
Daryll's Son || Carl Grimes (On Hold)

Axel Dixon, the son of Daryl Dixon lost his father at the beginning of the apocalypse, left to survive with his twin sister Tanner. What happens when he finds his father and a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy catches his attention. Carl Grimes is a kid who thought he knew himself his whole life. But did he? What happens when he discovers a new side of himself. And better yet what will Rick think of this new side. I do not own any of the Walking Dead. I only own my original character. This story will contain spoilers so if you don't want those don't read.

Fanfic_is_my_porn · TV
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Chapter 9- Virus Pt. 2

Axel's POV-

It's been 2 weeks since the Patrick's incident happened. Carl is still struggling a little but he's doing better. Speaking of Carl since he spent the night in my room it's kinda of become a regular thing. He comes into my room every night after Tanner goes to sleep and leaves before I wake up. I don't really know why he's so worried about somebody finding out. Although it's whatever. I mean were not doing anything wrong. Just friends helping each other out.

On to more serious matters us kids had all been in quarantine for the past 2 weeks. I was really worried about Glen because he was sick. But Tanner was more worried about Lizzie. It was kinda sad that Lizzie had it because she was so young. Lizzie was kinda crazy. I mean I felt bad for Mica. She had no support from Lizzie because how deranged her sister was. Right now I was sitting in mine and Tanners room doing Micas hair.

All of the kids were having a party in the cell block tonight. It was Beth's idea. I must say I really like Beth. She knows I'm gay unlike the rest of the group, except for Glen of course. It's not like I was trying to hide it I just hadn't made a effort to point it out. I mean if the topic comes up it's not like I'm gonna say I'm straight.

I put Mica's hair in a braid crown and Lizzie's in two Dutch braids. She said she wanted to be like Tanner so that's how I did it. All though tanner wasn't wearing her hair like that today. She had French braids that went into space buns. It was so cute! Anyways I got dressed in some dark green khakis with a Black short sleeved shirt and a dark green sweater vest.

Beth walked in and scared the living crap out of me. "Jesus Beth knock much!" I yelled. "Oh shut it blockhead." Tanner said as she hit me upside the head. I laughed and Beth sat down. "So I got a bottle of whiskey from your dad. I was thinking maybe after the little ones go to bed us and Carl can have a little fun." she smirked. "I'm in!" Tanner said. "Me too." Carl said from the doorway making us all jump.

"When the hell did you get here?" Beth asked. "I've been here the whole time!" he exclaimed confused on how we didn't notice him. "So Axel?" Carl asked. I thought about it for a minute. I don't really like to drink but it might be fun. "Yeah, sure." I said with a chuckle. "Okay well let's go tire out the little ones." Tanner said as she ran out of the room. Beth got up and followed her.

"You been doing any better?" I asked Carl knowing he was still in a funk. "Yeah." he said with a smile. I smiled back and squeezed his hand before we walked out. We played games and listened to music with all the kids until around 9 when they went do bed. Me Tanner and Carl were in the Cell Block tower waiting for Beth. The Cell Block tower was kinda small but it was big enough for the 4 of us. Plus only us older kids had the key to it and it was sound proof. It had become our hangout area.

Beth showed up with a bag. "Let me in dipshits." she said when none of us made a move to open the door, so Carl got up and opened it. We decided to leave it a little cracked just in-case something happened. She sat the bad down and pulled out a big bottle of Fireball. Wasn't necessarily my favorite but it wasn't bad either. She then pulled out four cups and four shot glasses.

"Damn, our dad really set you up. He must like you." Tanner said making Beth blush. (A/N- for my purposes Beth is 20 at this point in time.) We all got in a circle and just kinda sat there. "Well are we gonna do something?" Beth pointed out. "Well your the one with the bottle." Carl said making me and Tanner laugh. "Shots or Drinks first?" she asked. Me and Tanner shared a look. "Shots!" we both shout out at the same time.

Beth started pouring shots and I got up and put on a Metallica CD. We had all lined up our shots on a table in the small room. "Cheers!" we all said as we clinked our shot glasses together. Beth and Carl simply down there's but me and Tanner had to do our traditional counter slap first. "Holy fuck!" Carl said. I laughed. "First time huh?" I asked teasingly. "Yup." He answered. I was totally joking. Wow he really hadn't drank before.

About 30 minutes later Carl had had two shots and a drink and was completely wasted. Light weight much. Same with Beth but I couldn't blame her. I'm almost certain that if Hershel had seen her drinking he would've cut off her hand. Tanner had a decent buzz. Me and her had both had four shots and three drinks. I on the other hand was not even the slightest bit fazed. Apparently Fireball doesn't work it's wonders on me.

Tanner was teasing Carl in his drunk state while Beth was randomly rambling about Unicorns. If only I had a camera right now. I heard the door squeak and looked to see a tired looking Lizzie. "Hey what's up?" I asked her. "Is she okay?" he asked looking at Beth. "Yeah she's fine." I said with a chuckle. "What do you need?" I asked "I couldn't sleep." she said. Tanner then got what she would call a brilliant idea.

"Here take a big drink of this. Really big." Tanner said handing her cup to Lizzie. Lizzie wanted to be just like Tanner so of course she didn't object. Lizzie took a big gulp and got a sour look on her face. "Ewww!!!" she said dramatically. "You know what that did help a little Tanny. I'm gonna go to bed." Lizzie said as she basically fell over. I quickly walked over to her and picked her up. I took her to her room and tucked her in. She had made me stay for a little until she fell asleep.

When I got back Tanner was almost as drunk as the other two and the bottle was gone. I swear they're all light weights. At this point I had a slight buzz but other then that I was perfectly fine. "I think it's time to go to bed." I said as I looked at the group. "Tanner go to our room, Beth I'll take you to your room, and Carl stay here." I said. "Aye, aye Captain!" Carl exclaimed making me laugh. "But I want to sleep in Bethie's room tonight." Tanner said in a whiny voice. "Fine." I said as I took Tanner and Beth to Beth's room. I had to carry Beth there because she was a little to drunk.

When I got back to the Cell Block tower Carl was just sitting in the chair spinning in circles. "Come on cowboy." I said as I picked up his cowboy hat and placed it on his head. He stood up but immediately started to fall over. "Woah there cowboy." I said as I picked him up and put him on my back. I walked us to my room and layed him on my bed.

"You wanna know something?" he asked with a huge grin on his face. I swear his smile brought on two times bigger to my face in an instant. "What?" I asked with a chuckle. "I really, really like you! But shhhh! It's a secret!" he whisper yelled making me let out a loud laugh. "Okay then cowboy." I said as I layed down next to him. I tried to be happy about it but I didn't want to be a rebound crush. Plus he's drunk who knows if he even meant it.

"Hey Carl?" I asked. When I didn't get a response I looked over to see him curled up with my vest. I smiled. God so he's cute. I need to go to sleep. It must be around 3 by now. And with that I rolled over next to him and went to sleep. Having good dreams about the confessions that had been made.


So I have my doubts about this chapter. I'm not quite sure if it's good or not. Pleas e let me know your thoughts or any suggestions. Anyways until next time. Bye Lovies!!!!

Word Count- 1460 : )