
Daryll's Son || Carl Grimes (On Hold)

Axel Dixon, the son of Daryl Dixon lost his father at the beginning of the apocalypse, left to survive with his twin sister Tanner. What happens when he finds his father and a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy catches his attention. Carl Grimes is a kid who thought he knew himself his whole life. But did he? What happens when he discovers a new side of himself. And better yet what will Rick think of this new side. I do not own any of the Walking Dead. I only own my original character. This story will contain spoilers so if you don't want those don't read.

Fanfic_is_my_porn · TV
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42 Chs

Chapter 7- Finally Home

Daryl's POV-

I can't believe there finally home. Axel and Tanner had just gone to bed and I was sitting in the watch tower looking at the stars. I was so happy I couldn't help the smile that fell on my face. I heard a click and looked over to see Rick with a camera.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I mean I don't think I ever saw you smile." he chuckled. "What's up?" I asked not having the energy to be angry. "Just wanted to talk." I nodded as he sat down. "You know I met your kids before I even met you." he said. This caught me off guard. How could he have met my kids. He saw my confusion and countuined talking.

"Well when I woke up from my comma your kids were in the hospital." he said blandly. I laughed at the thought. "What happened?" I asked. "Well your son tried to shoot me with that crossbow of his. Then your daughter came out limping and they helped get to this guy Morgan who helped me out. I didn't see them again after that." he finished. I just sat there silently until he spoke up. "Why don't you go see your kids?" he said and I got up and left.

I walked into the prison and asked Glen where their cell was. he told me it was right next to Carl's and I walked in. When I got there I saw em' both cuddeled up on the bottom bunk like they used to. I smiled at this and sat in a chair in the corner. It might sound kinda stupid but I was to scared to leave. I was scared because I thought that if I left them I wouldn't see em' again.

I watched them sleep for a couple hours before falling into a deep sleep. I had great dreams about finding my kids. And not so great ones about losing em' again.

Tanner's POV-

I shot up from my spot on the bed hitting my head on the bunk bed, causing Axel and dad to wake up. Wait what was dad doing in here? You know what it doesn't matter. I tried to control my breathing but I couldn't. I just kept picturing his face in my head. At the thought of him I cried even more. Axel tried to calm me by hugging me, which after a couple mintues worked.

"Are you okay? What happened?" my dad asked and I froze. I can't tell him! He'll think I'm weak. Axel looked over to me and I shook my head telling him not to say anything. "It's nothing just a nightmare." he spoke for me. "O-okay." dad said. I could tell he knew it was something more but didn't want to push right now.

"Well why don't you guys get dressed and come out for breakfast?" he said. I nodded my head and he left. I had Axel put my hair in dutch braids. He was amazing at hair. It's probably his gay assets that bring those skills. I chuckled at the way I had explained it to myself. "What's so funny?" Axel asked with a smirk as he put his vest on over his outfit. "Nothing just thinking about how gay you are?" I laughed and he threw a pillow at me which I simply put on the bed.

He was wearing black skinny jeans with a purple shirt and his vest. He then grabbed his crossbow and slung it over his shoulder. He never went anywhere without his vest or crossbow but I left mine off today. I was wearing maroon colored cargo pants with chains and a DC tanktop.

We walked outside and sat down in-between dad and Merle. Uncle Merle pulled me into a hug as dad pulled Axel into a hug. Axel just sat there and hugged back, whereas I was not the biggest fan of hugs. Or being touched in general. "Let go." I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear me. He pulled away and looked at me. I saw the hurt in his eyes and my eyes started to well up with tears.

I got up and ran outside. "Rosie!" I heard dad call. I kept running till I couldn't anymore. I ended up behind one of the watch towers. I stayed there for a good hour before dad found me. I was still crying. Jesus how much can one person cry? "Hey what was that about that really hurt your uncles feelings!" he yelled but quieted when he noticed I was crying.

"Baby what's wrong?" he asked worriedly knowing that I don't cry often. "I-I can't tell you." I whispered. "Why the hell not?" he questioned raising his voice a little. I just sobbed harder. I then saw Axel come around the corner. "Dad don't." he said in the most calm but serious voice ever.

