
Darkness Personified

After the Fourth Great Ninja War the Sage of Six Paths sealed away Yami or better known as Naruto Uzumaki (Child of Darkness) and (The Dark Juubi). Yami having successfully obtained the power of the Ten Tails and Kaguya sought to destroy his world and consume all life, betrayed those who thought he was friend and killed all those he hated. Letting those he once pretended to care for feel all of his pain. The Sage too late to stop Yami from consuming all life on the planet sealed in a permanent sleep hopefully never to be seen again. Star Wars x Naruto x Aniverse crossover I do not own Star Wars or Naruto or any anime I might use for material.

KitsuneFae · Anime & Comics
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Awake after an Eternal Sleep

"Master are you sure what Lord Sidious sensed is out here? I mean I don't want to question him, but we are deep in unknown space. There can't possibly be anything worth while." Asked a feminine voice wearing a cloak hide her features except her mouth.

"Ventress my dear apprentice yes I am sure. Something is out here calling to my master and he wants me to check it out. I wouldn't bring you if this wasn't important." Said a noble sounding male with the same type of cloak hiding his feature accept for his goatee.

"I still think you should kill the old hoot. Sidious is just a crazy fool master." The now named Ventress said.

"Don't say such things, even as far away as we are he can still kill you." The man said.

"Tch, whatever Dooku. Let's just get this over with so I can continue my little game with obi." Ventress said licking her lips.

Shaking his head the now named Dooku headed to a moon circling a dead planet and said. "Look that's where the coordinates lead. Let's get going and get whatever is calling out back home."

On the moon

"Stay with the ship Ventress I have a bad feeling about this place, it reeks of death." Dooku said as a shiver ran up his spine. As he gets off the ship he sees a place close by and goes to investigate.

Halfway there he started hearing something. "Free me. Free me." In an innocently sweet tone.

Looking around he sees a strange set of runes and symbols on the ground and uses the force breaks the seal.

*Yami's Pov*

"Oh many years has it been since that old geezer put me here? How long as it been since I started sending out messages telepathically to find someone to free me. How long as it been since someone talked to me and promised my freedom?" A young voice of an innocent voice hiding it's hate and hunger.

"And finally after so long someone has finally find me. I can't wait to repay this Darth Sidious for his kind act. Hmmm maybe I should take his power and soul so he can live through me for eternity? Yea that sounds like a great reward. I will even do the same for his friends he sent here. They won't ever be lonely. Ahh, and here they are. I will be free soon." The boy said as he let out a soft giggle.

Feeling the seal break he began to laugh with the innocence of a little boy.

*Dooku Pov*

After breaking what I assumed to be some sort of seal, I begin to hear laughter from what sounded like a young boy.

"Are you the one Sidious tasked with freeing me?" A young boy looking no older than ten walked out into the open with grey skin, pure white hair, strange eyes with purple sclera with what looks like essentric rings, the pupil an orange with a slit and bar like features. His outfit all white with strange magotama marks on the collar. Strangest thing was the whisker marks on his cheeks and orbs following him from behind.

"Yes you may call me Count Dooku. And who may you be sir?" Asked calmly nothing betraying the fear he was feeling as his instincts were telling him to run far far away. That even his master couldn't take on this monster.

"Oh sorry... hahaha... you can call me... YAMI." His eyes glowed an ominous blood red as he said his name.

*Yami Pov*

After introducing myself I saw the fear in this Dooku's eyes and had to control myself from eating him right then and there. Oh the fear, I missed seeing such emotion. Letting out a small giggle I ask "so are we just going to stand here and stare into each other's eyes or are you going to take me to meet your master?" Giggling when I saw him fight down a blush. From embarrassment or something else I don't know but he is kinda cute. I might fuck him before I eat him. Oh Sage knows I need some action. I thought as I giggle again watching him walk off my eyes following his nice ass as I follow him to his ship.

Now you readers might be like... how do I know about ships and other technology. Well duh I had that dumb ass Sidious tell me everything I needed to know so I wouldn't look like an idiot. And well when I meet him? I'm going to have a nice supper. Hahahahahaha!

(A/N causal forth wall break. I hope I pulled it off smoothly. Tell me what you think.)