
Darkness to Dawn

After his fall, the demon prince finds it hard to cope in a human society, but after encountering humans that pique his interest, he decides to delve into the fascinating world of living as a human , trying to juggle his wounded past, prospectful present and a future where he doesn't expect he'll come to cherish his humanity But little does he know what's in store for him.... Watch as he journeys through the thrilling life in humanity facing unlikely obstacles and making bonds that may drastically change his entire life.....Darkness to dawn? he didn't know but his dawn glowed with a particular darkness

pov_junkie · Urban
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25 Chs


The dimension was at the brink of an inevitable war, all that was needed was an Instigation and the annexation of the dwarves by the humans gave them the perfect excuse.

The abyssal and celestial races accused the humans of wantonly abusing their strength and proclaimed that letting them run amok could lead to the extinction of many races.

Now having a just cause they attacked. The war carried on for years and was filled with extremely brutal battles.

Knowing that the human race would not be able to withstand the combined might of hundreds of races, the leaders began to launch a series of suicidal crusades aimed at dragging the enemy to extinction along with them.

A decisive battle was finally fought and humans were finally defeated however the battle also had other implications. The dimensional space became unstable causing it to share into three major parallel spaces and many other small realm.

The humans alongside their allies were banished to one of the three main parallel spaces. This world was a natural prison as only mortals could enter but no mortal could leave. I was coined the Mortal realm. 

After the defeat of the humans the expected peace still did not come. The celestial and abyssal races fought hard for supremacy, but both races were equally matched and after realizing the devastating losses they were suffering they decided to call a truce and split the world lest they end up exterminating each other and letting others reap the benefits.

The abyssal race picked one of the parallel spaces that suited the dark races and led all negative creatures in before sealing it.

The celestials did the same and the stray misfit races that didn't quite belong to either extreme were left to join the humans in the Mortal realm or occupy one of the mini dimensions, but that was very risky so most of them chose to come to the Mortal realm.

Thousands of years passed and the former glory of the human race was forgotten and they were regarded as just another regular race.

The warfare between the two rival realms; the celestial and abyssal realms, changed pattern drastically due to the discovery of faith.

After it was found out that the power of worship could be harnessed, both realms dispersed many of their members into the small realms and the world's of the Mortal realm carrying with them doctrines of different religions.

The battle was no longer fought by their main troops anymore but by proxy through the use of their religions.

" The world we live in is known as the Mortal world, it's the center of the Mortal realm and has inhabitants of different races. There are also other worlds settled by different mortal races. " Johan continued

" The humans on this world are dominantly of the celestial religion and they believe in the church of light . The abyssal races influence is minimal and confined to the badlands. "

" But that's were we are headed, if we can get to the badlands safely then we would finally be free from the church's clutches " Johan finished saying.

" Well that was enlightening " Von said.

" But it still doesn't explain why we are running from the church in the first place"

" That I can answer, Maya here is the granddaughter of the previous head of the church, when she passed away one of her granddaughters was supposed to inherit the position but it seems something is off and they are all avoiding it so the church let out a capture order "

Johan replied with a smile as he looked at Maya.

" How do you fuckin know this " Von said as he gaped. Most of his knowledge came from bloodlines memories and years of experience, but Johan however was seventeen for real and was not like him; an old fart in a young body. Johan was like the big boss behind the scenes who had a grasp over the whole situation and this gave Von a stifling feeling, 'when did I become an extra in my own plot? ' .

" Everyone has their secrets Von " Johan replied, his smile never leaving his mouth.

" My grandma was once a cheerful and caring devotee of the church, but it all change when she became the head of the church "

" She began to act weird and sadistic, in public she was an amiable figure but in private she was slightly crazy, plagued by insomnia and schizophrenia her sadistic tendencies deepened and she became an obsessed fanatic "

" She claimed to see spirits and was obsessed with the principles of the church.

Her death came as a surprise to me and her irregular behavior added to the fact that my cousin was taken to the cathedral but ran away made me skeptical about the church's affairs and I ran away from home when it was mentioned that I would have to take upy grandma's position "

" This has nothing to do with the both of you and you are all just implicated because of me " she said as she sighed in a helpless fashion.

" That my dear is where you are wrong, this has everything to do with all off us " Johan said.

" First a brief introduction would be needed, we all know who Maya is , Amaya Dehayes , granddaughter of the head of the church "

" I am Johan Greyling the ninth (IX), heir of the Greyling family and also the last off the Greylings " he said the last part with a tinge of bitterness.

" Greyling, you mean the Greyling family that has been in opposition of the church for more than 500 years now? " Maya asked.

Although she was not well versed in the general history of the world, issues concerning the church were still within her scope of knowledge.


Seeing that Johan was no longer in the mood to chat, they all went back to their own thing. Peanuts took a nap on the deck, purring as it basked in the sun rays, Maya was exploring the yacht's interior while Von just sat quietly, secretly felling relieved about not having to talk about his situation. He had deduced the reason for the church being after him, but it would be difficult to explain to the others.