

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

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42 Chs

The Devil's Bet

In a grand throne room, 

a serious-looking man with an aura of intimidation sat atop the throne at the room's highest point. He had short, blonde, tortoiseshell-cut hair, and two thick, curved goat-like horns that protruded around the tops of his ears. 

His eyes had an intense and all-encompassing presence instead of a piercing gaze. A grave and somber expression dominated his face as he observed the woman kneeling before him with profound respect.

"Rona... Do you realize the level of danger inherent in the mission you wish to undertake?" he inquired, his voice carrying a tone of concern and seriousness.

"Yes, Father. I am well aware of the risks, and I am fully prepared to face them," Rona responded with determination in her voice, though it concealed a hint of sadness.

Rona, like the man on the throne, had blue skin, but she lacked the distinctive horns on her head. Her attire resembled that of a military uniform in black.

"Listen, Rona, no, Daughter, you need not embark on this mission personally. We already have our spies infiltrated within the Hyuman territories. You do not have to risk yourself," he pleaded, trying his best to dissuade her, but she interjected before he could continue.

"Father, I understand your concern, but the situation in the Hyuman territories is rapidly deteriorating. We've already lost many comrades, and the command structure is in disarray. Someone must go there to reorganize and lead our forces. Furthermore, if it's not me, it would be Sari, my younger sister.

  As her elder sister, I can't bear to send her into the treacherous land of the Hyumans. Even though she's unaware of our familial ties, I'm determined to protect her."

She paused, her voice filled with emotion, longing, and sadness. "And... maybe, once this is all over, I can finally embrace her and reveal the truth."

"Rona..." Her father was deeply moved by the sacrifice she was willing to make for her sister. 

He had two daughters, his own flesh and blood, but could not openly acknowledge them as such. He could only protect them in secret, ensuring that their true relationship remained hidden until the war was resolved.

This was the burden of responsibility that came with his leadership, a price he was willing to pay if it ensured the safety and happiness of his people. 

Internal conflicts among his family members would be the last thing they needed during their ongoing war with the Hyumans.

"*Sighs* Very well. If you have genuinely considered the consequences and are prepared for this, I, Zef, the Demon Lord of the Demon race and Demi-humans, shall gra—" Just as Zef was granting her permission, there were large-scale power fluctuations originating very close to the kingdom.


"What was that..?!" Zef and Rona both sensed the massive power surge, instantly putting them on high alert.

As Zeff was about to call for further information, a soldier hurried into the throne room, quickly kneeling before the Demon Lord.

"My Lord! We've detected a high-level magic spell cast at the city's border, and based on the information we've gathered, it appears to be a teleportation spell!" The soldier reported with urgency.

"A teleportation spell..!!" Zeff visibly paled; teleportation spells could only be cast by humans during this wartime.

"Swiftly, inform Commander Rushia to reinforce our defenses and instruct everyone to assemble for an emergency meeting here within 5 minutes," Zeff ordered the guard. "Before you go, tell me who is present at the scene. I require full details on what's transpiring there."

"My Lord, General Io and his disciple Lucia are en route to the area," the guard responded confidently.

"Good, good. I shall get in touch with them. You can now proceed to inform the others about the meeting," Zeff instructed.

Turning his gaze towards Rona, he subtly conveyed his expectations. "And Rona, you understand what you need to do, correct?"

"Yes, Father I'll go to Sari. And if matters come to the Grave I shall do what We decided Before."

"Hmm," Zeff nodded solemnly, As that would be the last resort if he wanted to save his Daughters at least when things went south.

Two minutes ago,

A radiant pillar of light suddenly materialized, and as the radiance subsided, two figures emerged from within.

"Well, we've finally arrived," I remarked while holding hands with a woman who curiously surveyed the surroundings. We had just teleported.

"Grey, is this Demon territory?" Ava inquired, her voice a mixture of confusion and intrigue, questioning our unusual choice of destination.

"Yes, Ava, it is. More precisely, we find ourselves on the outskirts of the capital city," I responded casually as if teleporting into such a location were an everyday occurrence.

"The capital city...! But why demons? I don't understand," Ava replied, clearly puzzled by my decision to begin our journey here.

"Indeed, we could have ventured into the wastelands or perhaps even among the Hyumans. However, it's within the Demon, Demi-human, and monster territories that we'll find the utmost loyalty. We need a place to establish our base, an army to lead, and individuals who are both intelligent and trustworthy," I explained, my tone laced with a smile.

"At least to some extent," I added with a smirk.

"Your plan makes sense. Wherever you lead, Grey, I will follow. You promised to reveal a different destiny for this world, remember?" Ava expressed her trust and affection as she drew closer, her hand gently resting on my arm.

