
Darkness of Remnant

A man dies and gets reincarnated with wishes and he only has one thing on his mind fucking some sexy remnant bitches and killing people.

Webmonger · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


"How!"Gran yelled

"It's not really that hard to guess but it doesn't matter I have very good ears." Hooodini said

"You won't touch them." Gran growled

"On the contrary me and your wife will be getting very intimate tonight." Hooodini smirked.

"You bastard." Gran rushed him once more swinging his axe diagonally.

Hooodini twirls his blade multiple times then brings it up from the ground to clash with the axe.

"You want to test my strength dumb move." Gran yells and pushes down harder.

"A brute through and through." Hooodini uses the power of Gran to spin off slashing Gran's side.

"Gehehehehehehehe." Hooodini laughs villainously.

Gran goes back on the defensive blocking strikes from Hooodini's double bladed sword. Hooodini quickly moves around Gran striking at him from all sides.

Although Hooodini is connecting the bone armor is proving its worth and taking the full brunt of the hits.

"Annoying but I can tell it's starting to wear." Hooodini smiles before sending another barrage of strikes at him.

'Shit he's right my aura is also running low I need to find a way to prolong this.' Gran thinks and raises his Axe before slamming it into the ground.

Hooodini jumps to avoid the ground breaking beneath him. A large gap is now distancing the two fighters.

'Ha I think that will by enough time.' Gran thought exhausted.

"Gran oh Gran you realize I have wings right that was an incredible waste of energy." Hooodini face palms and uses his wings to fly over to the other side.

"Shit." Gran swings his axe horizontally which Hooodini ducks under and kicks him into the wall.

Gran bounces off the wall and Hooodini sticks his blade into his armor getting the blade stuck.

"How about I take you for a spin." Hooodini flies up with his blade still in Gran and spins him around until the blade slips out and launches Gran towards the ground.

"Argh!" Gran slams into the ground creating a spider web on the ground. Quickly grabbing his axe a couple feet away he parried an attack from Hooodini.

"Haaa!" Gran throws Hooodini's sword back and begins to spin while holding his axe out making getting close to him next to impossible.

Hooodini grins and creates a darkness portal right beside his feet and uses his blade to slash Gran's unprotected heel. Hoooodini's blade cuts through it like butter as his aura was too low to protect him any longer.

"Argh!" Gran falls to the ground on one knee.

"This is we're it ends." Hooodini says jumping into the air and swinging his sword down.

Gran uses the axe to push himself up and the momentum to do a full body swing. Hooodini is forced to ricochet off the axe and creates a portal right above Gran's head.

'I'm sorry my wife I've failed you.' Gran thought before being beheaded as Hooodini swings down into the portal.

Blood splatters as Gran's head hits the floor and rolls to Hooodini's feet.

"I think I'll take this as a gift for your wife." Hooodini said stepping on the head.

"Now it's time to complete my contract and have some fun." Hooodini clothes switch back and he stores the head in his top hat.

"I hope the towns people are ready from some late night fireworks." Hooodini takes off into the sky and throws unstable fire dust crystal around by the dozens all over the village from above.

Immediately screams and smoke fill the air as the fire spreads. House exploding, people burning, children screaming all music too his ears.

After a couple more minutes silence and the crackling of fire is all that's heard in the village.

Two piercing yellow eyes watch two figures moving in the forest a mile away and a smirk gracing his lips.

-With John-

"Come on Lady Sheila we have to keep moving." John says grabbing the red haired ladies arm pulling her forward.

"What's happening? Where's Gran? Is that the village burning what's going on?" Sheila asked.

"Don't tell me your abandoning your post leaving them to die will you take me." Sheila keep trying to pry herself from his grip.

John decided to rest for a bit and get her caught up so she would stop slowing them down.

"My lady we encounter a Faunus the guards couldn't beat within a minutes all the guards were dead except me and Gran. I wanted to fight but he told me that he would hold the man off so I could get you to safety. Please my lady it's his dying wishing for you and his child to get to safety." John said before getting up and moving again.

Sheila's blue eyes already had tears running down them. She couldn't handle it why her why their village it was so peaceful it never bothered anyone why did this have to happen to them.

"Please hurry we need to move faster before he catches up." John said running back to her and picking her up.

"Before who catches up." A deep voice asks causing both of them to look up and see a winged man on a tree branch in front of them.

"Don't tell me you mean me Johnny boy you eound me so." Hooodini said acting hurt.

"Why can't you be more like Gran see just look how happy he is to be with me." Hooodini takes off his top hat and throws a head out of it that lands on the ground in front of them.

Sheila gasps and sobs while John looks with wide eyes in disbelief. His fist clench so hard his fingernails dig into his skin.

"What's with that look Johnny boy you really didn't think this old washed up bastard could kill me did you." Hooodini smirked.

"Oh I bet you saw him as a father didn't you maybe if you begged me I wouldn't have removed his pitiful head from his body." Hooodini laughed.

John looked to the ground making his hair shadow his eyes and a blue aura explodes out of him signally his aura unlocking.

"Ohhhh." Hooodini says intrigued staring down at the blonde haired guard.

"Lady Sheila please go run somewhere else you must not let this man get to you." John said putting her down and unsheathing his sword.

"But John." She tries to argue but a glare from Hooodini hit her up.

"Shut up bitch can't you see we are about to have some fun." Hooodini says with a crazy look on his face.

"Go now Sheila I will come find you once I slay this monsters." John said never taking his eyes off Hooodini.

"There they are those unyielding eyes ohhhh man I can't wait to rip them out of your skull hahahaha." Hooodini starts laughing crazy.

Black aura clashes with blue combined with intense bloodlust making the air practically scream danger.

Sheila gives them one last look before running away into the forest hearing battle cries and clashing steel.


A/N: After every chapter I will put a one character page. I'll put two on this one for chapter 1&2.

Name: Gran

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Red

Height: 6'4

Age: 46

Semblance/Aura Color: Bone Armor/White

Fun fact: Favorite food is bird soup


Name: John

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Bright Green

Height: 5'10


Semblance/Aura Color: Unknown/Blue

Fun fact: Has a deep hatred for Faunus after one killed his parents