
Darkness of Remnant

A man dies and gets reincarnated with wishes and he only has one thing on his mind fucking some sexy remnant bitches and killing people.

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Hooodini walks up to the cages with Spindra in tow Blake and Adam were in separate cages both tied to a chair.

"How convenient is it that this place has cages." Hooodini laughed opening up Adams cage.

"Come on wakey wakey little bull." Hooodini splashes a bucket of freezing water on his face causing him to cough and spit.

"You bastard how could you side against are kind we are trying to get rights for our people revenge for what those humans did to us for years." Adam yelled at Hooodini.

"Oh really." Hooodini walked closer to Adam.

"Ye—-." Adam was cut off when Hooodini back handed him sending him and his chair to the ground.

Adam spits up some blood and glares at Hooodini. Only to receiving a laugh as Hooodini pulls his chair back up.

"You see Adam I don't give 2 shits about your little Faunus rebellion. As I said if your my enemy you die and as it turns out your my enemy….so I'm in a little predicament. I could either kill you or give you back to the white fang in exchange for something." Hooodini walks around him.

"I don't give a shit about what you have to say you filthy fucking traitor." Adam tries to spit at him.

"No but you'll listen." Hooodini smiles before bringing a metal pole from his top hat.

"So let's play a game I will ask you a question every time you lie or fail to answer within 10 seconds I'll hit you understood good now let's begin." Hooodini places the pole on his shoulder.

"Fuck you and you-Argh." Hooodini swung the pole hitting Adam in his chest, sending him back against the cage.

"First question. When did you join the white fang?" Hooodini twirled the pole in his hand and just glared.

"Sigh alright then." Hooodini smacks him on the head with the pole with his aura still exhausted; his skull took the hit, blood trailed down his forehead.

"Question 2. Have you fucked Blake yet?" Hooodini asked.

"If you don't answer I'll have to find out the more pleasurable way actually I might do that."

"Yes I have fucking bastard." Adam said.

"Oh ho ho Spindra that's 1000 lien you owe me I told you this kitty wasn't innocent." Hooodini pointed to the still unconscious Blake.

"That's annoying I hate losing maybe I'll take his cock off for costing me money." Spindra spinning some string in her hand.

"No, not yet go wake up Blake."Hooodini smiled.

Spindra walked into Blake's cell and threw water on her.

"Hello kitty oh a glare I forgot kitties don't like being wet." Spindra smirked.

"Good now, come back, we have some torturing to do." Hooodini said.

"Blakey, let's play a game since Adam didn't want to play with me, so you'll have to do." Hooodini started.

"Question 1. What is your bra size." Hooodini asked.

"W-What." Blake stuttered

"Sigh." He cocks back and slams the pole into Adam's back.

"Wait, stop please it's 32 D." She said with redness on her face.

"See was that so hard." Hooodini said

"Next question. How big is Adam's cock."


"What was that I couldn't hear you." Hooodini cupped his ear.

"4 inches." Blake yelled.

Spindra and Hooodini both started to burst out laughing, rolling on the ground.

"Holy shit Adam I took back what I said if I was you I'd be mad at the world too." Hooodini laughed.

"This I gotta see." Spindra unbuckled Adam's pants much to his protest and pulled it down to his Ankles.

"Oh lord it's true." Hooodini fake fainted and Spindra was laughing uncontrollably smacking it around.

"Honestly I wouldn't care because many people have 4 inch cocks but I've never seen someone try to act like such a alpha male with a small cock." Spindra was almost choking on laughter.

"It's not even about the size. I know people with small cocks that can pleasure a woman almost as good as me but this is just too much." Hooodini laughed.

"Ne-Nex- oh shit just give me a minute." Hooodini was getting his breath back.

"He pleasures me just fine more than you ever could." Blake glared at Hooodini.

This caused the two to go silent before Hooodini walked over to Blake's cage and bent down in front over her.

"Oh kitty you know your my prisoner right I could rape you right here and now and no one could do any. It wouldn't even be the first time but I'm not going to do that instead I'm going to prove you wrong." Hooodini grabbed her shirt and ripped it open along with her pants exposing her purple underwear.

"No stop get off of me." Blake struggles

"Don't touch her, you bastard." Adam yells jerking around in his chair.

"Now Blakey I want you to say Master Hooodini please pleasure me in ways Adam's tiny cock couldn't." Hooodini told her but she refused, only glaring.

"Alright then Spindra you know what to do." Hooodini stood up infront of Blake and turned her chair towards Adam with Spindra doing the same.

Spindra then crouched down and wrapped Adam's cock with one hand spreading the tip.

"What are you doing?" Adam tried jerking around.

Spindra lifted one finger over the hole and a razor sharp string slowly started descending. Adam saw those and started yelling and thrashing.

"You better stop moving so much or the string will rip apart everything." Spindra said, focused as her string went farther in.

"Blake don't give in Arghhh." Adam said

"Master Hooodini please pleasure me in ways Adam's tiny cock couldn't. Please stop this." Blake said tears were pouring down her eyes.

"There that's it." Hooodini started kissing her neck leaving hickeys all around it as one hand massaged her breast and the other slide into her panties rubbing her clit.

Blake suppressed a moan barely making Hooodini smirk. Pinching and twisting her nipples while his finger went to work in her pussy he whispered in her ear.

"Purr for me kitty trust me Adam could never pleasure you in ways I can." Hooodini bit her ear and Blake couldn't hold her moan in anymore.