"I always keep my promises, Ava... And it appears we have some visitors approaching," I noted, spotting demons on their way towards us.

In the present,

I found myself encircled by numerous soldiers, with two demons positioned in front of me.

"Intruder, you have entered the territory of the Demon Lord, Zef. Surrender peacefully, or we will resort to extreme measures," the female demon among the two warned, her tone firm.

She possessed long blonde hair and sported a pair of stylish glasses, Her military uniform differed from the gigantic man standing beside her and bore a distinct aura of authority.

"Greetings, esteemed denizens of the Demon Kingdom. My name is Grey, and this is Ava. We have come in peace. Would you be so kind as to grant us an audience with the Demon Lord?" I inquired with the utmost respect, adhering to demon etiquette.

'Io sensei, what should we do? Grey claims they are here in peace, and their appearance supports that assertion. He isn't wearing armor or drawing his weapon. Moreover, I can't identify who, but they don't appear to be human,' Ava communicated privately via their mental link.

'Regarding the woman accompanying him, she seems entirely normal to me, devoid of any magical traces or an overwhelmingly imposing physical aura,' she continued.

'Well, you are correct that they don't seem to harbor hostile intentions, and the woman does appear to be an ordinary human. However, you have underestimated Grey's potential threat. Judging by his stance, he is an experienced fighter, if not a dangerous one,' Io provided his perspective on the situation.

'Ahh, I understand now. I apologize for missing that,' she quickly acknowledged her oversight.

'As long as you acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them, it doesn't matter if you are occasionally wrong,' Io imparted his wisdom.

'Yes, sensei,' she replied, now more aware of the potential danger posed by the intruders.

'Io, please escort them to the throne room. I am eager to meet them,' Zef messaged Io privately.

'Yes, my Lord,'

"Travelers Grey and Ava, the Demon Lord has accepted your request. You may meet him in the Throne Room of the castle. Please allow us to escort you," Io politely informed us.

"Yes, of course. Please lead the way," I replied with the same courtesy.

As we passed through the city gates and entered the capital, I was captivated by the beauty of it all. Not the architecture, but the view of the people who appeared cheerful and content. The atmosphere was peaceful, and everyone seemed to be brimming with joy. Demi-humans and demons coexisted harmoniously, filling the city with life. 

Children played in the streets, people bargained at the market, and there were even some lively fights taking place in a betting ring.

I stole a glance at Ava, who was visibly happy and had a radiant smile on her face as she absorbed the vibrant scene.

We finally arrived at the castle and entered the grand throne room. It was a sight to behold. Rows of chairs were neatly arranged on either side of the throne, which sat atop a modest set of stairs.

Flanking the throne, I noticed two remarkable women standing. One appeared mature, devoid of any horns, while the other, despite looking like a young girl, had a keen, discerning gaze, and a single, small horn graced her head amidst her long, straight blonde hair.

'These must be Rona and Sari,' I thought as I briefly observed them, before shifting my gaze to the most prominent figure in the room.

Sitting regally on the throne was Demon Lord Zef. For some reason, he wore a warm, welcoming smile as he looked at me.

"Ah, welcome to the Demon Kingdom, Grey-dono and Ava-san. Please, tell me, why do you wish to meet me?" he inquired.

Grey...dono? The level of honorifics used by Zef piqued my interest. As expected, he had a knack for accurately gauging people.

"First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for the warm welcome and for escorting us to your magnificent city, Demon Lord," I began with a respectful tone.

"As for introductions, I am Grey, and this wonderful woman beside me is Ava, my fiancée," I stated, pulling her a bit closer by her waist. She blushed slightly and seemed annoyed for a moment, but she didn't resist.

"The reason for my visit is to propose a plan that could be mutually beneficial for the Demon race and the Demi-humans. A way to put an end to this war once and for all," I continued in a serious tone. My words stirred whispers and shocked discussions among the generals and ministers in the court.

"Ah, a way to 'end this war' rather than to 'win this war,' you say. What do you imply, Grey-dono?" Zef inquired with an intrigued tone.

"Let me ask you Demon Lord and all other Demons here, What is it that you seek in this War?" I asked




Responses echoed from the crowd.

But Demon generals, Zef, and Rona watched with contemplative expressions. Sari, on the other hand, appeared to grasp my question's deeper meaning and smiled knowingly.

"Demon Lord Zef, you haven't answered yet. Tell me, Zef, what is it that you truly desire?" I addressed him directly, a move that didn't seem to unsettle him as he plunged into deep contemplation.

