

From the void of despair to the Emperor of Darkness, follow Grey's journey through the Multiversal Nexus System as he conquers worlds, defies fate, and meets beautiful women from various realms. It's a tale of power, redemption, and romance that transcends dimensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Cover Picture is entirely AI Generated*

readers_viewpoint · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Midnight Madness

Engulfed in my thoughts, a sudden influx of soldiers stormed the throne room.

Strategically blocking every entrance and effectively sealing off all possible exits.

Instinctively, I kept my hand before her, stepping in front.

The sudden intrusion startled all the guests in the room, including nobles.

Even the Emperor and queen, were surprised by the unexpected turn of events.

In the grand throne room, the once joyous atmosphere took an abrupt turn as the soldiers stormed in, blocking every entrance and effectively sealing off all possible exits. Gasps echoed through the opulent hall as nobles, courtiers, and royal family members were caught in the tumultuous whirlwind of unexpected events.

The Emperor, seated on the imposing throne, shot up with anger and disbelief. "What madness is this?" he roared, demanding an explanation.

As the Emperor questioned, I saw Lily, now in a Royal outfit rather than the Fancy Birthday Dress she was in before

. She marched towards the Throne on the red carpet along with Guinevere in her battle Armor and a Few Soldiers following Behind her.

"Lily! What's the meaning of this?!" Emperor Roared, "Just because I allowed you to celebrate your 18th Birthday Don't forget your place!"

'Is this what I think it is...' I mused looking at the unfolding events.

Before The Emperor could Utter his next word, Guinevere, standing tall beside Lily, stepped forward with unwavering determination. "Your Majesty, the time for change has come. Princess Lily believes in a future where the voice of the people matters, where justice and compassion guide the realm."

Queen, her regal poise momentarily shaken, retorted, "Change? Compassion? Do you dare challenge the throne, Girl? You will respect the traditions that have kept this empire prosperous for centuries!"

To which Lily only had Disdain.

She turned around, facing the gathered nobles.

The air was heavy with tension as the princess sought to rally support for her cause.

"Nobles of the Gritonia Empire," she began, her gaze sweeping across the room, "I stand before you not as a threat to our traditions but as a proponent of justice and compassion. Our beloved empire is at a crossroads, and it is within our power to shape its destiny."

Some nobles exchanged skeptical glances, unsure of what to make of this sudden upheaval. Lily pressed on, her words measured and compelling.

"I ask you to consider the actions we take in the name of stability. Is it stability when our kin faces execution without a fair trial? Is it justice when fear governs our decisions?"

"AH!! I see What this is About now. You still Resent us for What happened to your Sister, right?" King Ferdinand, his eyes ablaze with fury, shouted, "You speak of Justice? Your sister stands accused of treason! She conspired against the crown and threatened the Security of our society!"

"That Vile Woman Deserved to Die!!"

Lily's eyes narrowed, and she replied with an unwavering resolve, "Father!, I cannot stand idly by and watch my sister's name Be Branded as a Traitor.

She Fought hard on the Border, She gave up on spending time with her family, Spending Day and Night without sleep So that we could Dream peacefully..."

"Hell! She even celebrated her Birthday in the Outpost among Death and Destruction!" Lily Fumed

"And After all that She did For the Empire, the people, and the VERY Throne you sit on, What DID she get?... Fuckin' Spears through her Chest!"

"Her Name was Removed From the Ancestor tree and the Family Books As if she never existed...Sh-She Didn't even have a Fair Trial, a chance to prove her innocence..." Her Voice trembled as her anger was calming.

The Queen, Stood up from her chair and retorted, "A fair trial? Nonsense! She was caught conspiring with rebels, Lily! The evidence is overwhelming, and her actions have endangered the stability of the empire."

"You Just Shut Up, Bit*h! I hear One More Word From your Nasty Mouth, I'LL KILL YOU first" Lily Threatened her with disgust in her voice as she spoke.

Guinevere, stepping forward, added, "Your Majesty, Forsake of you and your Wife, Please tell the truth. What Happened that day for you to Immediately Execute a War Hero with many Achievements on the very Day She arrived at the Capital??"

"our Princess is Kind-hearted, She Might Spare your Life"

"Yes Father, Today I Sha-...No, Everyone Shall Know The Truth you have been trying to hide for so long..."

"Even if I have to"

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Well, well, well. I am Sorry if I am Interrupting your little Family meeting...but I'll Take this Coup From here, Thank you"

As Lily was About to finish her threat, she was interrupted by the infamous Slow clap.