Dad wouldn't ever admit but he was a little scared off his kids. I once heard him tell uncle Merle we were just like our mom but I wouldn't know. I never met her. Dad just gave me a pat on the back then walked away. Axel sat down next to me. "Do you want me to stay?" he asked quietly. "No I just want to be alone right now." I said as I flashed him a weak smile. He hugged me and left.

Axel's POV-

I walked away from Tanner giving her some space. I walked over to the courtyard when dad walked over to me. "Hey." he said. "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing just thought we'd have a little father son bonding time." he said making me smile. Then plopped down on the grass. I took off my vest and put it down on the ground before sitting down. These jeans were amazing and I wasn't about to get grass satins on them.

"So what was all that about?" he asked. I didn't want him to get mad at me, but I wasn't gonna tell him. "It's not really my place to tell you." I said. "But she'll tell you when she's ready." Tanner said causing me to turn and look at her. She sat down on the other side of dad. "So you got your eye on any cute girls?" dad asked me and Tanner started breaking down laughing. I threw a rock at her and she shut up and put a serious look on her face.

I looked at her with a bit of of fear. I was practically screaming Help Me. My dad looked at her then back at me. "What?" he asked. I looked back at my sister. "Tell him." she mouthed and I looked back at my dad. "I umm. I'm gay." I said with a bit of hesitation. "Oh, figures." he said with a chuckle.

"What!" me and Tanner said in unison. "Well it's kinda obvious, I mean always has been." he said with a chuckle. What the actual fuck! "So you got your eye on any boys?" he asked. I'm not completely sure why but when he asked that I started crying. "What! Did I do something wrong?" dad questioned, worried he'd offended me. I just started laughing as tears countuined to stream down my face.

"No. You did everything right." I said as I hugged him. We hugged for a minute for before he let go. We just sat there in silence before Carl walked over. I smiled and my dad quirked a eyebrow at me. I simply elbowed him and noticed Tanner glaring at me. What was that about? I looked up to see Carl with a worried expression.

"Are you guys okay?" he asked as he looked at me and Tanner. Oh I forgot we had both been crying. "Yeah." I said with a chuckle. "Okay well can I talk to you?" Carl asked. I nodded and we walked to his cell. We had gotten pretty close over the last few days and I would say we were good friends? "We're friends right?" he asked. What kinda question is that. "Yeah, of course." I said.

He just paced around the room for a minute as I sat on his bed before turning to me. "I have something to tell you. But you can't tell anyone." he said sternly. "Promise." I said. He sat down on the chair in front the bed. "I like Patrick. And I don't know if I'm gay. And it's all so confusing." he rambeled as he started pacing again. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the chair. "Dude calm down." I said.

"So you don't know If you're if your gay or not?" he shook his head. He knows I'm gay so I figured that's why he asked me for help. "Okay so have you ever liked a girl?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "Well I've always thought they were pretty but I never really had a crush on any of them." he said quietly. "And what about guys?" I asked. "Well I've never really thought about it but usually when I'm around guys I get like butterflies in my stomach."

"Well you can never be sure I guess until you finally understand yourself but I think you're gay." I said back. He didn't really say anything so I just got up and walked out. Kinda sucks that he likes Patrick but it's whatever man.

After I talked to Carl I just went to my room and went to sleep. God today was tiring.

Tanner's POV-

I shot Axel a glare as he left with Carl. I really like Carl and I think he likes me. But I also think Axel likes him. Although Axel's always been a flirt so who knows. "What's wrong with you?" asked my dad. I realized I had been making a shitty face. "Nothing." I said with a scowl as I got up and went to Lizzy and Mica's room. They were a decent bit younger then me but they were cool and fun to talk to. We hung out for a while and then went to sleep. I hope Axel doesn't worry to much.


Woah! A lot happened in this chapter but I think it was good overall. Thanks Lovies!!! Until nest time.

Word Count- 1720 : )