"I... I... I don't know," he confessed with a surprised realization. "All my life, I wanted to give my best for the people. But as the Hyumans grew arrogant, thinking they could invade us, trample us, and plunder our villages without consequences, I wished to protect my people, to provide them a safe haven for a happy life."

"As the conflicts escalated, we began to retaliate, and in the blink of an eye, we were at war," he continued a tone of emotional pain in his voice. "After all these years... I just... I just want to END this bloodshed. My people have suffered enough. It's time to bring this to an end, once and for all."

"Indeed, your love for your people has transformed into hatred for others," I added, causing a realization to wash over those present.

"You are right, Grey-dono. What do you propose?" Zef inquired, his expression curious.

The room fell into a profound silence as everyone eagerly awaited my response.

"I'll get straight to the point, Demon Lord. I want the Demon race and Demi-humans to join me," I declared, maintaining a serious and determined tone. I knew it might come across as direct, crude, and even arrogant, but when dealing with Demons, honesty and strength were highly regarded.

"No deception, no trickery," I emphasized.

Zef's response was unexpectedly calm. "You want us to be your subordinates? It's understandable," he acknowledged, rising from his throne.


That's it? 

Damn it, I expected someone would yell 'Courting Death' or some version of it. Then I can Faceslap them.

However, Zef's reaction was far more composed.

As he approached me, Zef looked directly into my eyes and inquired, "Grey-dono, is this a challenge? Even then, why should we accept it?"

His question was valid. I had just proposed something unusual, and he had every right to question my motives. Zef was testing my knowledge of etiquette, to see if I was aware of the formalities.

"Indeed, there is no obligation for you to accept a normal challenge, but mine is far from ordinary," I replied with a grin.

"I, Grey, the Heavenly Red Dragon Emperor, challenge Demon Lord Zeff to a Devil's Bet," I declared, my voice loud and unwavering. 

The Devil's Bet was a unique and risky challenge created by Lucifer himself, offering a chance for individuals to win their freedom in Hell.

"A Devil's Bet? Are you sure about this?" Zef asked, genuinely surprised.

"Yes, Demon Lord Zef, I'm absolutely sure. Old rules, winner takes all," I affirmed. 

This was not a casual challenge; it was an all-or-nothing contest with everything at stake. The victor could claim everything the loser possessed, even their soul and existence, effectively making them a slave to the winner's desires. 

It was a truly Devilish wager.

"My Lord, I won't lie. I can't discern his power level at the moment. He is strong, very strong, if I may say. But if we win this bet, we will have a very good chance of ending this war once and for all," Sari interjected, attempting to use her unique discerning eye ability on me.

"Fine, I accept your challenge. Let's go to the arena," Zef said with a smile, brimming with enthusiasm.

"My Lord, we also want to challenge him," the Demon Generals proclaimed upon hearing his acceptance.

"No, let me do this alone. If anything happens, I alone will bear the consequences. The Demon race and Demi-humans need you. Please protect them if things do not go as expected."

"I am counting on you all," Zef implored, embracing them emotionally in a warm hug.

"This... Yes, My Lord," they replied, tears glistening in their eyes.

"Grey-dono, follow me. I'll lead you to the arena where we can settle this bet," Zef said with a serious expression.

I nodded and followed him, with Ava by my side.

The Colosseum,

The arena was vast, reminiscent of the Colosseum I knew, but at least three times larger. If I had to estimate, it could easily accommodate around 150,000 people at once. Currently, it stood empty, with only the court members and a few high-ranking soldiers occupying the seats.

Rona, Lucia, Sari, Io, along with other Demon Generals and candidates, sat in the Emperor's box.

As I prepared to enter the match, someone tugged at my hand. When I turned to see who it was, Ava gave me a light peck on the cheek.

"Be careful, okay?" She whispered to me and quickly ran away before I could react.

Too cute.

That was my only reaction to her sweet antics.

I entered the Colosseum as my name was announced by the announcer.

Strong cheers erupted from the Demon Lord's side as Zef made his entrance into the arena.

Meanwhile, on my side, Ava was cheering for me with love in her eyes.

I grinned and formed a heart shape with my fingers, sending a loving gesture in Ava's direction.

Ava's face lit up with a radiant smile as she caught my gesture. She responded by blowing me a kiss and cheering even louder, her love and support evident in her gaze.

"Are you ready, Grey-dono?" Zef asked.

"Always, Zef-san."

"Good, let's begin," he declared.


Hello Readers,

Sorry for Late update,


I am writting slow due to Exams all week.

Anyways, keeping aside my sad life. Hope you'll Like the New chapter.

As always see you in the next one.

( ≧ᗜ≦)

word count - 2684


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