
Daryll's Son || Carl Grimes (On Hold)

Axel Dixon, the son of Daryl Dixon lost his father at the beginning of the apocalypse, left to survive with his twin sister Tanner. What happens when he finds his father and a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy catches his attention. Carl Grimes is a kid who thought he knew himself his whole life. But did he? What happens when he discovers a new side of himself. And better yet what will Rick think of this new side. I do not own any of the Walking Dead. I only own my original character. This story will contain spoilers so if you don't want those don't read.

Fanfic_is_my_porn · TV
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Chapter 6- Old Family

Carl's POV-

I woke up around 8 and went to see if Stacy and Mark were awake. I walked into their cell and didn't see either one of them. What I saw was blankets coming down from the top bunk on all 3 sides. I laughed at the makeshift fort and peaked in. Stacy and Mark layed there cuddeled up. I got a little jealous. I kinda wanna be there right now. I smiled at the thought.

NO. Carl stop being weird. I then noticed Stacy started waking up. "Hey." I said. She just sat up and looked at me weirdly. "Dude, stalker much?" she asked and I laughed. Then Axel shot up and banged his head against the top of the bunk of the bed. "Fuck!" he yelled. Stacy and I started laughing so hard. Then Glen and Beth ran in.

"Are you guys okay?" Beth asked. But all she got in response was me and Stacy laughing our asses off and a scowl from Mark. With that she closed the blanket and left. "I think they're fine." we heard her say causing us to laugh harder.

After a minute we were fine but Mark still had a scowl on his face. "Why are you even in here?" he asked annoyed. "I was just seeing if you guys were up but I'll go. And by the way the rest of our original group is coming back from a run today so you can meet them." I said as I walked out.

I was really excited for them to come back I mean they had been gone for a while. I was excited for Daryl, Maggie, and Hershel to come back that is. Not so much Merle but whatever. I went outside and talked to my dad. He said that he didn't trust Mark and Stacy all that much. "Why? They literally saved your life." I said dumbfounded. "Because they're ruthless. They remind me a little of someone." he said making me chuckle.

I don't know what his problem is with Daryl but for some reason he doesn't like the dude all that much. You'd think he'd get over it considering we've lived with the him for around 2 years. But you know it's whatever. "Anyways I think I'm gonna have Daryl keep an eye on them." he countuined as we walked to the pig barn. Those pigs look kinda weird I thought just as my father spoke, as if reading my mind.

"Those pigs don't look so good." he said. "Yeah." was all I said. "it's probably nothing." he said as he shook it off. We planted some tomatoes and potatoes. I know ironic huh. After that it was around 3 and the group had just pulled in.

Axel's POV-

9 a.m.

Me and Tanner had just gotten dressed and were walking around our cell block. We ran into Beth and Glen eating breakfast. We sat down and poured ourselves some dry cereal. I know not ideal but you get what you get. After we ate we spent the rest of the day playing board games and joking around with the two. I wonder if there together?

"Hey are you guys together?" I asked. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. What's with people and laughing at me today. "He's married to my sister." Beth said in-between gasps. "Oh." I said as Tanner snickered. "Shut it Rosie!" I snapped. "Rosie?" they both questioned. "Her middle name is Rose so I call her Rosie." I said. "What's your middle name?" the asked. "Daryl." I said.

They both looked like they were thinking. A couple mintues later Carl came in and said he wanted us to meet some people. We walked out and stood a little ways away. I saw Rick talking to a guy. Why did that vest look so familiar? The figure then turned around. I looked at Tanner who's eyes immediantly filled with tears as we both ran as fast as we could towards the man. The man that we had loved and missed more than anyone.

"Dad!" we both screamed as we ran to him. He was so caught of guard that he actually fell over when we jumped at us. "Axel, Tanner?" he questioned as we nodded. "Axel, Tanner?" Rick and Carl asked. "Ummm, So that's the thing we kinda lied about our names." Tanner said as she looked down. "Holy shit. Your actually here. My babies are here!" My dad exclaimed as he hugged us and cried.

I looked over to see everyone in shock. "What?" I asked a little confused. "Daryl, Daryl Dixon has children!?" A girl with short brown hair asked. I simply nodded my head. "Merle get your lazy ass out here!" my dad said as he hit the side of the truck. "Uncle Merle's with you?" Tanner asked excited. Her and Uncle Merle had always been really close.

"What's up baby bro-" he stopped mid sentence as he saw Tanner. He ran to her and hugged her. "Oh my god. Rosie is it really you?" he asked tears in his eyes as he pulled back and looked at her. "Oh god. You got so big!" he said as tears started to fall. He then turned and looked at me.

"Axel, Damn boy your taller than your father for Christ sakes." he said as he gave me a hug. I felt something hard on my back and looked at his hand as he pulled back. "What the fuck happened?!" I almost yelled as I looked down to see a metal thing were his hand was supposed to be with a knife attached to it. "Later." was all he said and I nodded as I hugged my dad again.

Glen and Beth then came running out. "What's all the commotion about?" Glen asked as he put his arm around the girl with the short hair's waist. "Well, these twos names are actually Axel and Tanner. Oh and they're Daryl's kids." "Daryl has kids?" he questioned. "Wait, why didn't you tell me he's your dad?" glen asked confused "Well it's not like I knew he was here!" I snapped.

Glen just nodded his head. We went inside with dad and he told us about how everything had played out for him. It was a rather crazy story but I could tell it was the truth. Dad very rarely lies. God I missed him so much. But we were finally together so that's all that matters.