A figure approaches them from an unrealistic Dark corner in the Room, which is bright enough for someone to mistake it for the Day when it's Midnight.

'Fck! I wanted to try that Move...' I thought as I watched the Young man stand beside the Throne.

"Who the hell are YOU, now?!" The Emperor questioned the young man.

"My Lovely Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Tomoki Iwahashi. From This Moment forth I am The Sole Emperor of The Gritonia Empire"


Tomoki's announcement hung in the air, casting a tense stillness over the throne room. The nobles and courtiers, bewildered and uncertain, exchanged nervous glances.

Emperor, though initially taken aback, regained his composure. "You dare proclaim yourself emperor in my presence?" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

Tomoki, standing confidently, seemed unaffected by the hostility. "Proclaim? No, Your Majesty. I'm not proclaiming; I'm declaring the inevitable. Your reign is over."

murmurs and whispers started in the Hall as people, among the Royal household recognized the young man, "YOU!!... I thought I saw you somewhere before, But now I remember...You are the Stable Boy from the Household!!"

"How Dare You challenge the throne, peasant!!"

The situation heated up as it was one thing for the Royal blood to fight for the Throne, but a mere commoner to have such audacity is a Crime worthy of ending his lineage.

Lily, a mixture of surprise and suspicion on her face, turned her gaze towards Tomoki. Guinevere, by her side, clenched her fists, ready for any sudden movements.

"Preposterous!! Who gave you the right to make such claims?" Emperor shouted after hearing the background of the young man.

"The Goddess herself," Tomoki replied with a bold tone and a sly smile. "I am one of her chosen Heroes, summoned to this world for a purpose."

The revelation sent shockwaves through the room, and a murmur of disbelief spread among the gathered crowd. 

Amidst the Raging Chaos now Silent Queen rose and walked towards Tomoki and stood by his side.

"Wha? What are you doing My Queen??" The emperor was shocked at this act rather than some Low-life demanding the Throne.

"Can't you See what's happening around you?? You still think you have power, old fool."

As she was speaking Tomoki wrapped his lecherous hands around her, roughly squeezing her bosom.

"I..Mhmm..Belong to...nhn...Master Tomoki now, Ahn~" She said as his fondling became rough. 

"YOU..You..ha.haha.hahahaha~ GOOD, WELL SAID. I've been living among snakes this whole time...It was my blindness that I couldn't see earlier. But now...Now I see it Clearly, Girl you really have outsmarted everyone here, To think you Seduced a Hero and Brought him into our House"

"You did take everything from me."

"Well Played!! You want to know the truth about your sister Right? Well, here it is" He Said with an evil glint as he reached out into his sleeves.

"wai-!! BASTARD!! NOOO!!" Before Lily could Rush to him, He removed a hidden dagger.

*Swiish* *Slash*

With a swift movement of his hand, he slashed his neck.

"You'll....never...KNOW...he.he.he" He said with blood in his mouth before he grew limp.

"Why...WHY!! why did he die?! Was Telling the truth More Harder than Just...."Lily stared at the lifeless body on the Throne with disbelief.

"Princess, Get it Together! Queen is still Alive, She Might Know the reason..."Guinevere said as she held Lily, who was shaken.

"yes...Yes, That Bit*h may know-!!"


A sudden explosive sound dragged everyone to reality as they turned their Heads towards the Source of it.

"eh?.." They froze at the scene in front of their eyes, as they couldn't process it.



with the noise a headless body fell, her head completely obliterated.

"QUEEN!!!!" The crowd shouted in fear and despair as they saw their queen's body in the middle of a pool of blood. 

"The fu-" Lily cursed, But Tomoki interrupted.

"Relax now, she is now more useful to me by being dead than alive," he said nonchalantly.

"what?? what are you talking about?" Lily was now in utter confusion at what was unfolding on the very night she was supposed to get justice for her dead sister.

Tomoki chuckled, a hint of darkness in his eyes. "my dear princess, now that she is dead I am the only person who knows the secret."


"Well then, if want to know...Come here and kneel before me like a good girl you are, Lily " He said as his gaze was filled with lust.

Lily and Guinevere looked at him with Hate and anger.

"Come on now...You want to prove your sister's innocence, right?"

"All you have to Do is kneel before me and accept me as your Master, My sweet princess~"

"never...I will NEVER betray him!!" Lily said with fiery determination and love.

"oh~ you have sweetheart then, I'll Enjoy this even more as he watches helplessly"

Before Lily could respond I stepped beside her, holding her hand gently.

"Grey..?" she looked at me, to which I replied with a smile

"Let me take care of this, Lily" 


word count - 1652


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