
Daryll's Son || Carl Grimes (On Hold)

Axel Dixon, the son of Daryl Dixon lost his father at the beginning of the apocalypse, left to survive with his twin sister Tanner. What happens when he finds his father and a certain brown haired, blue eyed boy catches his attention. Carl Grimes is a kid who thought he knew himself his whole life. But did he? What happens when he discovers a new side of himself. And better yet what will Rick think of this new side. I do not own any of the Walking Dead. I only own my original character. This story will contain spoilers so if you don't want those don't read.

Fanfic_is_my_porn · TV
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42 Chs

Chapter 5- New Family

Axel's POV-

This place seems pretty nice. Yesterday me and Tanner had spent most of the day reading comics and playing board games with Carl. Carl seems pretty cool. Tanner and I were given a room to share with a bunkbed i had bottom bunk. I just woke up and started putting my clean clothes into the drawers that were in the room. I have no idea how our clothes got clean but they were washed and folded on our dresser when I woke up. There were also a bunch of brand new looking clothes for the both of us. Plus shoes.

I had no idea what time it was but I assumed it was late because everyone was already out and about. After I put all my clothes away I woke up Tanner and we got ready. She wore a white and blue striped overall dress with a white long sleeve shirt and light blue sneakers. But of course not without our singniture leather angel wing vests. I wore some dark blue khakis with a white short sleeved button up and a blue sweater vest over it. Also with my leather vest. I don't remember the last time we didn't wear our vests.

We walked over to Carl's cell since it was right next to ours but he wasn't in there. We went out and looked for him but ended up stopping quite a few times. First Beth stopped us and asked how we were setteling in, then she started talking about how cute Tanner's outfit was. After that, Glen stopped us and told us he wanted to introduce us the there former leader. And then we ran into Patrick and some kids who told us where Carl was.

I noticed that Carl was with someone. We walked over and saw Carl pulling weeds. "Getting a workout there Carl?" I asked as Tanner laughed. "Haha Funny." he said with an annoyed face that quickly turned into a smile.

I then looked over to see a very familiar face. "Hey guys this is my dad-" we cut him off. "Rick!?" we both yelled in confusion. "Mark? Stacy?" he asked confused and we nodded. "Well shit." he laughed. "Carl, remember when i told you some kids helped me out at the hospital?" Carl nodded. "Well here they are." he said as he hugged us. I laughed.

"Well then we got to get going Glen said he wanted to inroduce us to his former leader or something." Tanner said. "No need. You just met him." Carl said. "You, Mr. I have no idea what's goin on, please help me, made all this happen?" I asked as carl burst out laughing and his father hit him. "Yeah." he said in an annoyed tone. We said our goodbye's then walked off.

Rick's POV-

Damn i forgot how much of a pain in the ass those kids could be. "So Mr. I have no idea what's going on, please help me huh?" Carl questioned with a smirk. I punched him in the shoulder hard. "Owww!" he complained. I then walked off as Carl contuined pulling wings.

I caught up to them to get a better look at something I had noticed. "Hey." I called as they turned towards me. "What's up?" Stacy asked. "Where'd you get those vests from and why do they say Axel and Tanner?" I asked. Stacy froze. After a mintue Axel spoke up. "We just found em' thought they were cool." he said.

That accent it sounds so familiar but how. You know what it's probably just a coinsidence. "Okay. I was just wondering." I said as I turned around. "Wait!" Stacy called. "Why do you ask?" she questioned. ;They just look familiar is all. I'm sure it's a coinsidence." I said as I walked away.

Axel's POV-

I turned to Tanner knowing exactly what she was thinking. I looked arround and made sure no one was close to us. "Tanner Rose Dixon. Don't start he doesn't know dad." I said calmly. "How do you know?" she asked. "Come on Rosie don't be stupid." I told her "Oh so now I'm stupid?" she said raising her voice. "Your being delusional!" I yelled as she ran off.

A just plopped down on the grass right were I was standing and ran my hands through my hair. "Fuck!" I exclaimed as I punched the ground really hard, with not as much as a wince. "What was that about?" Carl asked as he sat down nwxt to me. Dammit I really don't need this right now.

"Nothing just a disagreement." I said bitterly. "About what?" he probed "Nothing that has to do with you." I spat. "Well obviously someone needs sometime to cool down so let me know when you've done that." he said calmly but I could see the hurt in his eyes.

After that I just sat there for a good 20 minutes crying before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Glen. I don't know why but I really liked him. Plus he made me feel safe. Which is something I haven't felt in a long time.

"Hey buddy what's wrong?" he asked. "Me and Tanner are fighting." I said. "You and who?" he asked "Fuck." I cursed under my breathe but he seemed to hear it. "What?" he asked. "If I tell you something will you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked and he nodded. I then proceeded to tell him everything we had been through in the past 2 years.

(A/N- The next part is just what has happened over the years. If you want to read then you can but If not don't. Although it may be kinda of important.)

"So when this all started we were on our way home from school, when these psychos started chasing us. When we got home we looked for my dad and uncle but couldn't find them anywhere. I was watching the news and saw a lady get eaten bye the walkers. We packed up and left on our bikes-" "wait", he cut me off. "at 12 years old you guys had bikes? Like motorcycles?" he asked. "Yes. Keep up." I snapped. "Anyways, We grabbed our vests that had our names stiched in them. My dad had a matching one." he inturreputed agian. "But yours say Axel?" he said as more of a question. "My real name is Axel and Stacy's is Tanner. As I was saying we found a house and cleared it but I got attacked by one. And Tanner being the genius she was figured out how to kill it. We didn't stay there long because it got over run. After that we jumped around for about two months. One day while we were out looking for supplies Tanner fell and got a pretty deep gash. I knew it was bad so we walked until we found someting. We ended up at a hospital. I stiched her up and then we found your former leader rick-" he cut me off, ONCE AGAIN. "You knew Rick?" he asked. "Yes now stop interupting!" I snapped. "Anyways we followed him to his house then he was stupid and got us attacked by walkers. Some dude named Morgan took him in and helped him while, me and Tanner left. After that we didn't see him again. For about a year and a half after that we just kept bouncing around until we found a town. We stayed there for a while but they turned out to be bad. That was for about a month so the last 3 or 4 months we've been by ourselves until now." I said finishing my speach.

"Wow." was all he could say. "I know it might be a little to soon for this but you feel like an older brother to me." I said to Glen. "Not at all buddy." he said as he put his arm around my shoulder. After a little while it was time for dinner so we went and ate. I looked aroud and saw Tanner with Beth. She looked happy so I was happy. I love her so much.

Tanner's POV-

I ran off and sat with Beth. "Hey Stacy, Are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah. Can I tell you something?" I asked. she nodded. I then told her everything that had happened in the past 2 years plus mine and Axel's real names. Except for our last names of course.

"You know Stacy. Your kinda like my little sister now." she said to me making me laugh. "Yeah. sure." I said back to her. We walked over to the tables to eat and I saw Glen and Axel sitting together. Axel may not have hope but I do and that's all that matters. Although I hope we're not mad at eachother for to long.


Hello Lovies!!!! I am having so much fun writing this I just hope your having fun reading it. Let me know what you think so far and get ready for a reunion next chapter!!!!!

Sneak Peak-

Why did that vest look so familiar? The figure then turned around. I looked at Tanner who's eyes immediantly filled with tears as we both ran as fast as we could towards the man. The man that we had loved and missed more than anyone.

Word Count- 1544 : )