game and returned to the first choice. "..." With a grim face he glared at the choices... there really doesn't seem to be a decent one. But it didn't seem like ③ would raise the affection points. By process of elimination, he chose ②. "I'm awake. Or rather you've completely woke me up." Groggily waking up, I drag Ririko into the bed and pull the blankets over her. "Ah..., wh-what are you doing!" "I can't help it. It's because of Ririko that it's gotten like this." "!! Noo, stop! Noooooooo!" "It's fine it's fine it's fine." The screen turned dark. The developments afterward happened in an instant. The little sister, collapsed in tears. The protagonist, being beaten by the father. The clear sound of handcuffs. The protagonist, laughing alone in a dark room. With that CG as the background, a sad music as well as the credits began to flow. "What the hell is thiiiiiiiis!" Unable to resist, Shidou yelled. "If you suddenly do something like that then it's obvious what the result will be you sex offender." "Then ③'s the correct answer?!" Shidou reset the game, and for the third time returned to the first choice, and this time chose ③. "I caught you, idiot!" I twisted my sister's leg, performing an ankle lock—or tried to. "Naive." She twisted her body, escaping from my grasp, and like that, swung her leg around my back and grabbed my legs in a splended Sharpshooter "Gwahh...?!" Afterwards, due to the injuries sustained at that time, the protagonist became paraplegic and was forced into a life trapped in a wheelchair. — Like that, the game ended. "Hey, wasn't ① the correct choice after all?! And normally your little sister shouldn't be able to pull such a move!" "Hmpf." As soon as Shidou said this, Kotori dragged him by the collar and flung him onto the floor, instantly grabbing his legs and pulling a Sharpshooter. "Gah...?!" "Hmph, gah? At least call out for your mother." Saying this, she let go of Shidou and refreshingly straightened her hair. "H-hey you, where did you learn such a—" "It's a lady's means for self defense." She flatly said. The image Shidou had of a lady suddenly changed to that of a pro wrestler bulging with muscle. "Ugh..., then what about this, in the end what's the correct choice?" "Jeez, you're even going to ask the creator for the answer? How pitiful." While speaking, Kotori grabbed the controller from Shidou, reset the game and proceeded until the first choice. She then proceeded to silently stare at the screen without selecting anything. "...? What are you doing? If you don't hurry—" Before Shidou finished talking, the number displayed below the choices became zero. "Nnn... ten more minutes..." "Come on! Wake up already!" Like this, an extremely normal conversation was shown on the screen. The affection points meter neither went up nor down. "Wha..." "Don't you think there's something wrong with choosing from such weird choices?" Laughing scornfully, Kotori gave the controller back to Shidou. "I'll make a special exception and let you continue from this path, so hurry up and continue. Oh, and starting from the next choice there will be penalties." "Guh..., grr..." While feeling something inexplicable, Shidou grabbed the controller. Continuing the game, a female teacher boasting a bust of over 100 centimeters showed up on the screen. Even though it was already unrealistic, Shidou ignored it and proceeded onwards. Then, "Kyaa!" With a scream, the female teacher tripped over thin air and fell in a way such that the protagonist's face was pushed into her breasts. As expected, the controller was thrown onto the desk. "There's, no way! Something like..." He started to speak, but once again Shidou felt a cold sweat, and dejectedly picked up the controller again. He felt that something like this, although the situation was different, had happened just a while ago. "What's wrong, Shidou?" "...Nothing." Quietly, he resumed playing. As he did so, once again a choice showed up. ①"After something like this... teacher, I've started to love you." Gently hug her. ②"I-it's the god of breastsss!" Grab her breasts. ③"Chance!" Transition into an armbar. ...Once again, none of them seemed sane. "So it's like this...!" Shidou tightly clenched his fists. This must be following the same pattern as the previous one. Waiting until the counter below the choices hit zero, as expected some text showed up on the screen. "..., kyaaaah! What are you doing!? Pervert! It's a pervert!" The female teacher shrieked, and the affection points dropped by 80. "What the hell!" Shidou cried out, and Kotori merely shook her head in contempt. "If you enjoy her breasts for such a long time without trying to get away, this response seems obvious." "Then what am I supposed to do!?" "Did you not read the text before the choice? She is the advisor for the Judo Club, Goshogawara Chimatsuri. You have to put her in a hold, and move her attention from her breasts to the match." "How the hell am I supposed to know that!" "—Well, a loss is a loss. Do it." "Roger." The man in the camera once again took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and showed it to the camera. On it was a crude drawing of a character as well as a detailed setting. "Th... This is!" "That's right. It's the manuscript for the original character that Shidou created in the past." "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?!" Despite Shidou letting out a shout, the man put the paper into a random shoe rack. "Stop it stop it stop iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" Shidou grabbed his head and screamed, and Reine started making some movements with a rustling sound. "..., Reine-san!" He had forgotten. She had said that every time Shidou took a penalty, she would remove another piece of clothing. Well, since Shidou was a healthy high school boy, it would be a lie to say that he wouldn't be happy... but, for some reason, he was troubled. Fortunately, Reine was still wearing plenty of clothes on her body. If he makes sure not to get any more choices wrong then— "...Nn" Just as Shidou was thinking this, Reine slowly moved her hands behind her back, did something that caused a clicking sound, then moved her hands inside her clothes and wriggled them around a bit, and pulled out her brassiere from her neck. "You're starting from there?!" Shidou yelled, and Reine cocked her head to the side. "...Is there a problem?" "No, but aren't you clearly getting the order backwards?! Or rather you don't have to take off any more clothes!" "...Hmm? Is that not unfair? I can still continue..." "You just want to take them off, isn't that right?!" Shidou raised his voice, and once again with a *gan* his chair was kicked. "I don't care about that but hurry it up. Look, the next character has already appeared." Saying this, Kotori gestured to the screen. "Guh..." Without a choice, Shidou resumed playing. This time, what was shown on the screen was a scene with a girl that seemed to be in the same grade as the protagonist, who crashed into him at a corner of a corridor, and fell beautifully with her legs in an M shape and her panties completely visible. "—!" While searching his memories, Shidou clenched his fists, and said in a loud voice. "There's none! This one, this one for sure doesn't happen!!" "...Is that so? However I think that unexpectedly this does happen..." That was what Reine said, but he definitely hadn't run into this before. Shidou confidently shook his head. But, again his chair was kicked. "This isn't a game where you try to decide whether a situation is realistic or not. Do it properly. If you make a mistake on the next choice—this." Saying this, Kotori operated the computer in front of her. "...Ah?" Shidou narrowed his brows as an animation was shown on the screen. —The background was Shidou's room. There, a half-naked Shidou stood. "This... is..." Shidou's face turned pale. After all, this was— "Special●Instant Lighting Blaaaaaaaaaast!" In the image, Shidou made a pose with his two hands together by his waist, and with all his power suddenly pushed them forward. Kotori made a face that seemed like she could not possibly enjoy anything more than that right now. "Yep, this is, before when Shidou was watching the house by himself... *pu*, when he was practicing his original killer move in his room... *kuku*, a video..." Unable to hold it in, Kotori said while her laughter spilled out. "NoooooooooooOOOooooooooooOooooooooooOOoooooooooo—!" Shidou let out his most magnificent scream of the day. "Kotori! Not this! Please, anything but this!" "Fufu, you better make sure to get the right choice next time then. ...Ahh, if you give up part way, I'll upload this to a video site." "..." With a face that seemed like he was about to cry, Shidou gripped the controller once again.