

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

readers_viewpoint · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Wish Upon A Star

As Lily and I moved away from the lively celebration, we found ourselves in a quieter section of the palace. The sounds of laughter and music gradually faded, replaced by the soft echo of our footsteps against the ornate corridor.

The princess led the way with a graceful stride, her gown gently brushing the marble floor. The ambient lighting cast a warm glow, creating an intimate atmosphere that seemed to envelop us.

"Quite a spectacle out there," I remarked, breaking the silence as we strolled through the grand halls adorned with historical tapestries and portraits.

Lily smiled, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and weariness. "Indeed, it is. These events are part of the responsibilities that come with royalty, but they can be a bit overwhelming at times."

"I can imagine. It must be challenging to balance tradition with personal desires," I replied, keeping pace with her.

As we continued our journey through the labyrinthine corridors, Lily decided to share more about her experiences. "You have no idea. The expectations and scrutiny can be stifling. But moments like these, away from the crowd, offer a break to relax."

We wandered through the echoing halls of the castle, adorned with portraits that spoke of a rich history, we eventually arrived at a corridor lined with paintings. Each frame held a piece of the past, a visual narrative of the royal lineage.

Lily's delicate fingers brushed against the gilded frames as she spoke with reverence about her mother, the former queen. Her eyes, a mirror of her mother's sea-blue gaze, sparkled with a mixture of love and loss.

"This is my mother," she said, her voice soft with affection. "She was a beacon of grace and kindness, guiding the kingdom with unwavering love. I miss her dearly."

I listened in quiet understanding, letting her share the memories that resided within those portraits. The bond between a mother and daughter, immortalized in brushstrokes, unfolded in her words.

As we continued down the corridor, a row of paintings depicting the legacy of the Gritonia Empire, my attention was suddenly drawn to the last frame. An exquisite painting caught my eye, and I felt an inexplicable connection to the image.

The painting portrayed a young woman, her armor gleaming in the artistic rendition. Her long, vibrant pink hair cascaded down, a stark contrast to Lily's and her mother's platinum blonde locks.

The fierce gaze in her sea-blue eyes held a commanding presence, and she wielded a massive sword with undeniable strength.

I stood there, captivated by the majestic depiction of this warrior. Lily approached me, and as she began to share the story, I could sense the mixture of pride and sorrow in her voice.

"She was the Greatest General of Gritonia," Lily spoke, her voice quivering with emotions. "During the war against the invading forces of the Lamia Empire, she led our army to victory. 

She beheaded the Hero summoned by Lamia, marched through the battlefield with his lifeless head, and cast it before the enemy's saints and bishops.

Effectively Ending the 3-year war of the nations. 

In Reverence, People called her 'The Heavenly Valkyrie.'"

I couldn't help but be in awe of the valiant figure portrayed before me. Her triumphant tales painted a vivid picture of a formidable leader.

Lily's voice wavered as she continued, revealing a personal layer beneath the heroic exterior. "To me, she was a loving big sister who spoiled her lil' sis."

As Lily spoke those words, her emotional turmoil became evident. Her hand, reaching out to touch the painting, trembled with the weight of memories and loss.

"A-and after all that she did for this country...this...this is the only thing th-that is left of her memory..." she said, her voice breaking with sorrow.

I felt a pang in my chest, witnessing the depth of Lily's grief. Without hesitation, I reached out and gently held her trembling hand. Lily looked at me with teary eyes, her vulnerability laid bare. 

At that moment, she uttered words that cut through the heaviness in the air.

"...thank you," she whispered, a warm smile breaking through the clouds of sorrow. I reciprocated with a compassionate smile, acknowledging the shared pain.

Before I could offer words of comfort, Lily, with newfound determination, said, "Come... I'll show you something beautiful."

She quickly pulled me, our hands still entwined, towards the end of the hall. We reached a pair of large, intricately carved double doors. 

Lily pushed them open, revealing a hidden garden bathed in moonlight. The scent of blooming flowers lingered in the air as we stepped onto a stone pathway.

"I come here often to escape the formalities and to breathe in relief," Lily confessed, her voice softer in the serene setting.

The moonlit garden, surrounded by towering hedges, felt like a sanctuary away from the world. We walked along the cobblestone path, the only sounds being our footsteps and the distant rustle of leaves. 

The path led us to a small gazebo adorned with climbing roses. We entered the delicate fragrance surrounding us.

The gazebo offered a magnificent view of the garden, the moon casting a gentle glow over everything.

Lily leaned against the intricately designed railing, her eyes fixed on the night sky. "I often come here to dream. The stars seem to hold endless possibilities."

I joined her, our shoulders grazing each other. "Dreams are the seeds of reality. Say...What would you wish upon those stars tonight?"

She looked at me, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I wish to have a simple life, a loving husband, and if...if it's not too much...having beautiful children would be wonderful." her face turned shades of pink at the end. 

"...You?...what is it that you wish?"

"I?... I wish for you to find what you're looking for...Happiness" I said looking at the shining stars.

"wha-...what if...what if happiness doesn't want me?" she said looking down as her grip tightened in my palm.

"impossible...I think happiness loves you more than you know." I said leaning towards her.

"It wants to be with you, stay by your side...and oftentimes in life, what you seek might be already with you...you just have to look at it."

"...So the question is 'Do you want it? Do you accept it?' " I whispered looking at her face, hidden behind the blonde hair glimmering in the moonlight.

After a brief pause which felt as if an eternity, Her grip loosened. In a heartbeat, she turned towards me, as our gaze locked.

Without an inch of hesitation in her blue eyes, She leaned forward, instantly closing the distance between us.

And the next thing I knew, we were locked in a passionate kiss. Her inexperience in such matters was clearly visible, but none of it bothered me. 

Cuz It was a kiss of hope...

A kiss of trust...

A kiss of relief...

but more than anything...It was A kiss filled with Love.

She broke the kiss and looked at me, cupping my face with tears running down hers,

"I want...I want you, Grey"

"I-I Love You..."

She looked at me biting her lips, her eyes filled with hope and expectations, eagerly waiting for my reply.

With a warm smile, I gave a peck on her soft lips prompting her to relax,

"I Love You too, Lily" I confessed. 

Her gaze lingered on me, and with happiness radiating from her face, she gently laid her head on my shoulder. 

In that shared silence, the words of Love resonated between us. The moonlit garden became a witness to the beginning of something Sweet.

After a while, the silence of the garden was interrupted by the ringing of the giant Bell at the top of the castle. 

Indicating that It was Midnight.

she became tense all of a sudden,

"Grey..I-I have to go...I.." She stammered as she tried her best to explain so that I wouldn't misunderstand her and think she left me or something.

She is all flustered up but quite cute at the same time.

I gently held her cheek which caused her to stop,

"I understand Lily...Don't worry about me...

Just go out there and Do what You Must Do,

Remember, I'll always be with you, Okay?" I said reassuring her.

"Hmm..." she nodded with a smile.

"Good, Let's Go Then"

With that, we left for the throne room leaving the garden.

It was time for the Main Event of the Night to Begin.

Hope you guys liked this one

(๑ > ᴗ < ๑)

And Yeah, Next one will have action


word count - 1421


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