"See there bull man, your precious kitten moaning from another mans touch." Spindra looked up to see Adam looking away.

"Oh no no no you have to watch." Spindra put the string down farther until it wrapped around one of his balls and squeezed.

Adam roared in pain thrashing around uncontrollably screaming, getting the attention from the other two that were too caught up in each other.

"Jesus Christ Adam can you shut the fuck yo I'm trying to please a woman over here shit I forgot you guys don't even know him." Hooodini yelled Blake tried to say something but Hooodini increased his fingers speed and a moan was all that came out.

"No Bully oh bully that's a nice nickname anyway look forward and watch please." Spindra smiled, giving the string a little tug.

Adam reluctantly looked forward to see Blake's body arched as she leaned into Hooodini fingers.

Hooodini bit down on her nipple and sped up his fingers even more. Blake's body arched as far as it could when tied down until she moaned so loud it echoed through the whole building and she came drenching the seat and Hooodini fingers.

Hooodini laughed and looked at his handiwork. Blake was breathing heavily with hickeys all down her body and her seat drenched in cum. This most satisfying thing was that she was unconsciously purring combined with her hazy eyes made him want to duck her right there but he held back.

"As I said in ways he could even comprehend." Hooodini laughed

"I'm sorry Adam." was all Blake could say.

"Blake smile for the camera." Hooodini took a picture on his phone and laughed at her wide eyed expression.

"Now down to business." Spindra nodded and pulled out her scroll before dialing the number to Ghira Belladonna how did she get his number why Cynthia of course.

"Hello, who is this?" Ghira's voice spoke, making Blake turn to Hooodini with a pleading expression.

He whispered in ear before untying her and sitting down. Blake got up and took the rest of her clothes off before kneeling down in front of Hooodini and pulling down his pants.

Hooodini smirked at the shocked expression on her face. Not surprising as his cock was more than twice the size of Adam's.

"Hello who is this? This is a prank call". Ghira said more aggressively.

"No no sorry about that Mr.Belladonna." Hooodini said quickly motioning for Blake to get started.

She had tears running down her face as she took the head of his cock in her mouth. He could tell this was her first time giving a blowjob. The inexperience turned him on though and now he could mold her into exactly what pleasures him.

"No no your teeth are scraping against it don't try to take it in all at once and use your tongue more. Yes that's it oh shit you're a natural." Hooodini groaned.

"Alright that's it you creep don't call this phone again."

"Oh sorry Mr.Belladonna I was just teaching your daughter how to worship my cock with her mouth." Hooodini laughed as Blake immediately pulled back with a betrayed expression.

He pointed at Adam almost passing out from pain and his cock making Blake engulf his cock once more.

"Oh shit what can I say except she's a natural." Hooodini put the phone down beside Blake's head causing Ghira to hear the slurps and gags.

"Who are you and what have you done to my daughter." Ghira screamed.

"My name is Hooodini. I'm an owl Faunus that happens to work for someone that needs this facility working. Don't try to deny it. I know you still know everything going on with the white fang."

Hooodini groaned again as Blake went deeper than ever with his tip traveling down her throat. She gagged and coughed pulling back and breathing hard spitting up some of his precum.

Hooodini had to take a quick picture of her messing mouth and ready eyes face next to his wet cock.

"Hooodini I know you, your the main dog of that bitch Cynthia." Ghira growled.

"Bitch how dare you you worthless fucking flea bag. You seem to forget I have your fucking daughter on her knees sucking my dick I could bend her over and rape her until her died and you want to disrespect my fucking empress." Hooodini was enraged and grabbed Blake by the hair lifting her up, making her scream.

"Blake!!! I'm sorry I didn't mean it, let's come to a deal." Ghira said.

"No no deals anymore." Hooodini hung up the phone and looked down to the crying Blake.

"I apologize for the display and my rudeness. Blakey your mine now and I shouldn't treat you like that." Hooodini patted her head.

"I need to cum then we will talk about what we are going to do." Blake slowly went back to him and bobbed her head up and down twirling her tongue on his tip.

"Yes that's it". Hooodini grabbed her tits and played with them before grabbing her head and forcing it down, pushing his cock deep in her throat and blowing his load.

Hooodini stayed there making Blake realize he was moving until she swallowed so she drank down his enormous amount of cum.

Hooodini smiled and pulled back, letting her breath again. He then lifted her head up.

"You don't want to be apart of the White fang anymore do you." He asked and she only shook her head.

"Blake." Adam was woken up already from Spindra splashing water in his face.She turned around to she his expression of disbelief.

"That's good now I'll release you on 4 conditions."

"Condition 1 you will cut off contact with the white fang completely." Blake nodded.

"Condition 2 anytime you see me after today you will follow my orders without question." Blake thought nodded.

"Conditions 3 you will not ever allow another boy to touch you in any kind of attraction or sexual way. Trust me Blakey I will find out and the consequences will be severe." Blake nodded once more.

"Condition 4 you will be marked as mine." Blake thought for a while before nodding.

"Good kitten." Spindra said, grabbing her and holding her up with her back pointed towards Hooodini.

Hooodini placed a finger upon Blake's naked back. His darkness poured into her skin Blake screamed as it took shape across her back.

After 10 minutes across her entire back was the face of a pitch black angry owl.

"Spindra stitched your clothes back together go ahead and gets your stuff your free to go." Hooodini smiled.


Name: Blake Belladonna

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Amber



Semblance/Aura Color: Shadow/Purple

Fun fact:Loves tuna